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(Panda POV)

Another month has passed since Lucy came to Dreamora and it was now time to celebrate the spookiest time of year, Halloween. The outside of the castle was decorated with cobwebs with spiders, pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts and other creepy stuff. Inside it was darker more spooky with pumpkins and fake blood all over the place. Up the stairs to the rooms the halls were filled with the same decorations and floating skulls and pumpkins, each door had a different spooky design on it and on Lucy's door was a thunder storm looming over a small grave yard with a single tall figure standing over several dead body's. Inside her room Lucy was practicing magic attacks on a dummy that Lila made for her, attack after attack the dummy would not have a single scratch on it, she huffed.

"This really isn't helping, maybe I can ask Drew if he will help me practice" she said to herself, Echo purrs as he lay on her bed, Lucy giggled and went over to pet him.

"You gonna come with me Echo so we can train our power?" She asked, Echo rolled on his back as to say no, Lucy rubbed his belly then got ready to go. She threw on just some jeans and a blue t-shirt and her combat boots, Lucy walked out of her room and smiled, it was the day before Halloween and the whole castle was decorated, as she walked she saw Luke and Corey, they were walking towards Lucy, she sighed.

"Oh hey Lucy, how's it going?" Luke asked, Lucy smiled and nodded.

"It's going well, I'm going to train with Drew" she said, he smiled at her.

"That's cool, do you wanna hangout later?" He asked her, after what happened last month, Lucy was hesitant to answer but after training Echo, if something were to happen he would protect her.

"Yeah sure" Lucy said, Luke smiled.

"Great meet me at the park at say 3:30?" He said, she nodded and walked off to Drew's tower to train.

(Lucy POV)(at the tower)

I climbed the steps of the tower until I reached the door to Drew's room, but before I opened the door I heard voices so I waited and listened.

"What are we going to do?" Voice 1 asked, that voice sounded like Drew, I kept listening.

"I do not no but we need to be careful" voice 2 said, that sounded like Elizabeth? But why was she here?

"I believe we should send her back to ready for the fight" another voice added, it was Lila.

"No she is not ready!" A voice yelled, I could tell it was Bruce.

"Then what can we do? If he attacks the world before she is ready he will kill her" Drew said harshly, everyone started to bicker till Elizabeth silences them all.

"That is enough! She isn't ready but it could be possible that she will never be ready to face him, but her true power will emerge but it must happen of her own valuation, no amount of training will bring it out" she said, I was very confused.

"Yes m'lady so what do we do?" Bruce asked.

"We will keep her here to train her other skills that she has then if we feel that she will be ready then we will send her home" Elizabeth said, I heard everyone agree. I didn't think I should have heard that, I quietly walked down the stairs and went back to my room.

(Back in her room)

I sat on my bed thinking about what they were talking about, was it me? Am I still not strong? I sighed and sat up to pet Echo, just then there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Elizabeth.

"Hello Lucy, how are you today?" She asked, I smiled like nothing happened and nodded.

"Hi Elizabeth, my has been good, I've been training all day" I said, she smiled.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now