A girl worth fighting for

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(I no it's a mulan reference but it works so don't judge me)(also love me some mulan lol)

(Laxus POV)

I ran as fast as I could down the hall until I got to the main hall, I saw everyone fighting for their lives, so I decided to join in. I lit up like a electric Christmas tree and started zapping people with my lightening, as I fought I fought back to back with Erza, Blaze and Lizanna.

"Hey Laxus welcome to the party where's Mira?" Lizanna asked, I was still pissed.

"She raped me and then fell for me saying I wanted to fuck her and so now she's restrained in her room, I could have killed her but she's your sister" I said, she nodded.

"That's ok Laxus I understand if you did I wouldn't be mad but we have to get justice and save Lucy" she said, I nodded and we all fought together. We took down as many demons as we could.

"Laxus you Erza and Blaze find Lucy" Master yelled, we nodded and ran out of the room leaving the rest of the guild to fight. We soon entered the room and I blushed as I saw Lucy on her knees in front of that Storm guy.

"So you got away from Mira, to bad she really wanted you" he said as he pet Lucy's head, I noticed she was moving her head.

"Oh you want to see what my lovely bride is doing" he said and snapped his fingers, Lucy turned a bit and saw her licking him, I grit my teeth. He chuckled and moved her head and he grunted.

"She is a wonderful bride" he said, I was pissed. I started to charge, he looked at me confused.

"Listen I don't have a clue what your goal is, but I'll hold you responsible for hurting my friends! My family is fairy tail! I will crush my family's enemies! And I will protect my Lucy!" I yelled, me, Erza, Blaze, and Lisanna got ready to fight. Just the Storm started to laugh. He then snapped his fingers and Lucy stood, he the fixed his pants and she turned around.

"My dear will you take care of this filth, so that I may make love to you" he asked putting his hands on her shoulders then caressing her breasts. I growled, she nodded and she soon transformed. She wore a red open stomach bodysuit with a large fluffy collar and flowing coattails, thigh high red socks and metal boots as well as metal gauntlets on her hands. And her hair was in a high ponytail. I stepped forward to fight her.

"Lucy please it's me I don't want to fight you" I started, she didn't say anything but manifest a large lightening sword and dashed at me. She was fast I had to dodge and fast.

"Come on fight me!" She yelled, I didn't say anything as I kept dodging her as best I could but she still ended up hitting me a bit. Each slash cut deep and I could the lightening in my veins. My anger wanted me to end this quickly but I couldn't force myself to hurt Lucy.

"Are you just afraid I'd win?! If I wanted this over quickly it would be" she said grinning, I huffed things needed to get serious.

"Fine have it your way, I'm sorry Lucy" I said as my eyes turned bright yellow and beams of lightening started to emerge from me with the sound of almost static. She smiled a toothy grin and our real battle began. I dashed at her with lightening speed (puns lol) and started slashing at her and trying to shock her, she was not ready and got cut up a bit. She jumped back and saw the blood and chuckled.

"Now your not fighting like a pussy" she said, I growled and she ran at me again this time with her blue fire. She punched me a few times which stung my face. Just then I heard a yawn.

"This is boring, darling finish these cretins and then meet me in the courtyard" Storm said as he stood up and left. Lucy grinned and continued to come at me, before she could hit me with more fire Lis kicked her away and stood next to me ready to fight in her animal soul cat form as well as Erza in her lightening empress armor. We stood ready, Lucy stood and spit out some blood.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now