Fight of our lives pt. 1

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(Lucy POV)

We all walk together into the courtyard I was pissed and ready to end this here and now. Once we arrived we saw Storm in a gazebo touching dead flowers and picking one. He then turned to us.

"Ah you've come but I see not how I planned, how did you get out of my spell?" He asked burning up the flower and walking out of the gazebo.

"That doesn't matter now, I'm here to finish this" I said and clapped my hands together and turned into my Aquarius star dress ready with more power than ever. He grinned and nodded.

"Yes I suppose we should end this but you will not be on top I shall finish this and you will be mine Lucy!" He yelled starting to look deranged. Laxus then stood forward.

"Lucy let us help" he said, I was hesitant but nodded and made them each a healing amulet so they wouldn't die and whatever damage they got they would heal as best they could. Storm chuckled and stood with his hands behind his back.

"You'll condemn them to death I see, perhaps you are still under my control my nevesta (bride in Russian)(thought it'd be cool lol)" he said and held up a hand as magic flowed through it. I growled and we got ready to fight. Erza ran first in her purgatory armor and slashed at him with her giant sword, he dodged easily and hit her with a wave of dark purple magic sending her flying back past us, Lisanna growled and transformed into her nine tailed fox form and ran at him on all fours, then flying in the air landing a few kicks on him but not doing really any damage, he chuckled and grabbed her leg as she tried to land another and whipped her around and throwing her at us but Laxus caught her and set her down, he then tried to go after Storm but was also thrown back at us. Storm chuckled again.

"Laxus are you ok?" I asked, helping him up. He nodded and shook it off.

"Is that really the best you can do? Oh my dear at this rate you're just sending your friends to their deaths faster" he stated, i grit my teeth at him. He then held out a hand and smiled at me.

"Come to me and i promise if you do as your told i swear as your husband that i will give them a merciful death" he said smoothly trying to awaken some kind of lust in my heart, i can feel it. It must be remanence of his influence over me. I look back at Laxus helping Lisanna and Erza stand.

"Sorry but that isn't going to happen" i said, he growled a bit and clenched his fists. Laxus then stood in front of me.

"I've got this" he said, i wanted to tell him no but it was to late he was charging up and starting to dash at Storm, he chuckled and ran at Laxus. They clashed with their power and Storm laughed more looking into Laxus's eyes then to me.

"I won't let you have her" Laxus said, holding Storm. Storm laughed harder which confused Laxus, just then his over hand wrapped in a dark ora plunged into Laxus's side. I looked in fear.

"Laxus!" I yelled as Storm threw him at my feet, i knelt down at him, luckly the amulet would keep him from dying. I held Laxus's head up to look at me as tears fell from my eyes.

"Laxus are you ok?" I asked, he chuckled at me.

"H-hehe yeah are you ok?" He asked, i sniffled and nodded. Erza then came over to me.

"Lucy we'll take him back to the others and then come back to help you just hold out ok?" She said, i nodded and kissed Laxus on the cheek as she lifted him and her and Lisanna took him back to the others. I stood pissed off and ready to fight and manifested a galaxy sword with a gold hilt, Storm looked at me with a smirk and crazed eyes.

"Don't worry Lucy I'll get them soon and then" he started and began running at me with a large dark cracked blade. We clashed sending sparks, i grit my teeth at him as he smirks.

"I'm going to fuck you atop their corpses" he said smoother than ever and chuckling, i grunt and send him back. He catches himself and dust goes flying. I then summon fire around my blade as well as Echo. He seems to know what i want to do and kneels down a bit so i can get on top of him. Storm seems amused and waits for me, i then charge at him sending fire and sparks with each strike of our blades. Echo and I stand back and i send a large wave of water at Storm which throws him off and we run again, while he is distracted i stab him with the sword in his chest. He groans and kneels down holding the sword. I hop off Echo and we stand at a distance looking at him. Just then he starts to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked, he coughed a bit and stood up.

"It's just funny that you think this will stop me" he said as he pulled out the sword amd broke it in half, throwing it to me. I huff and transform into my Taurus outfit, he smirks.

"We trying more? Well i have to say i do like this outfit my dear though it is quite revealing, what would our underlings think of their queen dressing like this? They might see you as fair game and try to take you" he said crossing his arms, i roll my eyes and pull out my whip and attach a dagger to the end. He laughs and starts throwing balls of black magic at me, they move so fast Echo throws himself in front of me, he bats a few away but is hit with 1 causing him to roar in pain and transform back into his cat form. I kneel down and pet him, he looks at me pained.

"It's ok Echo go rest I've got this" i said, he then fades, leaving me and Storm truly alone. He frowns.

"Awe looks like our kitty isn't gonna be here to see you kneel to me" he said clenching his fist, i laugh and pull my whip taut.

"I will never kneel to you, but all you have to do is die!" I yelled and i ran at him..

(To be continued)

(Lucy's sword #1)

(Lucy's sword #1)

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(Storms sword)

(Storms sword)

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His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now