Going Home pt.1

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(Lucy POV)(2 months later)(February)

I ducked quickly as Blaze and Coral came at me at once, Blaze tried to use his scythe on me but i remember what would happen if it touched me, i moved swiftly and dashed around coral as she tried to throw a large wave of water at me, i then transformed into in my star dress Taurus form and started throwing my whip at them. They then tried to use there attacks at the same time with a poison wave to throw me off but it wasn't enough, my eyes glowed white then Echo came out of thin air and did a sonic rawr witch disbanded the wave throwing them off their feet and onto the ground, i rushed them and turned into my Scorpio star dress form and held swords to both their throats. I snickered.

"Checkmate" i said, Coral huffed and stood up as i helped Blaze up. They then dusted themselves off.

" Good training today guys" Coral said, i smiled and nodded.

"Yeah it was, you've really gotten strong Lucy" Blaze said, i chuckled as we started to leave the dream scape. As we reached the main hall i saw Drew standing, he saw me and waved for me to come over. 

"Hello Lucy how was your training today?" He asked, i nodded.

"It was good, I've really improved with my powers" i said, he smiled and we started to walk out of the castle. As we walked he kept talking about my training and how far I've come, we soon reached his tower and went upstairs. Once at the top of the tower i saw Elizabeth, Lola and Bruce sitting at a large table.

"Lucy have a seat please" Elizabeth said as Drew went to sit in his seat, i was confused but sat down in the chair.

"Whats going on?" I asked, Elizabeth smiled at me and stood.

"Lucy you were brought here to expand your power so that you could defeat a powerful evil in the main world, recently he has been more active and we feel that you are ready to return home so that you can finish preparing for the upcoming chaos, it took us some time to decide if you were truly ready but after what i saw in the dram space i feel your ready" she said, i perked up a bit and my eyes went wide.

"But i don't even know how to control what i did how am i ready to return when i can't control something so powerful as what i did to Blaze" i said, she smiled and Bruce stood up.

"You are strong Lucy and if you keep practicing your patience and your power you will be able to control the deep powers hidden from even our training" he said, i nodded he then sat and Lola stood.

"And with Echo's help you will be able to achieve anything" she said then sat, i smiled and Elizabeth motioned me to stand which i did.

"With the approval of the teaching council we believe your year of training has been completed" she said, then the others stood, i smiled and bowed to them.

"Thank you all so much for this wonderful experience and im so grateful for all your help in teaching me how to use my powers" i said, they all clapped. I stood back up and Elizabeth walked with me.

"We will go back to your room so you can start your packing and say goodbye to everyone" she said, i nodded.

"I have to tell Blaze to cause he's coming with me" i said, she chuckled a bit and nodded.

"Yes you don't want to forget about Blaze" she said, i giggled as we continued to walk. 

(Back at the castle)

We walked up the stairs and to my room, i opened the door and then i heard Blazes door open.

"Lucy there you are we were wondering when you'd be back, what did Drew need you for?" He asked, i smiled and ran over to hug him, he was stunned.

"Start packing Blaze were going home" i said he smiled.

"Are you serious? Were really going? Your really taking me with you" He asked, i laughed and nodded.

"Yes i am your my friend and you'd love Fairy tail" i said, he smiled and nodded. Elizabeth chuckled a bit and Blaze went back into his room to pack, i then went into mine to pack as well.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow night so you have enough time to say goodbye" she said, i nodded and she left the room, i smiled and started to pack my stuff from the closet and the dresser. I looked at Echo who was laying on the bed looking at me confused.

"We'll be going home tomorrow Echo so you'll get to meet all my other friends" i said, he stood up and swayed his tail, i could tell he was excited to meet them, i giggled and continued to pack just then i heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw Luke.

"Hey Lucy, i heard the news so your really leaving huh?" He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, i nodded and crossed my arms.

"Yeah it's time, i need to get ready to save the world" i said, he smiled and put his hand on my chin, i blushed a little by the light gestor. 

"I believe in you i know you can do it Lucy" he said, i smiled and backed up a bit.

"Thanks Luke well i gotta keep packing for tomorrow" i said, he nodded and walked away, as he left i saw Blaze in his doorway.

"That was oddly sweet of him" he said, i nodded and Blaze came over and in my room.

"So it's really happening, we get to go to your guild, what if they don't want me there since you'll be back?" He asked as he sat on my bed, i smiled and sat with him and put my hand on his back.

"Don't worry Blaze they'll love you and if their mean ill kick ass for you, your my friend" i said, he smiled and hugged me.

"Thanks Lucy, im gonna head to bed so i can get up early im all done packing" he said, i nodded.

"Ok im gonna finish up then head to bed to" i said, he nodded and left my room, i sighed and continued to pack.

(Elizabeth POV)

I left Lucy alone in her room to pack and i went to the portal so i could go talk to Makarov at the guild. Once through i entered the guild and saw everyone hanging out, the only people i didn't see were Natsu, Laxus and Lizanna.

"Elizabeth! Hows Lucy??" Levi said as she ran up to me, i smiled and Makarov came over.

"She's doing alright in fact i have exciting news, she will be coming back tomorrow" i said, everyone cheered, i chuckled a bit and me and Makarov went to his office.

"So she will be returning?" He asked, i nodded and he sighed.

"That means its gotten bad for her to return early" he said, i nodded.

"Yes and shes become so strong we cant teach her anything else she must learn the rest on her own" i said, he nodded and smiled.

"I have missed the brat, im sure Laxus will be excited to see her" he said, i nodded.

"Speaking of him where is he and Natsu?" i asked.

"They are out on a job they will be back either tomorrow or the day after" he said, i nodded and stood.

"Well i must get back so i can rest for the night, i will see you tomorrow with Lucy" i said, he smiled and nodded as i left the office, everyone was so happy to hear she would be back tomorrow. I left the guild and went back to Dreamora to rest for the night.

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