Chapter One-Hundred-and-Seven

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Heyyyy :)

"Mum said I had to leave you alone." Remus had finally come to visit Silvanna, who was still confined to her bed. Something was still wrong with her pelvis - a lot of bruising around it, Hope had said, so walking wasn't an option. And Silvanna wasn't sure how well flying would go down, especially in such a weak state. But now Remus was here. Granted, it was the middle of the night, and he'd woken Silvanna up, but she wasn't tired anyway.

"And because you're the world's most evil child you decided to break the rules?" Silvanna challenged with a grin.

Remus's face dropped from a concerned expression to a frown. "I can go if you-?"

"Don't you dare!" hissed Silvanna. "It's been so boring by myself. I've read all my books."

"Dad went to get your stuff today," Remus said quietly. "It's all downstairs. Mum's probably going to make me bring it up tomorrow."

"Well, you should be waiting on me hand and foot after you let me go home," Silvanna said, crossing her arms. Remus opened his mouth in protest and her face split into a grin. "Kidding!" she said, poking him. "I'm only kidding."

"How were the police?" Remus asked, biting his lip nervously. They'd been earlier that day to collect Silvanna's statement. Thank Merlin they weren't making her stand against her dad in court.

"Fine," said Silvanna with a shrug. "They were just the police, I guess. Found it odd that I'd managed to get halfway across the country without dying-"

"You almost did!" protested Remus. Silvanna nodded in agreement. "Well, get well soon," he continued, climbing to his feet. "Everyone wants to see you."

"Who's everyone?" asked Silvanna sceptically.

"The marauders," admitted Remus. "We're doing a couple of weekends at James's. And obviously you can come. And then Marlene's having a birthday party, but apparently only the girls can stay over for that. Not Louisa though - her parents won't even let her back into the country because of all the TransFloo problems the Death Eaters caused last week-"

"Slow down, Remus," said Silvanna, narrowing her eyes. "Do all of you make plans like this every summer?"

"No," he said firmly. "No, Sirius has organised most of this to be honest."

"Why Sirius?" pushed Silvanna. "Why now?"

Remus sat back down. "Sirius ran away. A few days before you did, actually. He showed up at James's looking exhausted and hasn't left. I don't think he particularly wants to, and he's not heard from his family. So I guess that's that."

"That's that," repeated Silvanna, nodding slowly as she processed it. Her and Sirius were finally free. And that was that.

"How are things with you two?" she asked, watching Remus carefully. He was back to normal with her at least. Nattering away like two old ladies with nothing else to do.

"We have mutual friends," Remus said, standing again. "Very good mutual friends. We should just leave it at that."

Silvanna nodded. "I think you'll forgive him," she said thoughtfully.

"You do?" asked Remus, crossing his arms.

"Yeah," said Silvanna. "Because you share a room. And he's Sirius Black."


The kitchen door creaked open as Silvanna stepped through. "Morning," she mumbled, clutching to the door handle. Nothing hurt anymore, but Merlin she felt shaky.

"Silvanna," said Mrs Lupin, darting across and helping her into a chair at the table. "Poppy said you had to stay in bed for at least another few days."

"It's OWL results," Silvanna argued. "And I know they're here. I saw them arrive through the window." Indeed, as she looked across at Remus she saw him clutching a piece of paper tightly, his eyes flirting back and forth. "How did you do?" she asked as he looked up at her.

"Fine," he muttered. "Open yours."

Silvanna spied the two letters on the table in front of her. One had James's writing in the front. The other looked important. She opened the latter.

Dear Miss Silvanna Snape,

Enclosed are your OWL results for the examinations you sat in the previous June. Congratulations, and best of luck.

Your results are as follows:

Ancient Runes: Exceeds Expectations
Arithmancy: Exceeds Expectations
Astronomy: Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures: Exceeds Expectations
Charms: Outstanding
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeds Expectations
Potions: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Outstanding

Well done once again,
Ministry of Magic

"Well?" Remus asked urgently.

"You first," said Silvanna. "I asked first, you answer first."

"OK, OK," Remus said, looking nervously at Mrs Lupin who nodded encouragingly, clutching at a tea towel. "Seven Os and three Es."

"Six Os, four Es," Silvanna said, her face splitting into a grin. "Let me see!" They exchanged papers and Silvanna quickly read through his. He'd got Os in Arithmancy and Runes...and Muggle Studies, obviously. But an E in Potions. And Herbology.

"An O in Herbology!" exclaimed Remus, grinning. "Silvanna, that's great."

"I know!" she said excitedly. "Not sure what James wants though?" She tore open the envelope.


I know you're awake today because you wouldn't sleep through results, you're not mad. And my mum says I'm allowed to write and I'm only telling you to prove that I can do as I'm told ;)

Anyway, I'm having a party tonight and I really NEED you to come. Moony and Wormtail's coming, and Pads is already here. And Marlene said she and Mary can come. Lily hasn't replied, and I'm not shocked, but that's why I need you to come because then she DEFINITELY will.

Anyways, well done on all the Os you got because you definitely got loads. And please please write to Evans and get her to come. I dunno she rants about her sister, tell her it's a night out the house and that she can floo home when she wants or something.

Thank you! Get better!


"Can I go?" Silvanna asked, looking up at Mrs Lupin, who placed a bowl of porridge in front of her.

"I don't know why you're asking me," said Mrs Lupin with a smile. "It's up to you if you think you're up to it."

"Definitely," said Silvanna with a grin.

"Best go and write to Lily," said Remus, draining his apple juice. Silvanna shot him a look of confusion. "James told me. You think just because we live at opposite ends of the country I can escape his Lily-flower rants?"

"Maybe she's James's little ginger obsession now," said Silvanna with a grin, pulling a bit of spare paper towards her and starting to write.

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