Chapter One-Hundred

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I'm really out here falling behind huh? :)

Peter's birthday came in early March and as always passed relatively uneventfully. Well, aside for the boys' present to him, which they presented at breakfast.

"It's a mini bikini," said Peter, holding up up and peering closely.

"Actually," said Sirius. "It's not mini. It's rat-sized."

"But Peter doesn't own a rat," Mary pointed out.

But now James and Sirius were wheezing like this was the funniest thing in the world. "It's an inside joke," Remus explained. "One that I would like to formally apologise for."

"Right," said Marlene, climbing to her feet. "I'll see you lot in Potions later then."

"A rat bikini?" Silvanna asked Remus and Sirius as they made their way to Arithmancy.

"It's a really long story," said Sirius with his Sirius-Black grin.


That weekend was the Quidditch final, so naturally tensions were high between houses, although Silvanna still had no idea why. To make matters about a billion times worse, Marlene and Dorcas got caught in a broom closet, earning themselves detention.

But the detention wasn't even the worst part. It was the rumours. Some people swore they were locked in there. Others said they didn't believe it, and got caught doing something else. Most believed that Marlene and Dorcas were gay, and of course, they were completely right, if disgusted at the thought. So Marlene wasn't speaking to anyone until things had died down a bit. Silvanna wasn't even sure she came to meals anymore, and she couldn't find her if she did.

To top things off, their housemates didn't react well. James Potter had always had a good heart in Silvanna's eyes, and would struggle to do anything wrong. He wasn't struggling today.

"Dorcas Meadowes?" he thundered as he approached where Marlene was sat in the common room, reading a book. "Dorcas. Meadowes."

"You got a problem, Potter?" Marlene demanded, slamming her book shut and climbing to her feet. "Or anyone else for that matter?"

"Yeah, I've got a problem," said James. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?"

"Fuck off, James," said Silvanna, going over with Remus right behind her. "There's nothing wrong with her. Actually I think there's something wrong with you. You're being disgusting."

"I'm being disgusting?" challenged James. "She's the one sleeping with Meadowes."

"Let's all just cool it down," said Remus, more to James than anything. Marlene's eyes were shining now - she normally respected James, Silvanna knew that. "James, what's the problem with Marlene and Dorcas?" He had a very serious face. Silvanna could see why the boys had nicknamed him Professor Lupin.

"She consorting with the enemy!" he said, his cheeks turning a livid red.

"Consorting with-? James, are you mad because Dorcas plays for Ravenclaw?" Remus asked, clearly trying to comprehend the illogical train of thought.

"Yes!" said James, looking pleased they were making progress. "What else-? Oh."

"Oh," repeated Silvanna. "You're an idiot, James Potter."

"Let's go upstairs," Lily said quietly to Marlene.

"Wait!" James said. "Wait, I'm sorry! My bad."

"Too bloody right," scoffed Remus, taking a seat. "Consorting with the enemy..."


Ravenclaw played extremely badly in the final, earning Gryffindor both the cup and a thunderous party that evening. Silvanna had a strong suspicion as to why that was.

"What did you do then?" she asked Remus as they had their usual responsible-friend-at-a-party chat. He ignored her, and Silvanna followed his disapproving eyeline to where Sirius was lip-locked with some random sixth year girl. "Oh let him have his fun," she said, elbowing him.

"Hm? What did you say?" asked Remus, jumping from his rather intense trance.

"I asked what you did," Silvanna repeated. "When you messed with the Ravenclaws?"

"Dunno what you're talking about," said Remus, smiling into his firewhiskey as he sipped at it.

"Piss off," she said, pouring herself a generous measure of something or other. It had alcohol, that was what mattered. "You always mess with the other houses before a match."

"Not always," said Remus, still wearing a teasing smile.

"I'll ask Pete if you don't tell me," Silvanna said with a shrug.

"Let's just say these lovely red and gold decorations?" said Remus, indicating the party banners. "The Ravenclaws are looking at the exact same ones right now. Just like they did this morning."

"You four are mad," she said, shaking her head. "How did you even get into their common room?"

"Had to solve a riddle," he said simply. "And Sirius - ever the pedantic little shit he is - got it first try."

"Pedantic?" asked Silvanna.

"Doesn't have to be right," said Remus. "'What has a beginning but no end?' 'Technically McGonagall's essay - she didn't put a word count on it.' Boom, we're in."

"That feels illegal," said Silvanna. "But, breaking the rules of life. You know?"

Remus just nodded knowingly.


"Fuck I'm going to fail," sighed Lily as they stashed away the Transfiguration essays they'd been working on together. "If I can't do that myself how am I supposed to do exams on it?"

"Well, McGonagall did say it was a NEWT level topic," Silvanna said reasonably, "And that it probably won't come up."

"I'm just rubbish at Transfiguration," Lily said, scowling as she pulled her Astronomy book out her bag.

"Don't let James here you say that," muttered Remus. "You'll never hear the end of it."

"I thought we had a rule," said Louisa, who had been filing her nails into almonds. Lucky bastard, not doing exams. "We do not talk about boy one or boy two unless we are already three drinks deep."

"Well, we're three essays deep," Silvanna argued. "And that means I'm drunk on frustration."

"What do you mean?" Lily asked Remus, narrowing her eyes across the table. "I'll never hear the end of it?"

"James made me - James asked me to see if you wanted tutoring for Transfiguration," Remus explained.

"And what did you say?" asked Silvanna, crossing her arms as Lily scoffed.

"That I'd like to keep my head on its shoulders," Remus said truthfully. "And that he'd stand a better chance being tutored."

"Too right," mumbled Lily as she adjusted her starchart.

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