Chapter Sixty-Two

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Picture is what I imagine Silvanna looks like :)

This was the very first time Silvanna had been in Dumbledore's office, and she hoped very much it'd be her last. She'd started to sweat now too. Was she really in that much trouble? She hadn't even done anything. Apart from disarm her brother - but did that really count?

"I'm sure you know why I've asked you here?" said Dumbledore gravely from his chair. Silvanna and Severus, of course, were still stood.

"Yes," said Silvanna. They'd been fighting, but was that really worth being dragged up here?

"No," said Severus at the very same time. He frowned at her.

"Indeed," said Dumbledore, "I'm assuming those letters the two of you received were from your grandparents?"

Silvanna found herself gaping again. "Yes, Sir," she said. Severus shuffled next to her. She plunged her hand in her pocket. "I have mine here." She watched as he read it, no flicker of anything but intensity crossing his face.

He nodded eventually. "I think it for the best if we leave this here," he said.

"What?" asked Silvanna quickly. "But they're our family!" Severus elbowed her warningly, like he did when she pushed their dad too far. "Sorry, Professor."

"It's only natural for you to want to know more about your extended relations," said Dumbledore with a small smile. "However - for now at least - I believe the Snapes and the Princes would do better apart."

"Why?" Silvanna pushed.

Dumbledore's smile didn't falter. "That is not a question for me to answer. I'm sure your mother would be glad to fill you in. For now, however, I am prohibiting any and all contact with the Princes - for all students-" he gave a warning look at Severus, for some reason, "-while you are in this castle. Is that understood?"

Slightly taken aback, and curious as to the headmaster's motivations, the twins chorused, "Yes, Sir."

"Very good," said Dumbledore, "You may go." Silvanna was halfway across the room when Dumbledore spoke again. "Silvanna, I'd like you to wait a moment. I have a few questions about the Gobstones tournament this year." Obliging, she hung back until the door had closed behind Severus. "Have a seat," said Dumbledore. She slumped down, and then sat quickly back up, keeping her back straight.

"Now," said Dumbledore. "I don't want you to speak a word of this to anyone. I will agree it with your mother. But I would like for you, and only you, to agree to your grandparents offer."

"What's going on, Sir?" asked Silvanna carefully.

"Your mother's is an old family," Dumbledore began, "Not so rigorous in their marriages as other old houses, but with similar ideals."

"Ideals?" asked Silvanna. "Like blood purity? Is that why my mum doesn't see them?"

"Yes," said Dumbledore. "And no." Silvanna frowned and big her cheek. "I will tell you in due time. But for now, I would like you to do as they say - exactly as they say, no matter the consequences. And do not speak a word of this to anyone except me. Do you understand, Silvanna? This is of immense importance."

"I - yes, Sir," she stammered shakily. "Why isn't Severus here too, then?"

Dumbledore sighed slightly. "You will know in time," he said cryptically. "But for now, I understand you have a quidditch match to attend?"


There was a slight delay to said quidditch match, and Sirius, Remus, and Peter would not stop giggling their pants off. "What did you do?" asked Silvanna, peering up at them. Why was she so bloody tiny?

"You'll see," was all Remus said.

Silvanna did see. Very soon. In fact, when the Gryffindor team marched out, you could hardly miss the shocking pink shade of Marlene's broom from over her shoulder.

"You complete dickwads," said Silvanna, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You don't think it's funny?" asked Peter.

"To paint one of three female quidditch player's brooms pink?" challenged Silvanna, sterling her glare. Somehow, the boys all seemed a lot smaller now.

"And Potter hasn't even told her how to undo it," added Lily, looking down at them on the pitch.

"She'll be fine," said Sirius firmly, but he didn't sound so sure.

"You better hope so, for your sake more than hers," said Silvanna, as the whistle blew. Lucky for the boys, Marlene flew as well as ever, if not better.

The quidditch match honestly just looked like any other to her, except for the fact that the people in blue looked like they hardly touched the quaffle throughout the entire game. James and Marlene zipped up and down the pitch alongside a third year called Natalia, passing the red ball faster than Silvanna could even follow, scoring goal after goal. By the time the snitch was caught by the Gryffindor seeker, the fourth years had cheered themselves hoarse, but the party they held was still loud enough. Loud and annoying.

"Every fucking time," muttered Remus as James darted past the pair of them, soaked in purple goop. Lily was on the far side of the common room, angrily conversing with Mary, and Peter had just stumbled past too, after James.

"Another?" suggested Silvanna, the bottle of firewhiskey already in her hand.

Remus smiled down at her. "You know me too well." They tipped back their drinks before pouring fresh ones. "Have you seen Sirius?" he asked, peering over the bouncing heads of their fellow Gryffindors.

"No," said Silvanna, lightly frowning. "Oh, he'll be with-"

"You'll never guess what!" said Peter, coming up to them, with a now very soggy James trundling behind.

"You just saw Sirius and Marlene upstairs?" suggested Silvanna.

Peter's jaw dropped open, and Remus began to laugh before he realised. "She's right?" gawked Remus, looking between James and Peter.

"Yep," said James.

This was followed by an, "Oh my God!" from a sixth year behind them, and a lot of whispering around the common room.

"Oops," said James, looking mischievous.

"I take it that's the reason you look like you went for a swim in the lake?" asked Remus, eyebrows raised.

James shook his head in faint amazement. "Those two have got one hell of a pair of water charms on them."

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