I love you

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(Laxus POV)

I slowly opened my eyes up to the ceiling and then looked over to a passed out Lucy, I smiled and blushed thinking about what happened last night. But my body hurt so badly, I struggled to get up but soon was on my wobbly feet. I went into the bathroom and took a long shower, I could feel the water tingle my skin I guess there were still remnants of the potion just not strong enough to where I can't handle it. Once I was done in the shower I got dressed and walked out, Lucy was still sleeping I smiled and slowly left to go get our reward from Vincent and get some breakfast for us.

(At Vincent's house)

I knocked on the door and it soon opened by Vincent in a robe.

"Ah hello, you seem to be doing better tell me did you to play the love game" he said with a wink and leaning on the door frame, I blushed.

"Th-that's none of your concern" I said, he rolled his eyes.

"Well fine then here's your reward, I must say you kept my girls safe very well sir they were so happy you 2 saved them they convinced me to up your reward so here's 12,000,000 jewel" he said handing me a large bag. I smiled and we departed ways. While walking back I stoped at a nice clothing shop and picked out a cute outfit for Lucy.

(Back at the hotel)

I opened the door and saw Lucy sitting up covering her chest with the blanket. I blushed and handed her a bag of food and the outfit bag.

"Morning Lucy I got you breakfast and a new outfit since I um, ripped the other one" I said as I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck, she smiled and blushed a bit.

"Thanks Laxus" she said as she began to eat and I sat next to her and aye my breakfast as well. Once we were done Lucy tried to stand up but almost fell but I caught her, she blushed as her naked body fell in my hands.

"Th-thank you u-um will you help me to the bathroom so I can shower" she asked sweetly, she was hit hard by that potion I could still see faint hearts in her soft eyes. I smiled and slowly lifted her bridal style to the bathroom. As we walked she didn't take her eyes off me, I was a blushing mess.

"Here sit love I'll start you a bath" I said as I set her on the toilet lid, she smiled and touched my hair as I started the bath, it felt so good to have her fingers through my hair. Once it was run and gently set her in the tub and watched her body disappear under the water.

"Thank you Laxus I'll try to get out on my own" she said, I nodded.

"If you need help just call me ok" I said, she nodded and I left the bathroom.

(Lucy POV)

Laxus left me alone in the bathroom, this water felt so good my body was still kinda hot and sweaty but this is helping. His hair felt so good between my fingers it was soft and glided through smoothly. I stayed in the bath a long time before trying to get out, luckily the warm water loosened up my legs so I could somewhat stand on my own and walk. Once I was out I grabbed the new outfit Laxus got me it was a cute dark blue and purple crop top with a blue skirt with 3 different shades of blue and a blue jacket. It was so cute he was right about that, I smiled and put it on and just left my hair down for the day. I soon exited the bathroom and saw Laxus sitting on the bed waiting for me, when he heard me coming he turned and smiled.

"Lucy before we go do you wanna go out and see the town a bit? I mean if you don't want to that's ok" he asked trying not to get flustered. I giggled and nodded.

"Yeah that sounds really fun" I said, he lit up and stood. He then walked to the door and grabbed a pair of blue heels for me.

"I got these for you to, to match" he said slightly pink, I smiled as he bent down and slipped them on my feet, I felt like a princess. He then stood up and grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now