Betrayal Pt 1

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(Mira POV)

its been awhile since the vacation but i cant get one guy out of my head.............Laxus, i lay on my bed in my house staring at a small photo of us when we were together, he was so cute and.........i blushed a little.....big ;). i snapped out of my own head and got up to go to the guild for work, i sighed and put the picture under my pillow, i'm so stupid he would never go back out with me, he has Lucy and i not only lied about him not loving me and i cheated on him because i wanted something exiting along with him. i got to the guild and i saw him, and......Lucy, i sighed and saw her sitting on his lap, they were so happy, but i wanted him back. I went behind the bar as Lucy came up.

"Hey Mira whats up??" she asked, i put on a fake smile and just went with it.

"Hey Lucy i'm good how are you and Laxus??" i asked blushing slightly, she blushed deeply.

"Hes fine and i'm ok" she said, i nodded and gave her a strawberry smoothie and a beer for Laxus, she smiled brighter.

"Thanks Mira <3" she said, i nodded and she went back to him, he kissed her softly on the cheek, i cringed and tightened my fist, i sighed as they walked over to the job board, grabbed one and left, i sighed again and relaxed, just then i heard a small chuckle. I looked and saw Angel.

"Hmmmm you seem like you like him still Mira" she said, i nodded. (she joined Fairy tail).

"How do you know Angel??" I asked, she chuckled again.

"Because its so obvious to me" she said, i sighed and we left the guild for a walk.

"So do you like him??" she asked as the streets slowly emptied out and it became silent. I nodded softly and blushed.

"Y-yes i do but he has Lucy" i said, a small tear fell from my eye, she looked and me and wiped it away.

"hey hey hey don't cry honey i have a plan kind of" she said, i sniffled and nodded, we walked back to my house and started working on the plan.

(At the house and after planning)

Angel and i sat in my room on my bed talking about how we were going to do this plan, she chuckled.

"Mira honey did you forget i am a celestial wizard????" she asked, i shook my head.

"No i didn't forget" i said, she then summoned a few of her strongest spirits, i smiled and thought of me in his arms again.

"Ok so lets go over the plan again ok?" i asked, she nodded.

"Ok so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna use these things to hurt Laxus while i keep Lucy occupied you will help him then tell him he owes you one for saving him then we real him in so he breaks up with Lucy and goes back out with you again ok???" she explained, i grinned from ear to ear, hes going to be mine again, i cant wait, i nodded.

"Perfect but lets give it a bit of time so Lucy doesn't suspect anything k" i said, she chuckled and nodded as well. this is going to be the perfect betrayal ever.

(Lucy POV)

I yawned and rolled out of bed as Laxus still slept. Hes so cute when he sleeps, and when hes awake. I walked into the bathroom to take a small shower quick before he woke up, i stripped and jumped in, the hot water on my body felt good, i didn't want to get out but i had to, i turned the water off and jumped out, i just through on a pink T-shirt and some shorts with my boots and my hair in a side pony tail. i walked out of the bathroom and saw he was up, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at me, i smiled.

"Morning bae <3" i said sweetly, he smiled and got up, coming over to me and kissing my forehead, i giggled.

"How did you sleep sweetie?" He asked, i smiled wider.

"I slept good cause i was with you" i said, he blushed and picked me up. He chuckled and spun me around on his shoulder, i giggled more.

"Hey put me down!!" i giggled out.

"Aww why honey?" he asked, i fluffed his hair.

"Cause you need a shower you stink" i teased, he huffed and shook his head.

"Nope i think ill make you deal with it" he teased back, i jumped down and gave him puppy eyes, the one thing he couldn't resist.

"Pwease baby" i said cutely, he chuckled a bit.

"Noooooo not the face!" he said, i kept it going, finally he gave in to me.

"Fine baby girl you win" he said, i smiled brighter as he went into the bathroom to take a nice long shower. i went into the kitchen and made him some eggs and toast for breakfast and some hot tea for us both, i set it on a tray and put in on the stand next to my bed, i sat in the chair and drank my tea as he came out.

"Happy now sweetie?" he asked, i giggled and nodded.

"Yes now sit and eat honey we've got a long day" i said, he nodded and sat on the bed and ate his toast and eggs slowly as to savor every bite, i watched him, he was so cute and was such a gentleman when he did anything at all. i quietly sipped my tea and he chuckled at me

"What" i asked, he came down and sat next to me on the floor.

"Oh nothing your just so cute when you drink honey"he said, i giggled. He finished his tea and so did I. i took everything into the kitchen and put it in the sink, i went back out to Laxus and we got ready to head to the guild.

(At the guild)

We sat together at our small table and just talked to each other, all though i felt as if someone was watching us, i looked at the bar and saw Mira glaring at me and then blushing and smiling at Laxus, i felt like she was trying to betray me? Weird.

(Panda POV)

SURPRISE!!!!!!!!:))))) i wanted to get another chapter out today and i didn't really want to put everything in this one chapter lol sorry :))))))))) hope you like it

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