YEAR ONE - Chapter One

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Welcome to Silvanna Snape! As always, I hope you enjoy it; please comment and vote if you do, your support is always appreciated. If you do like it, feel free to check out my other works, including: Wisdom and Victory, about McGonagall's daughter; Blood of the Moon, follows Draco's older sister through the war; and Alexandra Dursley, a story about Harry Potter's (nice) cousin.

So, happy reading :)

Severus and Silvanna Snape were twins, and though not identical, they were startlingly similar. They had the same hooked nose, the same sallow skin, the same neglected black hair. They also happened to be in the same compartment, trundling along to Hogwarts.

However, they were not the same. The two were quite different. While Silvanna had rolled up the sleeves of her moth-eaten jumper and shirt and undone the top button, Severus wore his properly. She sat cross-legged with her feet on the seat, skirt carefully placed between her legs, Severus was leaning forward, feet firmly on the floor. He was looking forward to learning magic, proving himself, and spending more time with Lily Evans. Slivanna was looking forward to the magic part, but she had no doubt she'd be left out of the pair's activities, just like she was at home. And she had more important things to worry about, like how she'd left her mum alone with her dad. Severus was trying to console and reassure Lily after a squabble with that awful girl, Petunia, while Silvanna was trying to drown out the noise of the boys that shared their compartment by re-reading The Standard Book of Spells: Grade One.

It was rare for Severus and Silvanna to get new things, so their wands (that their mum had insisted on) had been a treat. They also hardly ever got things that were new to them, even if they'd belonged to someone else before. So when they'd left the second-hand shop in Diagon Alley earlier in the summer, they'd been simply delighted. They had a set of worn textbooks along with their mum's old ones, three sets of robes (with some buttons missing, but their mum had mended them) a cauldron, a trunk, a telescope (Silvanna had spent all summer peering through it when she couldn't sleep because of the arguing), and even quills, parchment, and ink. The rest of their things their mum had supplied out of her old school things.

And now here they were. Off to Hogwarts for a whole year of learning things they'd already read in advance. At least they could use their wands now though, that could be fun. And they didn't have to worry about their dad.

"You'd better be in Slytherin," Severus was saying to Lily, who was still sniffing from her argument.

"Slytherin?" sneered one of the boys, who had glasses and messy black hair. Silvanna instinctively shrunk behind her book, only her overgrown eyebrows poking out from the top. She knew that mocking tone. Her dad sometimes used it on her mum. "Why would you want to be in Slytherin?"

"All my family have been in Slytherin," said another of the boys. He had high cheek bones, and black hair like the twins'. Except his was neat, and certainly not in need of a wash. He shrugged, livening up a little, "Maybe I'll break the tradition. Where are you off to?" he asked the first boy.

"Gryffindor!" exclaimed the boy with glasses, looking as proud as if he'd already got there. Silvanna smiled faintly: he'd be a great fit.

"If you'd rather be brawny than brainy," retorted Severus. Silvanna rolled her eyes, no longer reading the text in front of her and instead pricking her ears up to listen.

"Where are you going, seeing as you're neither?" said the second boy. Merlin, he had wit sharper than hers.

Silvanna let out an unwilling laugh, drawing unwanted attention to herself. Severus turned to his right and scowled at her. "Oh, come on, that was funny," she said, lowering her book into her lap. "Liven up a bit, Beaky." She punched him playfully on the arm, and the boys chuckled.

"We have the same nose," he growled. It was a bit of a sore spot for him, as he hated inheriting anything that reminded him of their dad. Silvanna, on the other hand, knew that the best way to cope with life was to poke fun at it where you could.

"At least I keep mine out of other people's business," she said, keeping the smile from crossing her face as she returned to her book. Her eyes flicked to Lily, who was scowling just as furiously as Severus.

"Come on, Severus," she said, standing and collecting her things, "Let's find another compartment." The boys they were sharing with let out loud 'Oooooo's and the one with the glasses tried to trip Severus as he stood.

Her brother ignored them. "Coming?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Silvanna sighed, looking to Lily who had her back to the compartment door. "I really can't be arsed, Sev," she said, going back to her book once more. "You have fun with your girlfriend though."

The boys all let out howling laughs as Severus left the compartment, and the one with the glasses called, "See ya, Snivellus!"

While the others were congratulating him on the mediocre nickname, the boy sat opposite her put his own book down. It had been a muggle novel, not a textbook. Silvanna didn't look up. "Why didn't you go with them?" he asked. His voice was softer than the others, and not so loud. Silvanna looked up at him and narrowed her eyes. Like her, he had scars all over his body, but his climbed up to his neck and even his face. Clearly his parents weren't so good at beating him subtly.

"They annoy me," she said simply. It was true. Lily she didn't really mind, although she did ask an awful lot of questions about wizards. But she brought out a weird side of her brother. Before Lily, they were best friends, going through thick and thin. Now, when he wasn't dragging her off to see Lily, she was all he would talk about. Silvanna didn't much like that side of Severus.

"Reckon you'll be in Slytherin too then?" asked the boy with the glasses, who also had her attention after the scarred boy had spoken to her.

"Yes," she said stiffly. "That's where my mum was."

"What did you say your name was?" asked the boy with the cheekbones.

"I didn't," said Silvanna. Once again, she found that she wasn't absorbing any of her book, and was simply looking at the page. She didn't put it down, hoping to be left alone.

"Was he your brother?" asked the boy with the glasses.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" she retorted. They didn't reply, waiting for an answer. "Yes."

"Older or younger?"

"Younger," she said. "By three minutes and forty two seconds. We're twins." She lowered her book slightly to see the boy with the cheekbones grinning and starting to speak. "Not identical, don't bother making the joke. Wasn't as good as your last one."

"It was good, wasn't it?" he said, looking to the boy with the glasses.

"So what is your name?" asked the scarred boy.

"Silvanna Snape," she said, finally putting her book down. She folded over the corner and placed it in the seat beside her. "That was Lily Evans and Severus Snape." The boys each introduced themselves in turn. The scarred one opposite her was Remus Lupin. The one next to him Sirius Black, and opposite him was James Potter. Next to him, closest to the door, was a quiet, plump boy named Peter Pettigrew. Soon enough the conversation turned from Silvanna to quidditch, and she was allowed to go back to her book in peace.

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