Chapter One-Hundred-and-Two

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Folks I am so sorry for being slow on the updates. Super busy. Anyways here's one today :)


Silvanna hated everything. She hated herself, her brother, Remus, and Sirius. She hated OWLs. She hated whoever had murdered her mum. If Mrs Lupin had shown up, she'd probably have hated her. No, she wouldn't. She might. No.

She was currently sat in the library opposite Sirius while they were revising. Well, she was revising and he was doodling. But no one else would speak to them civilly, so they were stuck with each other.

The problem was, James and Peter had sided with Remus, against Sirius. Lily - and by extension, Louisa - had sided against Sirius, with Remus, even though they didn't know what was going on. Marlene and thus Mary had sided with James, and therefore Remus, and therefore not Sirius. It was a tangled mess, and Silvanna hated it. She knew Sirius shouldn't have done it. But she wouldn't blame him - she refused to. Because if she was just a little angrier, and a little more stupid, she knew she'd have done exactly the same thing.

"I need to speak with you," a voice said quietly from behind her. She whipped around to see her brother towering over, looking at her. His eyes flicked and narrowed towards Sirius for a moment, before going back to her.

"Hard pass," she said turning back to her work. His arm gripped her forearm tightly and he dragged her to her feet. "Hey! Hey, gerroff-!"

"Not in the library," hissed Madame Pince, storming over and livid. "Out! Now!"

Silvanna pulled herself free from his grasp, nursing the firming bruise, and stormed outside, whirling round to face him as soon as they were in the corridor. "What do you want?"

"Stay away from the Marauders," he warned urgently.

"What?" asked Silvanna with a frown. "No."

"Listen to me, Silvanna," he said, sounding serious. "This is important. They tried to kill me."

Silvanna sighed heavily. "I know what happened," she said. "And they didn't try to kill you. You poked your beak in where it wasn't wanted and reaped the consequences."

Fury flashed in Severus's eyes. "Lupin is a dangerous monster. And Black - he's a psychopath. A cold-blooded killer. Potter galavants around, helping them get away with it - and - and Pettigrew makes them think it's all okay! They're evil, and ruthless, and I'm trying to help you!"

"Thank you," said Silvanna, over-gracious to the point of sarcasm. "Thank you for your concern. Now I'm going to go back and study with my psychopathic, cold-blooded killer. Because, the funny thing is, you only seem to care when it's you in danger. Weren't bothered when your best mate landed Mary MacDonald in the hospital wing, were you? Or when Avery sent Remus there-"

"Well it turns out Avery was doing us all a favour, doesn't it?" snapped Severus.

"My point is," said Silvanna. "It looks like all our friends are merciless killers, doesn't it?" She turned to walk away, and end the conversation, only to see Remus watching her intently. "How long have you been stood there?" she asked, panicking.

"Long enough," Remus said coolly. "Severus," he said with a nod as he walked quickly away.

Silvanna really wanted to go after him. But she didn't want to argue again, and she just wanted to get away from her brother. So into the library she went, back to Sirius bloody Black.


The first week of OWLs was the worst week ever. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration. But she couldn't even break down the exams with Remus, and Sirius didn't seem to understand once you were done with one exam it meant you started cramming for the next.

Transfiguration had come first. Silvanna was sure she'd done okay, but it certainly wasn't her best work. Her written paper she was confident in though. Potter liked Transfiguration, maybe he'd break it down with her? Oh, no, they weren't talking were they?

So after that complete fiasco Silvanna had had a whirlwind of crying over being a stupid idiot, and why was everyone siding with her brother, and she had History and Runes the next day. Which all resulted in a weird dream about how she'd failed all of her exams and she was going to have to live in a submarine, alone, at the bottom of the ocean for the rest of her life.

She woke up clammy and tired the next day. History and Runes did not go well. "I'm so fucked for tomorrow," she said to Sirius on the way out of the former.

"Tell me about it," he grumbled, scowling ahead at the sound of laughter. Silvanna knew as soon as she heard it it was the other Gryffindors. "Let's not go for lunch," Sirius suggested, clearly trying to sound nonchalant. "I'm not hungry. We should revise for Herbology instead."

"Of fuck this," said Silvanna, storming towards the group.

"Fuck - Silvanna - no - come on - wait-!" The sounds of Sirius's protests echoed behind her as the seven faces looked up from their lunches. What was she supposed to say? Well, she didn't have to say anything.

She sat down. Opposite Remus. They stared at each other, hard. "Oh, good, they've got chicken sandwiches," Silvanna said tonlessly, placing a few on her plate. Sirius approached from behind. "Don't hover, Sirius, you're not a billywig." He sat down too, and picked up a ham sandwich.

"You sound like my mother," he whispered to her.

"Learned from the best," she retorted. Remus choked on his pumpkin juice.

"Appneo," said Silvanna calmly with a flick of her wand. She was used to it by now. "How was the exam?"

"Fine," said Remus, placing his cup down more heavily than perhaps he should, so juice sloshed out from the sides.

"Good," said Silvanna. "So, how's everyone's weeks going? Anymore dead parents? Or has there been an attack a little too close to home?"

"Way to remind us," said Mary with a frown.

"Well clearly you need reminding," said Silvanna. "Because all you've done is ignore the pair of us for the last few weeks. Which is pathetic, quite frankly. Are you planning on ignoring us for another two years? Are we going to go out into the war, and not know who lives and who dies? Or are we going to put this in the past, and learn from our mistakes?"

"Our mistakes?" repeated Remus.

"Yes," said Silvanna firmly. "Not to eavesdrop on conversations. Not to jump to conclusions without the context of our words."

"What are you on about?" said Remus, now fully scowling.

"I'm saying," said Silvanna. "That maybe, my brother says things, and I use his own point against him in an argument so that I win?"

"Oh," said Remus. Silvanna bet he felt really fucking stupid. Hoped he did anyway.

"Yeah, oh," said Silvanna. "As for you four," she turned to the girls. "You don't even know what the argument's about, so I'm really confused as to why you got involved?"

"Well, if somebody will fill us in, that would be great," said Louisa.

"Nope," said Silvanna. "It's none of your business." She turned now to James and Peter. "Is Sirius still your friend?"

"Yes," said James right away. "He's just stupid. And a prick."

"Right, but you can be too-" said Sirius.

"Not like this," said James.

"And while I admire your loyalty," said Silvanna. "Everyone makes mistakes. We just need to learn from them. And I'm pretty sure Sirius has learned his lesson."

There was silence for a few moments, interrupted by Marlene saying to Mary: "Didn't I tell you not to get on her wrong side?"

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