Dreams in Hell

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(Laxus POV)

We walked in the hotel room, well Lucy walked me in, I was limping, she slowly walked me over to the bed and I flopped on it, in extreme pain.

"How you feeling Laxus?" Lucy asked, sitting next to my head and laying it on her lap.

"In extreme pain but getting a little better." I said, she smiled slightly and ruffled my hair.

"Well that's good, at least your getting a little better." She said, her hand went smoothly through my blonde hair, I was enjoying it.
"Yeah but I think I'll try to get some rest" I said, she nodded and smiled, I closed my eyes and drifted off to my dreams.

~Laxus's dream~

I was in the guild Lucy wasn't here, neither was Natsu, Lisanna, Gray or Erza. I was stirring at the bar with my arm around.......Mira! Just then my lips started to move on there own.

You ok MiMi?" I asked her, she just looked at the floor saying nothing. I tapped her on the shoulder, she snapped out of it. I was terrified, as if I wanted to cry but my eyes wouldnt let me.

"What oh yeah I'm I'm fine!" She said, standing up with a fake smile, I just went with it, I kissed her on the cheek and she walked away, out the doors. I couldn't stop my body, I stood up and walked out the door, I follow her. I moved in the shadows so she wouldn't spot me, she was at the old magic shop and stood outside, she fixed her dress and hair quick before someone approached her, she smiled at him and he kissed her cheek, just like before, I tried to stop this nightmare buy I couldn't.

"Its so good to see you again my lovely Mirajane!" The man said, she giggled and pulled him into a passionate kiss, I didn't want to see this again but I had no chose, my body moved itself again out where she could see me and once again she gasped.

"Your cheating on me MiMi!?" I said, the man kissed her cheek one last time and ran. Mira was angry just like when it happened.

"So what if I was cheating, you never treated me like your girlfriend! You know what I have to come clean, I never loved you Laxus!" She yelled at me, my heart broke even more than the first time, I couldn't take this anymore, I tried to scream but it didn't work.

"We're through!" She said and ran the other way, leaving me alone, tears finally began to fall from my face, I wanted to wake up but there was still more. I started to walk back to the guild when I heard giggling, I walked closer to the sound, when I turned the corner and saw Natsu and Lucy. My eyes widened, he had her pinned agents the wall nibbling and kissing her neck, she was smiling and holding him closer, his hands wandered down then Lucy spotted me.

"Oh its you, what do you want?" She asked snotty, Natsu stopped and looked at me like he was going to rip my head off.

"I just heard something so I-" I started to say.

"No I think it was because you wanted to steal my Lucy from me, well get this one thing right, YOU. WONT!" He said, fire started to come from his head, Lucy laughed at me.

"And to think I was you partner!" She yelled, laughing harder along with Natsu, I ran the other way to sound of moans and giggles. I ran faster back to the guild, I busted through the doors and everyone looked at me.

"What do you think your doing here lightning head?" Erza said, walking up to me, holding a sword.

"I need to get a drink" I said, she just laughed.

"No your not" someone said then things went black again, I could hear water dripping, and tears? I slowly opened my eyes, I was in a chair, tied to it. I was in front of a cage, I looked closely and saw a girl crying in the corner. I was confused.

"Hey are you-?" I started to say but then Mira came and sat on me.

"Oh Lucy's just fine" she said...... L-lucy!? my eyes widened.

"Mira get off me and untie me I need to help Lucy!!" I said to her, she just looked at me and have me a stern look.

"No I'm your not cause mine! Lucy's just a little whore!" She said, stroking my cheek.

"Lucy isn't a whore and why are you doing this" I said, she smirked at me.

"I was wrong to cheat on you so I'm taking you back from her" Mira said, pointing at Lucy. I light shined on her and I could see, she was naked. Her body was covered with scars, bruises, cuts and knives were stabbed into her back. I looked at her in horror.

"I don't want you Mira you hurt me and now your hurting Lucy!" I yelled, she smiled evilly.

"Your so silly Laxus I didn't do that you did" she said, just then a large butcher knife appeared in my hand over Lucy's head. She turned as much as she could and spoke softly.

"N-no please d-dont" she spoke, I couldn't stop my arm, I closed my eyes and slammed the knife down.
~End of dream~

I shot up.

"LUCY!" I yelled, panting hard, Lucy ran in and sat next to me, holding my cheek.

"Laxus are you ok? I heard you yell?" She said with worry in her eyes, my eyes started to fill with water, I embraced her tight as tears fell from my face.

"Thank god your ok I thought I hurt you!" I said, she smiled softly and stroked my hair.

"Why would you think that? I was just sitting here watching you sleep cause you were cute." She said, then she gasped a bit and blushed.

"Not that I like you or I'm a creep just never mind!" She said blushing like hell, I sniffled and sat up. She wiped away some of my tears.

"Its ok Lucy thanks for helping me here sorry for being such a big baby" I said, she giggles at me.

"No you fine in fact its nice to help someone even if its at strong manly guy" she said, I chuckled at her and hugged her tighter.

"La.....sux........to........tight.......can't..........breath!" She said, I realized and let her go.

"Sorry!" I said, blushing. She inhaled and looked at me.

"Its ok let's get some rest for the night then in the morning we can get our reward and head home" she said smiling, I nodded and smiled back.

"The down side is there's no chairs in here and there only one bed" Lucy said blushing.

"Y-you can sleep in the same bed as me we just won't sleep close" I said also blushing, she nodded and blushes deeper. She smiled and walked into the bathroom. I sighed and took my shirt off so I could sleep. I climbed into the bed as Lucy came out, I blushed bright red, she was wearing a tan colored lingerie style dress. She looked like a goddess.

"What?" She asked blushing, I didn't realize I was starring. I looked away.

"Nothing!" I said, she didn't say anything, she just walked over to the bed and climbed in.

"Night" she said quietly, I blushed and rolled over closing my eyes and falling asleep.

(Panda POV)

Thank you so much for reading I hope you liked it, this chapter was really deep so I hope it was ok sorry it took me a bit longer to get this one out because my school is working our musical the Addams family so things have been a bit slow but don't worry that won't stop me from get these chapters out to you guys. Well I've got to go I luv u guys so much well byeeeee <3.

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