The Job

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(Lucy POV)

I sat up from my place on the floor, stretching my arms out and yawning, I opened my eyes and say Laxus sound asleep on my bed, I blushed. I quietly got up and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I walked over to the bathtub, turning the water on and filling the tub for a bath. As the water filled I undressed and slowly slid into the steamy water. Just then I heard a knock on the door.

"Lucy are you in there?" It was l
Laxus, I blushed.

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled, and sighed as I heard him walk away.

"At least he knocks" I said to myself, I sighed again and stepped out and got dressed. I opened the door and started to walk out, when I saw!?

"H-hey Laxus wh-what are you doing!?" I said blushing a deep red color and covering my eyes, h-he had no shirt on and was in his boxers. His face was also red.

"S-sorry Lucy I thought you would have been longer!" He said and quickly put some pants on.

"You can look now or not if you mind seeing me with no shirt on" he said, I shook my head.

"No I'm fine I mean we're in the same guild as Gray heh" I said with a slight giggle, he quietly chuckled. I moved my hands away and saw him, he stood in front of me, shirtless, I could feel his body heat from across the room. He blushed more and put a shirt on, the heat was gone.

"We should probably get going so we can make it there fast" he said, I nodded and grabbed a few things we might need and my celestial keys. He looked at me and I smiled and nodded.

"Ok let's go" he said exiting the door, I followed and shut and locked it. We walked down the steps and we went outside. The sun had not fully risen so it wasn't as bright out.

"Well let's get a move on" I said, Laxus nodded and we started to head to the train station.

(At the station)

The station was almost empty, a few women and children stood together as we walked, they were all looking at Laxus and silent? I looked at Laxus who wasn't speaking either, just looking straight ahead and walking to get on the train.

"Hey Laxus?" I said hesitatly, he snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me.

"Hmm?" He said, I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Do you know anything about our first job?" I asked trying not the hurt him about these people. He sighed.

"Well first of all I know you wanted to ask something about all these people staring." He said calmly, my eyes widened.

"H-how!?" I asked, he chuckled.

"Your face" he said, looking straight again, I blushed.

"W-well still!" I said, looking down, why am I blushing!? I mean I know I don't like him, right?

"Hey Lucy!!" I was snapped from my thoughts by Laxus griping my shoulder, I winced.

"Ow!" I said, he gasped quietly.

"I'm so sorry! I can't control my strength" he said, pulling his hand off and holding it close to him away from me. I shook my head and smiled.

"Its ok but come on we need to get on the train!" I said, he nodded and we walked faster to get on. As we got on the train had slowly started to leave. I started to walk into a car with tons of people, but then I felt Laxus grab my arm.

"Let's sit back here" he said, I nodded and followed him to the back car. We sat next to each other, he was still holding his hand. I smiled at him and took it into my small hand.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now