Training day

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(Lucy POV)(Back at the guild the next day)

I sat at the bar talking to Mira, I had on one of my new outfits, it was red, black and tan, just then master Makarov came to the railing upstairs and called down.

"Lucy can you come here please" he yelled down, I nodded and walked up, he stood on the top floor with a tall blonde woman, she smiled at me.

"Lucy I am Elizabeth the celestial dragon queen" she said, my eyes widened, I got on my knees and bowed to her.

"It's an honor to be in your presents my celestial queen" I said, master chuckled. She smiled and extended her hand out to me.

"Thank you Lucy but you do not have to bow to me for I am here to see you" she said, I took her hand and stood, we walked downstairs and a everyone looked at us, I can feel eyes everywhere burning in the back of my head, even the love of my life Laxus was looking at me strangely, she used her Celestial Dragon magic and open the door so she did not have to touch it, they flew open and we walked outside to a large grassy area next to the guild, everyone who was looking at us followed outside to see what was going on, she let go of my hand and stood in front of me with a large calm smile.

"Lucy you are one of my star celestial pupils, as your friend Natsu has told you there is a great darkness after you and that is why I am here to see you" she said, I nodded, even though I was still confused.

"I did hear about this great darkness from Natsu but why is it after me and why are you here to see me anyways?" I asked, she lifted her hand as it was in a fist and then she opened it revealing a large glowing magic power, it almost look like the moon that I had to collect when we went on our mission yesterday, the power reels from her hand and turns to a large spiral in the sky I watched it as it dance across the night sky and around the queen.

"This Lucy is like the power that is within you, I am here so you can defeat the darkness that is after you and so you can save your friends, you see before your mother passed she and I met once before when you were still merely a child, she told me that something was after you and I knew exactly what she meant, so I placed inside you a very powerful and ancient magic that you must learn how to control before you can defeat the darkness" she said, I took a step closer.

"And if I fail to learn and to defeat the darkness?" I asked, she closed her hand tightly and quickly, she opened her other hand that held a large, dark magic.

"If you fail the darkness will spread to the entire world, the dark lord will kill everyone in his path and take you as his bride, turning you into nothing but a dark evil zombie that will follow his every whim, your friends will not be able to save you, all they would be able to do is watch in abscess horror as you are not only abused but maybe killed by the evil one who wants you as his bride" she said, my eyes widened, she closed her hands and the darkness disappeared, she looked at me with a calm smile.

"Ok I'm ready to learn if it means I can protect my friends and everyone else, I will do whatever I can to make sure that the dark lord does not succeed" I said standing tall, she nodded, I turned around and saw Laxus, he smiled at me.

"Very well my pupil if you are ready then your training shall commence now" she said, just then a large purple magic cube shield appeared around us. (Their in the sky).

"What's this for?" I asked.

"This is to protect the town and your friends" she said, I nodded.

"Now Lucy to unleash this power I'm going to have to us something agents you, are you ready?" She asked, I nodded, what would she use agents me? Just then Laxus was in the cube, my eyes widened, but he looked different, I couldn't see his eyes.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now