Our last Day

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(Lucy POV)

I yawned and sat up, Laxus was still asleep, smiling like and idiot, I giggled and kissed his for head, his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning princess" he said, I smiled.

"Good morning babe" I said, he chuckled and sat up, I poked his noes and got out of bed, I went over to the dresser and pulled out a purple tank top and black skirt. Laxus got up and got dressed as well, he put on a black wife beater and black jeans with red shoes, he was so handsome. When he was done I came up to him and kissed him on the cheek, he chuckled.

"Ready to leave??" I asked, he nodded and walked over to the dresser and started to pack up. I giggled and did the same.

(1 hour later)

We finished packing and brought our stuff down to the boat, master was there, he smiled as we arrived holding hands.

"Good morning love birds" he said, I smiled.

"Morning master" I said, Laxus chuckled a bit.

"Morning gramps ready to head back??" He asked, master sighed.

"No I like it here more than home" he wined, I laughed a bit as I heard a squeal and was squeezed from behind by Lisanna.

"You guys are so cuuuuuute!!!" She basically screamed, I could barely breath.

"Lisanna Lucy can't breath!!" Natsu said, she put me down and I took a deep breath.

"Sorry Lucy I'm just so happy for you guys" she said, I shook my head.

"Its ok Lis" I said, Natsu went over and was talking to Laxus as Lisanna and I stood and talked, after about an hour everyone else had put there stuff on the boat and were talking amongst themselves, just then master, who was standing on Laxus's shoulder yelled to get everyone to shut up.

"Ok yea brats were gonna be leaving soon so make sure you got all your stuff or oh well its gone!" He yelled, everyone nodded and went off, Laxus and I went to our room on the boat. He opened the door first.

"My lady" he said, letting me go first, I smiled and went in, he came in behind me and shut the door, I turned around to find Laxus's lips slammed onto mine, I flinched a bit but then kissed back, with every kiss I feel more under his spell, his hands snaked around my back and grabbed my ass, I giggled a bit but didn't stop him or the kiss, he then pulled away but didn't let go of my ass.

"Lucy I love you so much" he said, I smiled as I drew circles on his cheat with my finger.

"I love you so much 2 Laxy" I said, he smiled and softly kissed me again, being more gentle with my lips, I felt as if I would melt, we slowly walked backwards till we hit the bed, he pushed me down and sat on his knees in front of me, I smiled and fluffed his hair, he chuckled and rubbed up and down my legs, I giggled a bit but played with his hair more, just then there was a knock at the door, I stood up and opened it, it was master.

"There you guys are were leaving now so if u left anything oh well" he said, I nodded.

"We checked and were good" I said, he smiled and left, I closed the door and went back to the bed with Laxus. I laid down and he cuddled with me, I was still really tired from last night, so I quietly fell asleep to the rocking of the boat and the warmth of Laxus.

(1 hour later)

I yawned and found I was trapped under Laxus's arm, I smiled and slowly escaped, I looked at the clock, 12:30, wow its been and hour already??? I shrugged and kissed Laxus, his eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now