Dream Space

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(Panda POV) 

Blaze ran down the large hallway holding onto Lucy after speaking to Elizabeth, they ran and ran which seemed like forever. As they ran Lucy looked around and saw that the walls looked completely different, they weren't their usual shiny gold with decorative curled designs, they were more narrow and darker and the walls seemed to be more of an unfinished hidden passage than a hallway linked to the whole castle. It was odd, the more they ran the deeper they went into this strange place and the more darkness that surrounded them until the hall was only lit by small wall candles. Lucy looked at Blaze as they stopped running and just walked. 

"Blaze where are we ive never seen this part of the castle before?" She asked, he looked at her and smiled.

"Don't worry you'll be ok, this is just an unfinished hall to the dream space room, its like a room where you can do and see whatever and whoever you want, its also really good for training practice." He said, Lucy nodded and they continued to walk. Soon they stopped at a larger wooden door with a beautiful stone outline. Blaze looked at Lucy.

"Are you ready Lucy?" He asked, Lucy nodded and Blaze opened the door. 

(Lucy POV) 

Me and Blaze walked into the large room, it looked like the night sky it was beautiful. 

"Wow this is amazing how come this room is hidden down that hallway?" I asked, he chuckled a bit. 

"Because this castle used to be smaller before Elizabeth took over, and you have to ask to use the room cause it could be dangerous if your thoughts are bad" he said, i nodded. There was a large white circle on the ground and Blaze stood on one end and motioned me to stand on the other. 

"Since we can't go outside and practice our magic we can do it here" he said, just then the room changed to a snowy field, however it wasn't cold. It was amazing, i nodded and got my whip out Blaze chuckled and pulled out a large scythe.

"I won't hold back if you don't" he said, i smirked and nodded, pulling out my cancer key and requesting star dress cancer which worked and there i stood holding 2 swords connected to both ends of my whip. Blaze smiled baring what looked like fangs as he dashed at me with incredible speed but i was faster, i dodged him and wrapped my whip around his ankle and ripped him from the ground onto his back, he landed hard but got up and chuckled again. 

"Ok i guess i better push more" he said, i smirked.

"So much for holding back them huh?" I said, he nodded and the his scythe started to glow a deadly looking black color with small red dots. He then threw it at me and i ducked under it as it flew behind me i tried to grab it with my whip but it burned through it. Blaze laughed. 

"With that aura around it you can't touch it with anything, if you touch it with your bare hands you will slowly wither away and lose your strength" he said with a smile, i looked down at my whip which was broke but my swords were ok and i still had the rope attached to them, i smirked and ran at Blaze which he wasn't looking at me, as i was about to slash him, he looked at me and clashed a dagger with my swords.

"You are fast Lucy I've never fought anyone who could actually keep up with me" he said, i smiled and we began to sword fight but he did eventually push me back, we were both panting and exhausted, i looked at Blaze who was slowly standing and chuckling with an evil smile.

"Blaze what are you-?" I started, but then he dashed at me i wasn't fast enough this time because i was tired, he came up behind me and then i felt a deep burning pain, he got me with his scythe, i fell to the ground in pain.

"This was fun, but i won so lets get you fixed up" he said, but i didn't move, Blaze touched my back and then he was thrown away, then everything went black. 

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