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(Lucy POV)

Its been 2 weeks since I left team natsu, but I've been OK on my own with jobs. I've been able to keep up with my rent so far but all the easy jobs are gone, so I just sat at the bar in the guild alone, tired, and thinking, 'I need to find a new team but everyone is already on one' I smacked my face on the bar table, Mira giggles at me.

"Oh Lucy your so funny!" She said with a smile, I looked up, rubbing my forehead.

"I wasn't really trying to be funny Mira but thanks." I said, her smile faded, she sighed and came over to sit next to me.

"I know your still upset Lucy" she said, softly rubbing my back, I looked at her with a slight smile.

"I'm not that upset, I mean I'm.... happy for natsu and lisanna, and yes I do miss going on jobs with them but I just couldn't stand seeing them love each other so much when we were working so that's why I left." I said softly, looking around the guild for anyone who didn't have a team, my eyes caught a tall blonde man sitting in the corner and I knew it was Laxus. His eyes were closed, he was all alone, I remember why he's been alone for the 2 weeks I had been alone to, the thunder legion had disbanded and all the other members left the guild to go somewhere else, for the time I've been in the guild other than going on jobs I haven't seen him leave that corner, he just sits alone and silent.

"Hey Mira do you think if somebody asked Laxus to be on a team with them would he say yes?" I asked Mira, she shrugged and smiled.

"I don't know, maybe you should try." She said, I nodded, stood up and slowly started to walk over to him, as I approached I felt my heart beat increase and I start to sweat. I took in front of him he didn't even move or open his eyes till I spoke.

"U-um Laxus?" I said, I stuttered?! Why did I stutter!? Laxus opened his eyes and sat up.

"What?" He asked with a stern voice, I was sweating even more.

"I was wondering if you'd like to be on a team with me, i-if you want or if your not busy" I asked, why do I keep stuttering, he looked at me with a straight face and sighed.

"Sure" he said standing up, my eyes widened.

"R-really!?" I said surprised, he nodded and smiled slightly and, blushed?

"O-ok!" I said still stuttering, I need to stop doing that its not like I like him or anything (DONT DENI YOUR FEELING!!!!). He walked over to the job board, I ran up behind him. He pulled off a job that payed 90,000 jewel, it was a job to kill a massive troll dragon with poison horns.

"Ok we can leave in the morning to go talk to the guy who needs the job done" I said smiling at Laxus, he nodded with a straight face.

"Lucy, do you think I could stay at your house for the night?" Laxus asked, my eyes widened, that was the first time someone asked to stay at my house instead of breaking in (natsu). I smiled and set my hand on his arm.

"Of course you can Laxus" I said, he faintly smiled and nodded.

"Let's go then" he said, I nodded and we left the guild, we walked in silents. Laxus walked in front of me, I couldn't take my eyes off of him, I was walking on the ledge near my house by the water when those 2 men who are always out there called to me.

"Don't fall in Lucy!" One said, just the I snapped of of my thoughts and saw I was going to fall in the water, I screeched and covered my eyes.

"Lucy!" I heard Laxus yell, just then he grabbed me by the back as I hung over the edge, facing him, I moves my hands away and saw his face, he was worried and was blushing a bit, I was also blushing, he pulled me up and let me go.

"Th-thanks Laxus" I said with a stutter, he shrugged.

"Pay attention next time!" He said loudly, I flinched at his loud voice, by he sighed and we walked inside. I turned the lights on and looked at my bed, no sleeping Natsu, its only been 2 weeks and I already miss him, I shook myself out of my daydream and walked over to my bed. I took one of the blankets and a pillow off and set them on the floor, I looked over at the door and saw Laxus just standing there.

"Come on it!" I said with a smile, he slowly came in, I stook up and walked into my small kitchen, I made 2 cups of rose tea, I walked out and saw Laxus laying in my spot on the floor, I giggled.

"What are you dping?" I asked with a smile.

"I was just sitting in my spot to sleep why?" He asked, I giggles and shook my head, I set the tea down and walked over to him, I extended my hand out to him, he took it and stood.

"You can sleep here" I said leading him over to my bed, I smiled and blushes a little, he blushed a bit and slowly let go of my hand, he sat on the bed, I walked over and grabbed our tea, I sat next to him, handing him his tea, he smiled and took a sip.

"Mmmmm this is really good" he said, I smiled and sipped a little of my tea, Laxus put his tea down as I sipped my tea, he looked at he and slowly moved closer, I swallowed the sip and set it down, I looked at him and blushed, his face was really close to mine. His eyes widened and looked away from me.

"Sorry" he said, I placed my hand on his shoulder and made him face me, I smiled at him.

"Its ok Laxus, but its late so let's get some rest k?" I said, he smiled softly and nodded. I stood up and went to my bed on the floor and slowly fell asleep.

(Laxus POV)

WHY THE HELL WOULD I DO THAT!!!??? I almost kissed Lucy!? I mean I really like her and I really wanted to but I can't deal with the heartbreak anymore. I lay on her bed facing the window, the sheets smelt like her, her sent made me smile and I slowly closed my eyes, drifting off and thinking about one person, Lucy.

(Panda POV)

Thank you guys so much for reading the first chapter, if you liked it leave a comment and let me know what I should do in the future. Well I got to go, I luv u guys byeeeeee <3

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