New book? Lemon/ships?

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Hey guys it's me! So I've been thinking about this for a bit and wanted to get your guys opinion on it. I was thinking of starting a new book kinda like a one shot lemon book but not just Laxus and Lucy I'm talking anyone you guys wanna see her shipped with and maybe even some other ships to! I know there a lot of people who like Laxus and Lucy together but at the same time like ya know Natsu and Lucy or Gray. I wanted to see what you guys thought about it since this book will be coming to a close soon and so you still get those juicy lemons lol 🍋. I was also thinking of starting a new Lalu book other than Gods love which you should check because it's crazy well as long as you don't mind very sensitive themes. But yeah just let me know what you guys think and I hope you enjoy the reading if I do start! Byeeeee

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