Chapter Forty-Two

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"Snape?" asked McGonagall, walking over with the list of people who were staying.

"I'll stay, Professor," she said, not looking up from A Study in Scarlet. Sherlock Holmes really was quite thrilling. Professor McGonagall didn't move. Silvanna looked up and smiled, and to her immense surprise the professor returned it.

"Yes, yes, I'll write your name," said Professor McGonagall, shaking her head out from her daze, her features settling back into their usual, stern positions. "Your essay on the use of the lapifors spell was quite impressive by the way," she added. "Well done." Silvanna beamed, before turning back to her book.

There was a soft thump on the sofa next to her, with such force that she bounced in the air. "Stop your hooliganism, Potter!" called McGonagall from where she was talking to some sixth year students.

"Sorry, Professor," called James from next to Silvanna, and a nearby group of second years giggled shrilly. "How did you do that?" he asked in an amazed voice.

"Do what?" asked Silvanna coolly, folding her book in her lap.

"McGonagall complimented your essay," he said, looking astounded. "She never does that with me."

"Still bitter that I beat you in last year's exams?" Silvanna taunted with a small smile. "Nah, I think I caught her off guard. Y'know, 'cause I don't normally stay."

James visibly pouted, and Silvanna let out a loud laugh, before clapping her hand over her mouth. "Although, I heard Lily say something that might cheer you up," Silvanna added, returning to her book.

James jumped again, scrambling to regain his composure. "What? What did she say? Did she like my hair? I did it like this muggle musician. What was it she said?"

"It's not really for me to say," said Silvanna, still reading her book.

James moved so his face was inches from her ear, and then screeched very loudly, "Tell me!"

"Oi! Evans, Moony come quick! You're being cheated on!" came Sirius's voice from somewhere nearby. James jumped back, and Silvanna took the chance to escape up to her dorm, knowing full well that Lily hadn't said anything recently that might cheer James up.


Christmas at Hogwarts was a far sight better than at home. Well, aside from the gruesome letter she'd received on the second day of the holidays. The words stuck in her head all day, and she hardly managed to get any work done. Things like shave your heads; confiscate your bloody books; and not going back next year, all ringing around and bouncing off the walls of her brain.

Sirius turned out to be next to no fun either. He spent almost all day just wandering around the castle without her, or holed up in the library studying. Even Silvanna didn't study that much. Maybe she should be...

On Christmas day, Silvanna received nothing from home except a short letter from her mum. There was the tiniest bead of scarlet on the corner, so small Silvanna thought she'd imagined it. But it couldn't be blood, could it? It was probably just tomato soup or something. Yes, that was it.

She wrote to Remus too, and told him about Sirius being so dull, but he told her to just leave him to it. Silvanna was starting to think they were up to something. Something big. Or maybe even multiple somethings. But it wasn't her business, was it? And how bad could it be, really?


The New Year kicked lessons off once more, and while Silvanna had enjoyed the emptiness of the castle, she was grateful for the hustle and bustle to return. Her birthday passed with a huge slab of chocolate from Remus, along with a ginormous birthday card signed by all the third year Gryffindors, that she happily pinned to her wall with a sticking charm she'd found in the library. Still nothing from home, aside from a small letter from her mum. It was even shorter than the last, which worried her.

The January full moon passed, and thankfully this one was better for Remus than the last ones. She still brought him dessert from dinner though, which he hid from Madame Pomfrey as usual.

After the full moon though, it seemed like he boys had got bored. She arrived to Transfiguration as usual after breakfast on Friday, nose buried in her latest book (The Sign of Four) and she leaned idly against the wall, waiting to go in and take her seat. McGonagall arrived and unlocked the door with a flick of her wand. The handle fell off.

Sirius let out a loud laugh, before being kicked by Remus, who was reading his book. Silvanna folded hers away, guiltily eager to see how it would unfold.

Professor McGonagall looked at the four boys. James looked to Lily, dropping her a wink, Peter shifted uncomfortably, staring at the floor, Sirius's face was contorting into all sorts of wicked shapes as he tried not to smile, and Remus didn't seem aware he was being watched, or he was being very clever about it. Silvanna strongly suspected the latter.

Professor McGonagall flicked her wand once more, and the door simply disappeared from its hinges. The four boys didn't look at all disappointed though, and McGonagall didn't go through the door. Silvanna eagerly peered through, her mouth dropping open. All of the furniture - even the bookshelves, had been stuck to the ceiling. It felt like she was stood on the ceiling, hanging upside down.

McGonagall looked over her shoulder at the boys, and Remus finally looked up, his eyebrows twitching in what was clearly feigned confusion. It looked more like a challenge though to Silvanna, and she gasped at his daring, admiring him greatly in that moment. Like Sirius, Silvanna let out a loud laugh, but had the sense to turn it into a cough.

Once again, McGonagall flicked her wand. The furniture remained stuck to the ceiling, but she'd conjured up more desks and chairs. "Quickly, now!" she said, ushering everyone inside.

Silvanna found her desk and began unloading her things. The boys hovered hesitantly around their own desks. "Professor?" called Sirius. "There aren't enough chairs."

"There are plenty on the ceiling, Black," said McGonagall, sounding tiresome. Silvanna could see a faint smile on her face from where her head bent low over her new desk. "If you can't get them down, I suppose you'll have to stand."

Peter, James, and Sirius all looked to Remus, who shrugged, flicking his wand and making his desk rise to the appropriate height so he could stand comfortably. It hit Peter in the chin. James followed suit, and fortunately he wasn't as tall as Remus and Sirius wasn't quite as small as Peter.

"That's alright, Professor," said James, smirking at where Severus was looking rather too pleased with himself. "I can see Evans better from here anyway." Severus immediately turned around to face the front, and Silvanna saw Lily's cheeks go a deep and furious red. She began scribbling away, probably thinking of the best way to hex James later on.

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