Chapter Eighteen

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The next few months flew by in a whirl of homework, reading and lessons. Silvanna visited Remus the afternoon after every full moon and they sat together, quietly reading or sneaking textbooks to each other. Madame Pomfrey had confiscated her copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi at one point because Remus was 'supposed to be resting'. So he'd read a different book instead.

Both Remus's and Potter's birthdays landed in March, which led to a whole month of random sinks exploding with bubbles and flooding corridors, much to Filch's disapproval.

Each full moon, the other boys came to visit Remus, only to be kicked out when they caused too much noise. Their record for longest time spent there was thirty six minutes, and that was only because Pete hid under the bed.

With one week until the Easter holidays, McGonagall came round the common room again with the list of students who would be staying. Twice she came over to where Silvanna was playing gobstones with Black while the other three watched. She was absolutely demolishing him, but kept getting distracted by McGonagall.

"Are you quite sure you aren't staying, Snape?" asked McGonagall. "I hear your brother is."

"That's because he's a snake," she said coolly, efficiently knocking two of Black's stones out the circle at once. He held up his wand in a shield charm to avoid being soaked. Potter laughed, though whether it was at her pun or his friend losing, she wasn't sure.

"If you're certain," said McGonagall, not sounding convinced. "Black?"

"I know you really want me to stay, Professor," he said, making Pettigrew snort. "But as you heard from my darling Mama back in January, I'm expected at home."

McGonagall sighed and nodded, before carrying on round the common room. "Merlin, she was being adamant, wasn't she?" whispered Potter with an eye roll. "D'you reckon that was because of-" Remus shoved into him, effectively shutting him up, but not so discretely. Silvanna offered up a grateful smile.


Silvanna was happily reading in the common room while Mary and Marlene grumbled about their History essays that were due the next day. She was on the very last book in the Famous Five series, and she couldn't wait to finish it so she could talk to Remus about it.

She jumped, almost dropping her book, as someone grabbed her arm out of nowhere and pulled. "Hey!" she exclaimed, making several people look up. She saw it was Remus, and ignoring her previous statement, she got up and followed him out the common room, bookmarking her page as she went. "Remus, what's going on? It's after curfew, what if we get caught?" He didn't reply or turn around, just kept pulling on her wrist as they rushed through the corridors.

He pulled her into an alcove behind a tapestry, finally turning round. Silvanna saw in the torchlight that his face was glistening with tears. "Oh," she whispered quietly as he sniffed, "Oh, did something happen?"

Remus nodded, opening his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Instead another tear dropped down his face. What was Silvanna supposed to do? Should she hug him? That's what he'd done when she was nervous about going home. Slowly, so as not to startle him, she wrapped her arms around his torso, holding him gently. It felt weird, having another person so close to her.

Finally, Remus spoke. "They know," he whispered, his voice croaky. She let go and stepped back, and he wiped his face with the sleeve of his jumper. "The others. They know I'm a - a-" He didn't finish, just looking distraught and ashamed.

"Why are you so upset though?" asked Silvanna, frowning.

"I - they didn't take it well," he said, his eyes looking terrified. "Sirius just sat there and stared at me, and James was asking me all these questions about what it's like, and Pete - Pete said that they could get a-a separate dorm around full moons."

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