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(Lucy POV)

I opened my eyes slowly, my everything hurt, as I tried to sit up I noticed I wasn't alone, I looked over in my living room and saw Angel.

"Angel?" I softly said, she came over with a glass of water and helped me sit up to drink, I was worried about Laxus.

"How are you feeling Lucy?" She asked, I shrugged.

"I'll be fine but where's Laxus??" I asked, she set the glass down.

"He's at his house with Mira she's taking care of him while your resting" she said, I sighed.

"Ok well I'm gonna get up and go see him I'm really worried about him" I said, she shook her head.

"You can't Lucy" she said, with a concerned look in her eye.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause your extremely hurt" she said, I rolled my eyes and got up, as I stepped out of bed I immediately fell to the floor.

"Ow!" I yelled in pain, Angel helped me back up and on the bed, I sighed.

"You should be fine tomorrow " she said, I nodded and just lied back down, just then everything went black.

(Mira POV)

I kissed him!! I finally did it, i didn't want to let go, he tried to push me off but he was still super weak, eventually he just gave in but i could tell he wanted me off, but i wasn't going to lose so easy cause I've already won, thanks to Angel. He was mine again, his lips, his eyes, his personality, his dick, its all mine. Lucy can screw off.

(A few hours later) (Lucy POV again)

i woke up finally, angel said i didn't need to go see Laxus till tomorrow, but i wanna make sure hes ok, she fell asleep in the chair next to my bed, i quietly got up, i wobbled a bit for a second but after that i was fine, i got in my closet and pulled out the easiest thing to put on, just a black shirt, black leggings and a gray zip up jacket. Angel was sound asleep, i quickly got dressed then ran out the door, the sky was gray, it was about to rain, i should make it before it starts, i walked cause my legs wouldn't let me run, i sighed and used the last of my magic energy to heal so i could run, but it didn't do anything, i think after i got hurt my energy was completely drained. Why wouldn't i move any faster, i miss my Laxus. He must be worried about me as much as i am of him.

(An hour later)

it look a while but i made it, i sighed and stopped outside the door before going in cause i needed a break or i would fall over and pass out. i needed to catch my breath. After a few minutes of just standing outside i went inside, by the door i saw Mira's heels, she did stay to make sure he was ok while i was out, i sighed again and walked to the bedroom door, thunder rawred outside as i reached for the door knob. Once i walked in my eyes widened, Mira lips were attached to Laxus's, he wasn't pushing her away, i looked in horror, they looked at me, Mira with a surprised look and Laxus....a sad look. i was so angry and sad i didn't know what to do, tears fell from my eyes, their lips didn't separate. I turned around and ran out, i didn't care anymore, i could see that the love that Laxus and i had was just a fake, and Mira, i...i couldn't believe this, she was my friend, she knew i loved him and she said before she hated him. The rain began to pour as i now just walked, more tears fell from my eyes, i wanted to kill them but i couldn't, so i did the only think i knew i could do, i walked to the guild to see if Natsu or Gray was there, i just need someone to hug me, i couldn't think about anything except for what i just saw.

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His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now