Snowed in

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(Lucy POV) (December 15th)

Blaze and i have been hanging out the past couple weeks and its been fun, along with Luke not leaving me alone about dating him, i almost punched him a couple times. I was getting ready to go to Drew's tower to train with him, just then there was a knock on the door, i opened it and it was Elizabeth.

"Hello Lucy how are you?" She asked, i smiled and let her in.

"I'm good, i was just getting ready to go train with Drew" i said as i put my jacket on, she shook her head.

"I'm sorry Lucy but nobody in the castle can go outside right now" she said, i looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked, she went over to the window and opened the curtain.

"Well as you can see were getting a really bad storm and well were snowed in" she said, i looked and saw snow wipe through the air with the wind and as i looked down i saw that the door was completely covered by snow.

"Wow that's kinda bad" I said, she nodded.

"Yes so nobody has training today dear" she said, i nodded and took my jacket off.

"That's ok i'll just stay inside and maybe hangout with Blaze or practice my magic" i said, she smiled and nodded.

"Ok Lucy, well i will let you know when were able to get outside then your training will continue" she said, i nodded and then she left. I sighed and sat on my bed, what was i gonna do, I could go bug Blaze but its still early so he's probably still asleep. I got up and sat on the floor, maybe  ill practice meditation, i took a deep breath and then i felt myself floating.

(December 17th)

Its been 2 days and were all still snowed in but the snow is calming down, i came out of the bathroom with my hair wrapped in a towel and a bra and sweatpants. I didn't no what else to do today, since I can't really go outside what else can I do. I sighed and went to my dresser and pulled out a blue sweater and a cute beige skirt, it might be winter but its really warm in the castle so its ok (lol). Once dressed i sat at my vanity and dried my hair and brushed it, it had a slight bounce to it today it looked nice I smile while looking at how much I've changed in the mirror. It been so long since I left to come to Dreamora its been almost 6 months since i left I wonder how everyone is back home, even Laxus too. I'm so bored not being able to leave the castle because of the snow I don't know what to do, just then there was a knock on my door, i walked over and there stood Blaze and a Kovo on his shoulder. I smiled at them. 

"Hey guys whats up?"I asked as Kovo jumped off and ran in to cuddle with Echo. Blaze chuckled a bit. 

"I was bored and i kinda guessed you were to so i figured i'd come hang out with you and bring Kovo along to hang out with Echo? he said, i nodded and let him in. He sat on my bed and stared out the window at the falling snow.

"Its so nice out, i'd love to be out training in the snow" he said with a small smile, i giggled a bit. 

"I've never really trained in the snow itself before really" I said, he looked at me with a questioning look.

"Seriously? Not even in a dream space?" He asked,  i shook my head no and then he got up. He then walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on we need to find Elizabeth" he said as he dragged me out of my room and down the stairs to the main ballroom where Elizabeth was standing talking to an instructor.

"Oh hello Blaze, Lucy what can i do for you?" She asked sweetly, Blaze inhaled and let me go.

"May we use the dream space ma'lady?" He asked determined, Elizabeth looked a little shocked but then smiled. 

"Yes you may but i'm counting on you Blaze, Lucy has never been in the dream space before so it might be a bit hard for her at first" she said, he nodded and grabbed my hand again and started running.

(Panda POV)

Hey guys its me! Sorry its been sooooo long since ive put anything out, ive been really busy and have had a massive writers block so i haven't really written anything but im back and gonna start writing again. Again a lot has happened since my last update, I turned 18 in January, graduated this june even with all this Covid-19 stuff going on as well at working a lot. I got a new kitten shes my baby her name is Dough (like bread dough lol). But biggest of all its actually mine and my boyfriends 2 year anniversary on wednesday!! <3 Im really happy to be back though and i hope you guys will enjoy the next few chapters im gonna hammer out in the next few weeks or so, I will also be updating my other stories as well so don't worry i didn't just come back for this one alone i love all my stories. Time to get writing!!!!! Byeeeeeeeeeee.

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