Chapter One-Hundred-and-Nineteen

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Well, the last you heard of me I was moving into uni and now I'm here and it's bloody difficult! No matter to you lot though - I'll try for weekly updates from now on :)

 The Christmas holidays were over, and the first thing Silvanna had done once at Platform nine-and-three-quarters - after saying goodbye to Hope and seeing Remus to the prefect carriage - was track down Sirius. She found him quickly enough, hovering outside carriage number four with a cigarette between his lips.

 "I still can't believe you smoke," she said with a smile as she approached him from behind. He'd been leaning against the train, glaring coolly out to the platform. She followed his previous gaze  and saw a tall and thin man stood next to a petite woman, each with heavy, dark features and exquisite bone structure. Both were looking down at Sirius's little brother, Regulus, and talking to him as though he were the most disobedient child on earth. He stood there, expressionless.

 A rage overcame Silvanna, and she took a single step towards them. Sirius however, knew her a little too well, and grabbed her arm to prevent her going any further towards the Black family. He turned her round and smiled down at her, removing the cigarette from his lips, dropping it to the floor, and burying it under the toe of his boot. His smile told one of entertainment - it was a smile she'd had him rehearse.

 "I shook off Prongs," he said, as Silvanna had told him to. A seventh year Ravenclaw passed as he spoke, and Silvanna was pleased to see them accelerate towards their friends. "Compartment?"

 Silvanna forced a smile in return. Her mind still played over the image she'd seen moments before. What if she just went over and hit one of them? She could punch pretty well - her dad had made sure of that - and according to Sirius she had a very good slap. She could get at least one good hit in before she was expelled or arrested. What if she went over and spoke very calmly? What if she reported everything and saved Regulus all the pain Sirius had gone through? But she'd tried to save a Slytherin from his parents before. It never worked.

 "Let's go," Sirius said eventually, interrupting her thoughts and taking her silence for a yes. He took her hand and led her through the carriage to an empty compartment as he did. They shoved through the seventh year Ravenclaws on the way, reinforcing the idea that they were still together. They found one, closed the door, and shut the curtains.

 Sirius took off his cloak and jumper, revealing his bare chest. He threw them into a pile, sat down in the corner, and stared at Silvanna. "Well are you just going to stand there?"

 Silvanna caught herself thinking about the Blacks again. "Right," she said, pulling her blouse over her head. "Sorry." As rehearsed, she placed herself on his knees, straddling his lap. His hand snaked down her back as their lips met, locked in a passionate-looking make-out session. Their tongues twisted, hands groped, and hips grinded. Three times the door opened. Three times they pretended to be embarrassed. Three times it wasn't anyone they knew.

"How much longer?" Silvanna asked, growing annoyed. The train had long since left the station, and if they weren't quick the trolley lady would arrive. And then she'd have no lunch.

 "As long as it takes," said Sirius, his hand finding its way beneath her waistband, but no further. "And don't pretend you don't like it."

 "You can't wait for us to break up," said Silvanna, smiling into their next kiss. "I bet you've got a whole waiting list of girls."

 "Oh, it's not so bad," Sirius murmured. "Snogging when I want it, revenge on Snivellus, homework done for me."

 "We've got to revise Transfiguration later," Silvanna remembered, mostly reminding herself. There was only so much theory you could do to revise for a practical test.

 "That we do," said Sirius. His finger caught on the elastic of her knickers.

 She didn't pull away, just paused. "Too far," she reminded him. His hand immediately retracted.

 "No worries."

 And at that very moment, with Sirius Black's hands that far up her legs, the compartment door opened again. A sigh could be heard, and Silvanna looked around, covering herself with her nearby blouse. "You're scaring the first years," Remus said with a frown, surveying the pair before looking away.

 "Who was it?" came Peter's voice.

 "Oh, three guesses who," came James's. Their heads appeared. Peter blushed and looked away. James grinned until Sirius threw two fingers up at him. "Wash your hands after, that's all I'll say."

 "Let's just..." Peter began.

 "Alright Wormy, we'll go back," said James, and the two disappeared again.

 Remus didn't move. "Moony?" asked Sirius, shuffling and pulling Silvanna closer. "Do you mind?"

 "No," said Remus quickly. "Not at all." He began closing the door. "Would you like me to lock it?"

 "Please," said Silvanna. Remus nodded and did as promised.

 They sat in silence for a minute. "Have we upset him?" asked Silvanna, placing her head on Sirius's chest.

 "Nah," said Sirius, fishing in his pocket for a cig. "Don't think so." He lit it, and flicked his wand to open the window. "You might want to top up your lippy," he added, indicating the red kiss shapes on his chest.

 "Yeah," said Silvanna. She did just that, before quickly changing into her uniform. Sirius stayed where he was, his eyes unfocused. "Are you thinking about your brother?" she asked. She took a seat by his side, and placed a light hand on his knee.

 He finished his cigarette and nodded, flicking it out the window. "Do you think about yours?"

 Silvanna shook her head. "He left me there. After my dad he almost killed me. He just left. And when my mum died he tired to play it off as an accident. Like it was her own fault or something. I don't want anything to do with him."

 "That's fair enough," said Sirius. He smiled to himself, which Silvanna thought was odd. "Do you remember when we found out it wasn't normal for our parents to do all that stuff? In first year?"

 "Merlin," muttered Silvanna, thinking back. "That was traumatic in itself."

 Sirius laughed loudly. "Yeah," he said, his word weighted. "At least it's over now."

 "All over," Silvanna agreed.

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