YEAR SEVEN - Chapter One-Hundred-and-Forty

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Seventh Year babyyyy let's gooo

Silvanna lowered her guard ever-so-slightly for the rest of the day, and she found they actually had quite a nice time. They put their shoes back on and he led her up a winding slope along the cliff side to the top, where they sat on a blanket he'd brought with sandwiches and glasses of pumpkin juice.

"You're not as smart as you think you are, you know," he said. He was looking at the sea again, the view somehow better now that they were higher up, with grass all around them.

"You really know how to compliment a girl," she retorted. "First it's 'I didn't try to kill you', and then 'you're stupid'."

"You're not stupid," he corrected. "But you could be smarter."

"In what way?"

"You haven't just changed your mind about being a blood-traitor just like that," he said, snapping his fingers. She scowled away from him at his language, but didn't comment. "See?" he pointed out. "Either someone's put you up to this, or you're a complete gold-digging beast."

"Which do you think it is?" she asked neutrally.

"I think that despite the loss of your mother, you aren't completely heartless or greedy." His answer was indirect, and in no way an accusation, but it still felt like one.

"You're wrong," she lied. "I just wanted a family again."

He shook his head. "They're no family. You had one and you gave it up for this. We both did."

He looked away, and no matter how hard she strained she couldn't see his face. He was probably cursing her or something.

"Do you really miss him?" she asked, and she was surprised by her own gentleness, "Or is this just some kind of trick you're playing on me?"

"How could anyone not miss him?" she thought his voice cracked as he spoke, but she was probably mistaken. Or hopeful. Or maybe it was deliberate - who didn't fall for something they wanted to believe?

Biting her lip, she let her napkin fly away from them, and excused herself to fetch it. When she returned, he'd packed everything away and was a expressionless as ever. "Shall we head back?" She nodded, and they set off along the cliff side.

Once they were at the bottom of the gravel path leading up to the house, he spoke again. "You should know that I do support my family, and their views and methods. I'm not like you or him."

She hadn't doubted it for a second. "Regardless, at least you articulate instead of just murdering people depending on their blood status." He didn't respond to that, instead climbing up the front steps, and opening the door for her.


The second half of the holiday passed much like the first half, with the only change being that Regulus now joined her on her morning walks. She let her guard down a little more, well aware that may be a part of his plan, but he wouldn't catch her out, she made sure of it.

Once they returned it was back to lessons and dinners, with only one ball to attend before she was safely back at Hogwarts. It was all completely uneventful. She left a few dances for Regulus to break the night up, but other than that nobody seemed to show any interest in her anymore. She made sure to stick with Evelyn or Colette, and took note of any unusual absences; by now she'd been introduced to most people, so it was just a case of taking attendance for Dumbledore.

And the letters with Marlene had picked up again, especially around her birthday. She passed her apparation test, but broke up with Dorcas again. Apparently they 'just couldn't get on' what with the war and NEWTs and all the rest of it. Silvanna wasn't sure what 'the rest of it' was.

Her trunk was packed for her the night before, and at quarter-to-eleven she bid goodbye to her cousins and aunties, Severus having left significantly earlier. She was quite nervous, at least until she found a compartment with two younger students in it, and settled into the corner with a book to read. She relaxed after this, for the first time in months. No one was watching her every move, she didn't have to pay attention to people, or calculate every word that was said. It was over. Until Christmas at least.

Her trip was uninterrupted, even when Remus, Lily and James passed the door. To her shock, she saw a red shield pinned next to his Quidditch Captain one. James had made Head Boy. Merlin's Beard. But even despite this, he ignored her, or probably didn't see her.

The only person to speak to her was Marlene, who slid into the compartment only after she checked the coast was clear. She eyed the two girls with suspicion, but decided they were no threat, even though they were openly ogling at her.

"How are you feeling?" she whispered, leaning forward to close the blind on the door.

"Fine, I healed up really quickly," she admitted. "I'm sorry I couldn't-"

"It's fine," Marlene said quickly. "I get it, you were expected back." Silvanna nodded, finding her mouth dry.

"Good birthday?"

"Yeah," she said, "Good holiday?"


"Did you see the paper?" Marlene asked, pulling a cutting from her robe pocket. She shook her head and accepted it, looking at the picture that had been taken that day in Diagon Alley.


It was taken from the front page of the Evening Prophet and the picture was of Marlene, splattered with blood. Only the back of Silvanna could be seen, hence why she hadn't been identified. The image of her lurched forward, apparating them away and leaving only the reflection of the Dark Mark in the Leaky Cauldron window.

"I'm sorry I splinched you," she said, handing it back as she remembered.

Marlene shrugged. "It's was just a fingernail, and I got it back. You actually did a damn good job." She lowered her voice. "They identified me really easily in the Prophet so I've had to floo from my house to get anywhere. It's been a nightmare, I couldn't even practice quidditch without cameras leaning over the garden hedge."

"That's shit," she whispered, pulling a face.

Marlene just laughed. "Yeah," she agreed, getting to her feet. "But it's fine now. See you at the feast."

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