Chapter Fifty-Six

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Have a fandabidosi day! :)

Silvanna wouldn't say she was bad at Charms. In fact, she was quite good. She just wasn't the best. And she so desperately wanted to be the best, because if she wasn't then Severus might be. And they couldn't have that, no sir.

So you could say she was a little annoyed when she kept getting distracted by the boys on Monday morning.

"Is it true?" hissed James from behind her. "Are you and MacQuoid going around?" Silvanna shot the cushion she was supposed to be banishing across the room, hitting the subject of their conversation in the back of the head. He smiled at her as he turned around, and she mouthed a quick 'sorry'. He shook his head and turned back to his own work.

"I'm going to kill Marlene," said Silvanna, turning around in her seat. "Did she tell you?" she asked Sirius.

He scoffed. "Yeah."

"Leave her be," said Remus, using the charm to flick a ball of parchment into James's cheek.

"You five!" rang out Flitwick's voice and they all jumped, caught talking. "Let's see you try."

Obediently, Silvanna raised her wand. "Depulso." Her cushion landed neatly in the box they were aiming for, and Professor Fitwick smiled warmly at her before moving on.

An hour later and the bell rang out for lunch. Silvanna filed out, but was pulled aside from the rest of the group by her hand. She was startled at first, but then found that the offender was Daniel. She laughed, letting him take her wherever, until they found themselves in a completely abandoned part of the castle.

"Where are we?" she whispered, grinning all the same. She peered out the window to see a stretch of the lake below her.

"Music corridor," said Daniel with a shrug. "No one comes down here..." He trailed off, smiling and goofy-looking. Silvanna realised just how hungry she was.

"And what are we doing here?" She still whispered, even though she knew no one would overhear.

"Well, you didn't think you could get away with throwing cushions at me?" he said as they found a seat by a window. It was high enough to do that no one would notice them from outside. "Very good banishing charm, by the way."

"Thank you," said Silvanna, smiling faintly. He leaned forward, as he had the day before, and this time Silvanna found herself slightly more ready. One hand went to her face, the other straight to her waist. She was really very hungry, but this was what boyfriends and girlfriends did, wasn't it?

But the threat of double Transfiguration loomed over her head as Daniel's tongue went in deeper (somehow), and he hand gripped her waist a little tighter. She placed her hands firmly on the back of his shoulders so they were out the way. Maybe Remus would bring her a sandwich...but there was no way McGonagall would let her eat it. Why was she thinking about lunch? Should she be thinking about Daniel?

The bell went. Silvanna had spent her whole lunch snogging. And she was so bloody hungry. Merlin, she was turning into Marlene.


There was exactly one hour between the library closing and curfew. Normally, Silvanna didn't waste time, and went straight up to the common room from there. But more and more often she found herself meeting Daniel on the music corridor. Sometimes they'd snog. Sometimes they'd chat, or read, or cuddle. Mostly it was just snogging though.

He left it until December before his hands ventured from her waist and under her top. Silvanna didn't know if this was normal, but if Marlene and Sirius was any indication, it was a bit late. She didn't much mind though. He was being gentlemanly, taking it slow.

Her mind wandered during these sessions. She used them to think about how she was going to formulate her essays that she had due in, think about what on earth the boys were planning - they were still commandeering the library - and what she might write to Jim in her next letter. Should she be thinking about another boy right now? Oh well, Daniel would never know.

Sometimes she thought about Marlene and Sirius, and wondered if she was doing it right, although it was mostly Daniel that led, she just sort of followed. He'd given her a hickey on her collarbone last week, that Marlene and Mary had spotted the next morning as she jumped out the shower. Fortunately it was easily concealable, but it didn't stop Marlene showing all her's off. Mary was clearly feeling left out. Lily was always uncomfortable.

Every now and then another couple who found the abandoned corridor would scurry past them, giggling. Mainly all the inter-house ones, because everyone else could just stick to their dorms and common rooms, safely locked away from teachers. She never saw Marlene and Sirius.

She was so busy these days that she hardly had time to hex Severus for being a prick whenever she saw him, let alone find new ones. He still managed though, and Silvanna had got very good at blocking them. All in good fun, of course.

By the Christmas holidays, Silvanna thought she was getting very good at snogging, and Daniel had certainly improved. She was definitely more comfortable, and he'd stopped thrusting his tongue quite so far in. He'd also become very adept at quickly loosening her tie, a thought she found very entertaining.

On the day of the December full moon, Silvanna told Daniel she had a Potions test to revise for - an excuse pre-crafted to avoid drawing attention to the fact Remus was sick. She didn't even mind giving up her afternoon with him to see Remus and the boys. In fact, it was a welcome break. Not that she did mind seeing Daniel; he was very sweet and she liked him very much. But she'd definitely missed her fellow Gryffindors.

Obviously she was teased mercilessly, and it was only toned down when she threw a few snide comments Sirius's way.

When Christmas came they were given their usual homework. As always, it was just Sirius and Silvanna staying behind, and it really would just be them because both Daniel and Marlene were going home for the holidays with promises to write.

"Wanna pull a prank?" asked Sirius as she flicked through A Study in Scarelt.


"Wanna find Snivellus and hex him?" Sirius tried again.

"What for?" asked Silvanna half-heartedly.

Sirius shrugged. "Bored."

Silvanna considered this for a moment. It wasn't like he couldn't defend himself. Two on one wasn't very fair though. But really, she was helping him, because they weren't actually going to hurt him, so it was just...practical Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"Go on then," she said, closing her book and jumping to her feet. "I've got this new hex I want to try, but I don't know which bird he'll turn into..."

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