Girls Surprise

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(Lucy POV)

We went to the guild about 8am, Laxus was still tired, but I was exited, we walked into the guild and everyone was here, Laxus sat down at a table and I bent to the bar.

"Hi Mira can I get a coffee please" I asked, she nodded and handed me a warm coffee, I walked back over to Laxus, while no one was looking I kissed him on the cheek, he flinched and looked at me.

"Lucy!" He said, blushing, I giggled and handed him the coffee, he took a sip, juth then Erza came up to me.

"Lucy its your last practice this morning are you ready?" She asked, I nodded.

"Laxus were going out to the forest for a but we'll be back." I said, he nodded and drank his coffee, it was just going to be me and Erza today.

(In the woods)

We got to the area and I pulled out, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Aries, and Virgo, I summoned them one at a time.

"Open gate of the golden bull! Taurus!" I yelled, he appeared.

"Open gate of the giant crab! Cancer!" I yelled again, he appeared next. I took Leos key and opened his next.

"Open gate of the lion! Leo" I said, he appeared and bowed.

"Hello beautiful" he said, I rolled my eyes.

"Open gate of the lamb! Aries!" I chanted, she appeared sheepishly, I waved with a smiled, I was losing a bit of energy.

"Finally open gate of the maiden! Virgo!" I yelled, she appeared last with a bow.

"Hello princess" she said, I waved.

"Hi guys you know why your here right?" I asked, Leo shook his head. I sighed.

"Us girls are planning a surprise so I need you guys to turn to you Eclipse forms and battle the guys for a few hours please" I said, Virgo nodded, they were in.

"Ok Aries do you think I could use your sound projection to get the guys to come here?" I asked, she blushed and nodded, I held her hand and then she screamed, sounding like me, hopefully the guys heard it.

(At the guild)(Panda POV)

The guys were sitting around like usual, just then Laxus and Natsu stood up.

"Did you hear that?" Natsu asked, everyone looked at him and then stood as well.

"It sounded like Lucy!" Laxus yelled, all the men in the guild ran all together to get to the woods.

(Back to Lucy POV)

After I called the guys I had all my spirits turn to their eclipse forms, a bright white light and they were ready, I said goodbye and Erza and I ran another way back to the guild for the surprise.

(Loki POV)

Lucy and Erza ran off, good if we're fighting all the guys in the guild, things might get ugly. All of us looked completely different, especially Aires, she was super cute before, and now she just looks badass. We all decided that I was going to be the leader of this battle, because I looked like I was the strongest now, Lucy picked good spirits to do this, were her strongest, well except for Aquarius. Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, me and Aires are super tough, and I'm sure in these forms it will be hard for the guys, just like Lucy wants so they can have time to set up and her to recover her strength. I looked to Virgo who was at my left.

"Can you tell where they are?" I asked, she nodded.

"The men are almost here and Lucy and Erza are safely back at the guild, we must go a bit easy on how we fight, we do not want to hurt them to bad and for Lucy's recovery time we need to make sure she doesn't lose mass amounts of energy do to us fighting" she said, I nodded, just then my ears perked up, their here. We got into a formation we liked and waited, just then, Laxus and Natsu burst through the trees and vines to see us.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now