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(Panda POV)(Play during whole chapter)

It was finally time, Lucy and Laxus's wedding. It was a beautiful venue which Lucy's father picked out as well as was paying for the event. When Lucy brought Laxus home to meet her father, she was so nervous that he would hate Laxus and refuse his blessing. But on the contrary he absolutely loved him, he was polite and respectful and was the perfect thing his little girl needed. It was a wonderful day, both Lucy and Laxus hadn't seen each other for about 2 weeks per-request of Lucy's father. It was tradition for the bride and groom to be apart before the wedding. But in those 2 weeks alone they both got there parties planned by close friends and had a lot of build up energy for their wedding night. Which was already showing that morning, Lucy stood in front of the mirror fixing her corset trying to make her boobs fit as Erza slid her garter up onto her thigh.

"H-hey Erza that's to high if Laxus has to pull that off m-my dad will be watching" she stutter, but Erza just snickered and got up leaving it where it was causing Lucy to blush. She sighed and slipped on her white lace thong and Erza helped her put on her dress and veil. She was so excited. Laxus on the other hand....

"Natsu what are you doing??! She isn't gonna want me to use that!" He yelled as Natsu pulled out a smaller whip from a bag that says married and laid.

"But you don't know that! She might and you guys haven't gotten any in 2 weeks so she might want to!" He yelled, Laxus groaned and through it in the closet. He kinda wanted to do more kinky stuff with Lucy but it was their wedding night maybe on the honeymoon. He sighed and looked in the mirror, he looked pretty good in a black suit and golden tie. But he bet Lucy looks twice as good, he smiled and his pants started to tighten a bit. Natsu pats him on the shoulder and smiles.

"Lucy sure is a lucky lady" he said, Laxus chuckled.

"It's me who's lucky" he said, Natsu laughed.

"I'm gonna go see how the girls are going" he said, Laxus nodded still fixing his tie in the mirror.

(Natsu POV)

I left Laxus alone and walked down the hall to where the girls were. Once at the door I saw Lucy's father standing guard.

"Natsu what are you doing here? The men can't see my Lucy until the ceremony" he said, I rolled my eyes a bit.

"It's ok, I'm not the groom" I said, he grumbled just then the door opened revealing Erza's head.

"What's going on Mr. Heartfilia?" She asked, then she looked at me.

"Oh Natsu come in here so nobody sees Lucy!" She said yanking me in. Once inside I gasped as I saw Lucy. She stood in a beautiful white and pink dress with frills and long gloves, when she saw me she smiled.

"Hey Natsu" she said sweetly, I chuckled and came to her taking her by the hand and twirling her which made her giggle.

"You look absolutely stunning" I said, she giggled again and hugged me.

"Thanks Natsu, soo how good does Laxus look" she asked me with a deep red tint to her face, Erza punched her in the shoulder and i laughed.

"You'll see when you walk to him" i said, she nodded and walked back to the mirror to finish getting ready. Erza stood next to me and smiled.

"I'm so happy for them" she said, i nodded.

"Me to, i hope they stay together forever" I said, she laughed.

"Oh they will" she said, i smiled and soon Lucy's father popped in.

"Natsu, Laxus is looking for you so out you go" he said, i nodded and waved to the girls, once out of the room i saw Laxus standing down the hall, probably because Lucy's father wouldn't let him get any closer. I walked down to him.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now