Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Five

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You lot are actually insane, you know that? 200k reads?! thank you so so much. Late update again but I've had to go through two job selection processes this weekend. Ooh! - it's almost Christmas! Very excited for that and I'll have a special surprise for you all on Christmas day :)

  Apparation lessons were far more difficult than everyone else made them look. Silvanna hadn't moved so much as an inch by the end of February, and nobody she knew well had splinched, so she couldn't even ask for tips. Even if one of her friends had splinched, she couldn't very well ask them, could she?

 The avoiding was going well for the most part. Lily and Remus had continued their study group without her, and she'd found herself retreating to the old corner from first year, that overlooked the lake. Some things just didn't change, she supposed. Maybe she'd always sit in the corner, wishing people would just leave her alone. But Sirius had been absorbed back into the ranks of the boys, as spritely as ever. Apparently, and more so surprisingly, Severus had not taken the news of the break-up well, having bitterly tried to jinx Sirius on more than one occasion in defence of his helpless big sister.

 Helpless her arse.

 Of course, she only knew all of this because she was yet to wriggle her way out of tutoring Marlene who continued to join her three times a week, despite apparation lessons, quidditch practice, having a girlfriend, remaining Hogwarts' reigning gossip queen, etcetera.

 "...and of course she wasn't happy with that, so she told him: 'If you don't want a muggle-born girlfriend, don't date one.' I mean, I couldn't have put it better myself really. Actually, I might've added something about joining an extremist group, but-"

 "Marlene," she cut across once she was certain she couldn't have any breath left. "You do know we have to memorise the steps for Amortentia before we make it? And I won't be there to work with you on it?"

 "Well, I don't see why not."

 Of course you don't. That's the point.

 "Do you not have quidditch? And where's Mary - or, or Dorcas? They have to learn it too, why not do it with them?"

 "Because, Silvanna, I save this time to learn with you, because I'm serious about doing better. I really want to do well in my NEWTs, you know? And Mary's not bothered, and Dorcas is definitely doing quidditch by the sounds of it-"

 "Got it," she said, getting up from the table. Marlene's eyes followed her. They didn't look at all hurt or angry, which annoyed her because she'd been hurtful. "I'm going to fetch a book on apparating while you read up on that." She nodded and turned back to the textbook.


 Brewing amortentia took a week, which ate into March. March reminded Silvanna of Remus, which reminded her that the last month's full moon fell on a Friday, one of his patrol days. She felt bad about this, even skipping breakfast in favour of a walk to a quiet spot in the castle, but soon remembered this was the point.

 This was what Dumbledore asked you to do. He chose you. He trusts you. You need to do this.

 And after the war, they could straighten everything out. But there'd be no after if she didn't sort things out now.

 When they arrived to Potions on Tuesday, there were columns of spiralling steam all throughout the sixth year dungeon. A boiling wave of baking oranges hit her, so strong it made her nostrils burn and her eyes water. Afterwards came a smoky sort of smell, which reminded her of the Gryffindor common room. She was surprised there was no smell of books or library. And from the lists everyone else was rattling off, there was a little more concern as to why there were only two smells.

 James (from what she could see at the other side of the room) was being quiet about his answers, but nobody seemed to notice when Sirius was shouting about motorcycle oil. "I'd be sniffing muggle dirt to try and off myself too if I were him," muttered Avery from opposite her. How she'd ended up opposite him she'd never know but it wasn't all bad. He was a horrid boy, but one of the 'sacred twenty-eight' so a good idea in the long run, she supposed. It was just a shame she forgot to tell him not to empty his cauldron too quickly into the sink else all the ingredients would recombine and curdle. That was how he walked into lunch covered in pink glitter and smelling like bad eggs. Maybe if he'd kept his mouth shut...

 Oranges. Silvanna didn't eat many oranges, much less cook them. Had her mum? No.

 In the library that night, she received a letter from a large tawny owl, stood tall and actually quite scary. She much preferred Betsy, who was lovely and dumpy. Perhaps she'd get up early tomorrow and go and visit her in the owlery with some treats.

 Placing her book down, she opened the letter, which was written in boxy, looping writing.

 Dear Silvanna,

 I'm sure you won't mind, but Colette came to me about the note you sent her. We thought it important that you should know that we don't hold you accountable in any way for the things you said last year. It was a difficult time for all of us, but most of all your brother and you. Who, by the way, is in perfectly good hands. You'll be pleased to know he's been staying with us during the holidays, even at Christmas.

 As expected.

 We were sorry to see that nasty business happening with your father. Severus kept us updated with the proceedings, and we're all glad that you're both safe and well now. Speaking on the topic, I did worry about where you stayed for the remainder of your summer. I'm sure you have friends to go to, but if you ever wanted a change of scene you're more than welcome back at Whitechapel; we wouldn't want you to feel like too much of a burden on another family.

 Ooooh, nicely done. That's how she'd have written it. Planting the seed of her being a burden to tempt her away from her friends and towards them. It was an art form, really. A shame she'd spotted it, else it would've worked a dream. Well, she'd let it seem like it was working.

 Bearing in mind he has your best interests at heart, we did ask Severus to keep a distant eye on you, just to make sure you seemed happy. He mentioned you'd been seeing the Black heir? Although I must tell you, he has been officially disowned, it was in the Daily Prophet. He also mentioned how you broke up last month? I'm sorry to hear that, I know you must be feeling terrible.

 With the Easter break coming up I wondered if you'd like to come and stay? If only for a few days, and then back to your friends. It might be nice to have a change of atmosphere, and you remember how peaceful it is here? Anyway, we'd love to have you.

 With Love, Grandmother Evelyn.

 Silvanna folded it up and stuffed it into the cover of her book. It had given her a lot to think about, and she wanted to analyse it before she replied. And anyway, the library was closing soon. Best to head straight to bed.

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