Fight of our lives pt. 2

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(Lucy POV)(Don't play song until Erza's POV)

"I will never kneel to you, but all you have to do is die!" I yelled and ran at him at full speed throwing my whip at him cutting him with the sharp edges. He stepped back and groaned, i smirked and took out several more swords and throwing them at him impaling him to the floor. It felt good, I felt alive! I grunted and kicked him. He then looked at me and smiled.

"Your friend Luke was right you are feisty" he said out of nowhere, i was confused. He then stood and put his hand on my chin, i didn't step away, I-I couldn't? B-but why?? He smirked at me and i felt my clothing going back to what they were a long revealing black dress. I couldn't move, just then i heard the doors open. He turned me and i saw Erza and Lisanna, then i heard him chuckle.

"Your to late my dears" he started then i felt my dress being raised, i couldn't speak. The girls watched in horror.

"She. Is. Mine!" he said and suddenly i felt something deep inside of me, he groaned and held my waist. He laughed, i felt what he was doing but couldn't move, couldn't speak. I stood frozen as he violated me tears fell from my eyes as he laughed and fucked me in front of my friends, then everything went white but i could still hear his laughter.

"Lucy" a women's voice spoke, i opened my eyes and saw a women who looked like me? No my mother? She smiled, she was wearing a long white dress with a leather vest and long sleeves with gold trim, as well as a turtleneck red cape and her hair in a ponytail held in a red band. She held out a hand and helped me stand, i was in a white dress myself.

"W-where am I? W-who are you?" I asked, she giggled and sat on a bench that appeared.

"You know who i am dear and this is your mind right now, i trained you dearie. I was the one who sealed your powers at your mothers request" she said, my eyes widened.

"Elizabeth? What are you doing here? What do you mean my mom had you seal my powers?" I asked, i had so many questions, she giggled.

"Yes Lucy long ago your mother asked me to hide your powers to keep you safe, my daughter sure was a protective mother and I'm proud i got to meet you" she said with a smile and touching my cheek, i was so confused and i think she knew this.

"Lucy" just then another womens voice spoke, i turned and saw another slender blonde women, tears fell from my eyes.

"Mama?" I said, she giggled and i ran to hug her which she hugged back tight.

"Lucy I love you and so does Elizabeth" she said, we let go and we all sat together.

"Will you please tell me what to do, I don't want to lose my friends, I don't want to lose Laxus mama you would love him he's wonderful" i said laughing and tears falling from my eyes, she wiped them.

"Lucy you know what to do" Elizabeth said.

"What are you to me?" I asked her, she looked at my mother who nodded.

"Lucy, I'm your grandmother, We both wanted you to be safe until it was time for you to achieve your goal, and become a goddess" she said holding out her hand holding a golden power.

"How come you never told me?" I asked more tears falling, she smiled and wiped them away.

"Because it wasn't time yet my dear, I gave you my powers at your birth and asked my mother to seal them because i knew i wouldn't be able to protect you for long without them, you are finally ready" my mother said sweetly, i was still so confused.

"But what if i don't want to be a goddess" i said, Elizabeth touched my face.

"You must be to save your friends and this world, you must defeat Storm" she said, i furrowed my brow and nodded. Just then my mother and Elizabeth touched my chest and soon a golden glow came from their hands and flowed inside of me. Then they started to fade.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now