2 months later

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(Panda POV)

Its been 2 months since i left the guild to come to Dreamora with Elizabeth and i have grown stronger, not just in my powers but with my emotions, Luke and i have become so close but yet, I don't have feeling for him, he's sweet but i can't stop thinking about Laxus, i shook it off as a tear fell from my eyes and i heard Echo roar a bit, i smiled at him.

"What Echo?" I asked, he purred and put his head on my lap, i smiled and pet him, it was mid September now. I sat petting Echo when there was a knock on my door i got up as did Echo and i opened it, i huffed, it was Corey.

"Hey Lucy" he said with a smirk.

"Hi Corey whats up?" I asked, he nodded and came it.

"Just chilling out so i thought id come say hello" he said, i closed the door and Echo stayed close to me.

"Ok then" i said, he chuckled.

"So you going to that welcome party tonight?" He asked, i was confused.

"What?" I said, he sighed.

"There is a welcome party tonight for a newbie, like the one for you" he said, i shrugged.

"I don't know i might, lately I've been focusing on my training" i said, he came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Well how about you go with me as friends so you can relax cause you need it" he said, i shrugged again.

"I'll think about it, but i have to get some stuff done here" i said, he sighed and nodded.

"Ok then but call me if you wanna go" he said, i nodded as he left, i sighed and sat down with Echo, Corey was nice i guess but he was a perv, he reminded me of Natsu, i huffed and got up.

"Why am i thinking about him!? I mean he was on Laxus's side about everything and i'm sure he didn't even care about me" i said as i sat back down, Echo put his head on my lap and purred, i pet him.

"You care about me right Echo?" I asked him, he smiled, i giggled and pet him more, just then Elizabeth came in.

"Hello Lucy how are you today?" She asked, i smiled.

"I am good thank you how are you Elizabeth" i asked, her, she smiles.

"I am doing well and i must say you have grown so powerful" she said, i nodded.

"Thank you" i said, Echo went to his bed and Elizabeth sat next to me.

"You miss your friends?" She asked, i nodded and sighed, Laxus popped into my head.

"Yeah i do i hope they are doing ok" i said with a soft smile, she giggled.

"I'm sure they are doing well and are missing you to, do you miss him as well?" She asked, i shook my head no even though it was a lie.

"N-no i'm sure he's happy without me there" i said, she shrugged.

"I don't know when i have gone back to meet with Makarov he hasn't been good, i have even seen him cry and yell at Mira for what had happened" she said, i looked down and a tear fell, she smiled at me and lifted my head and wiped my tear.

"You do miss him?" She said, i sniffled and nodded.

"He was my first everything how can't i miss him?" I said, she giggled.

"Well i don't see how you can't miss him" she said as she got up.

"But you can't contact the real world till the year is done" she said, i nodded and stood at well, as did Echo.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now