Class and a show

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(Lucy POV) (Don't play song yet)

I woke up softly in Luke's arms, i smiled and got out of his grasp and undressed, i then walked over to my dresser and pulled out an old crop top and some black shorts, i then slipped the shorts on and then felt hands on my hips, i looked over my shoulder and saw a shirtless Luke, i blushed as he rocked my hips back and forth.

"Good morning beautiful" He said, i smiled and pulled from him, i then put my top on.

"Good morning Luke" I said as i slipped into his arms again, he chuckled and pulled me backwards, i giggled and turned around.

"So what are your plans for today Lu?" He asked.

"I have class today, what about you?" I asked, he held my hands.

"Well i was hoping to see if you'd like to come to music night with me tonight in the park" he said, i giggled and nodded.

"I would be honored" i said, he smiled.

"Good dress like your going to a casino its a party" he said, i nodded and hugged him.

"Alright Luke i have to get to class" i said, he nodded and walked with me, i smiled, just then as we got down the stairs to the castle doors, Elizabeth stopped us.

"Lucy Luke it is nice to see you" she said, we smiled.

"Its nice to see you as well" i said, she nodded.

"Yes but Luke i need to speak to Lucy alone" she said, i looked at Luke and he nodded.

"Yes of course m'lady" he said, she nodded and we walked away, i stood alone with her.

"Lucy I have a message from all your girlfriends, they say they miss you so much" she said, i smiled.

"That's so sweet i miss them too" i said, she nodded.

"Yes and so does Laxus, he misses you" she said, i looked down and a small tear fell.

"W-why does he miss me?" I asked, she touched my shoulder.

"Because he loves you Lucy" she said, i wiped my tears.

"He loves Mira" i said, she giggled.

"You'll see someday Lucy" she said, i nodded and ran to the tower to meet Drew.

(At the tower)

I panted as i entered the tower and saw Drew sitting on a chair, he smiled at me.

"Hello Lucy" he said, i waved to him.

"Are you ready to start your lesson?" He asked, i nodded, we then walked out of the tower and into the small garden close to it, Drew then stepped back from me.

"Now today we will be training your mind by having you fight those who are close to you most or your fear" he said, i nodded.

"You may prepare before we start" he said, i nodded and thought about my star dress powers, i then summoned Archer, he bowed to me.

"How may i help you m'lady?" He asked.

"May i combine myself with you?" I asked, he smiled and bowed again.

"Yes m'lady" he said, i looked over at Drew who was watching, i then looked at Archer.

  "I combined myself with the archer!!" I yelled, then Archer shot an arrow into the sky, it fell and and i caught it.

"Star dress Archer!!" I yelled, i was then transformed, i wore a green, gold and white leotard that was high collared with a gold bow, long arm bands and green and gold boots. My hair was in a pony tail, i looked at Drew he was in awe and then he smirked as he summoned, Natsu, Mira, Laxus, Erza, and finally Luke, i focused and didn't get worked up over it, i then summoned my large bow and a pouch of arrows, he then sent Laxus and Natsu first, i smirked and dodged their attacks, i dodged a lot and then the to combine their powers and shot them at me, i dodged again but not without getting cut up a bit, but i healed, i then nocked 2 arrows and shot them both with the arrows, killing both of them, Drew then sent out Mira and Erza, i grit my teeth and set one of the arrow tips on fire, Erza came at me but i dodged her, i wanted to get Mira first, i leaped in the air and readied my bow, i screamed as i shot at her, Mira turned to flames and disappeared, i landed on the ground as Erza came at me again, i turned around and stabbed her with an arrow, but a sharp pain struck my stomach, i looked down it was a scythe blade, i looked over my shoulder as Erza disappeared, it was Luke he evilly smirked and pulled it out of me, i cringed and fell to the ground, he chuckled, but i stood, my wound stung and it wouldn't heal, i then summoned Taurus, he knew what i was going to ask and he nodded.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now