Chapter Twenty-One

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Pettigrew's birthday, which fell in mid-May, was not as widely celebrated as everyone else's had been. This was mostly because Sirius had wanted to celebrate by seeing who could throw fudge flies in Pettigrew's mouth from the furthest distance. The boys were all for it. The prefect that deducted fifteen points for, 'loud whispering', was not. Exams had taken a hefty toll on the atmosphere of the common room.

One thing it didn't take a toll on was quidditch. As per usual, the whole school poured into the stands to watch the final game: Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw. Silvanna didn't go, as per usual, taking the time to enjoy the extra quiet library instead. Remus told her the following day that it hadn't been worth it. Gryffindor had won, but not scored enough points before their seeker caught the snitch, and thus, Slytherin won the cup. It didn't make a whole lot of sense to her.

Silvanna quickly decided that she hated June. The first reason, was that it was too bloody hot, and the library was growing stuffy. Between them, Remus, and Mary and Marlene had managed to persuade her to go on evening walks between the library closing and curfew, but aside from that she remained confined to her table. That led her to reason two.

Exams. Silvanna hated them, and apparently she wasn't the only one. Everywhere she looked, people were too stressed, and Mary even burst into tears one night after a fifth year told her first year exams were a piece of cake, and why did she have to practice levitating textbooks so loudly? That fifth year got detention, needless to say.

And finally, as if she didn't have to worry about, June meant July, and that meant going home for two long months. Two months of her dad being a prick, her parents arguing, and Severus fawning over Lily. And she wasn't even allowed to take library books home with her. At least she had an excuse to get new books for school though.

In Silvanna's opinion, she didn't have too much to worry about in terms of exams. They each had written tests, alongside practical assessments in some subjects, but not History. In Charms, all she had to do was levitate a book through some hoops that got smaller and smaller. That was fine, and she only slightly jostled the last hoop.

Transfiguration had her make a piggy bank out of a dormouse, which she had no problem with. She even managed to give it different sized slots for different sized coins, earning herself extra points.

In Potions they brewed a herbicide potion. Silvanna particularly enjoyed this one, because not only could she do it, but she also got to work alone instead of having Pettigrew dithering around her and Remus fretting over the instructions. Astronomy they plotted a star chart, piece of cake.

In Herbology they had to take apart puffapods using the severing charm. It wasn't too tricky, but they also had to avoid everyone else's as they flew at them. Silvanna thought she may have lost some points for throwing a bit of dirt at Pettigrew after he let another slip from his fingers and towards her face, and making Potter laugh so hard he dropped all his on the floor, making them burst open.

Defence Against the Dark Arts was fine. As predicted, they had to produce a shield charm that protected against paint spells, with points for shield strength, but deducted if you got hit when it ricocheted off someone else's. Here was where Potter got his revenge from Herbology by shoving Silvanna in front of him twice. Between them they lost ten points from Gryffindor when Silvanna repeatedly called him a prick. Remus thought it was hilarious.

A week before the end of term, they got their results back. She'd scored highly in all of them, except Defence and Herbology, as expected. She'd come top in Astronomy in the whole year, which she beamed at, but a Ravenclaw just beat her in History. She came second to Potter in transfiguration, and third in Charms after Remus and Lily. To her great annoyance, she came top in Potions, tied with Severus.

All too soon, they were packing up their trunks to go to the leaving feast, with Mary and Marlene repeatedly talking about how much they were going to miss each other, making Silvanna laugh when she acted offended that they hadn't mentioned her.

The feast was delicious, and Silvanna was certainly going to miss the food. Hufflepuff won the house cup, which surprised absolutely zero people because they were the only ones with consistent behaviour all year round.

The train ride home, thankfully, was a long one, and once again the boys bought sweets to share out, much to Silvanna's delight. But she made sure not to eat too many, not wanting to look greedy.

On the platform, Silvanna spotted her mum right away, embracing a very stiff-looking Severus. Potter and Pettigrew were whisked away, and Sirius reluctantly stormed off. "You'll write to me, won't you?" Silvanna asked Remus as he looked around for his mum and dad.

"Course I will!" he said with a wide smile. "But only if you reply. Oh, you'll have to come over one day, when it's not, you know..." He trailed off but Silvanna caught on.

"I'd love to, thanks, Remus!"

"Oh, there they are," he said, finally spotting his parents. "See you soon, then!"

"Bye!" said Silvanna brightly, before meeting her mum.

"Was that Remus?" asked Eileen Snape as she approached her. Silvanna had mentioned him once or twice in her letters home.

"Oh, yeah," said Silvanna, looking round, but he'd already gone. "Ready?"

Severus did not look ready. He looked quite sick. Silvanna knew exactly how he felt, but couldn't help but think maybe she'd get it easy this summer. She'd been positively angelic compared to him. And she didn't intend to spend much time in the house anyway.

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