Chapter Eighty-Eight

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The party was in Slughorn's office, and in all honesty, Silvanna was a little bit shocked. It was huge - magically expanded, clearly - and decorated with banners of shining silver and plum. Not to mention the fact that it was absolutely packed with people, who were definitely not students. "Silvanna, hello! And you've brought Potter, excellent," said Slughorn as he approached, bringing with him to flutes of pumpkin juice and handing one to Silvanna. James snatched one from a nearby tray.

"Evening, Professor," he said cheerily, looking round. "Lots of friends you've got." Silvanna looked closer into the crowd. The first thing she saw was Regulus Black in conversation with Lucius Malfoy, and one of Sirius's cousins if she remembered correctly? A very pretty, bored-looking girl was stood next to Regulus. Nearby was a pair of people stood glowering and watching carefully. "Let's go and talk to them, shall we?" James suggested. Before Silvanna could protest, she was being taken towards them, very confused. They were extremely angry-looking. She didn't fancy her chances in conversation.

"I say," said one of the wizards, looking at them as they approached. "Is that James Potter?"

"Indeed it is," said James, shaking their hands. "This is my friend Silvanna Snape." Silvanna took their hands too, and they introduced themselves as Albert Robstein and Jacob Small. Aurors, both of them, which explained the glowering and why James wanted to talk to them.

"How are Monty and Effie?" asked Small, sipping at his champagne.

"Oh, yes they're very well," said James, and he began chattering away about his parents, quidditch, and school, with only the odd interruption when Silvanna was dragged in. The evening carried on much like this. Every now and then Slughorn introduced her to some random person, and she thought she saw Hannah at one point, but for the most part James did the talking, and she was extremely grateful for it. Once or twice the conversation turned to the war, but it seemed like a bit of a taboo subject, because it was quickly steered away from.

"Can you see Evans anywhere?" asked James three hours in, craning his neck.

"Nope," said Silvanna, nibbling at something tasty. "I see what Sirius meant about these things though. Really dull."

"Why don't we spice things up a bit then?" suggested James. He pulled out two small vials, filled with shimmering green liquid, along with a handful of dung bombs. "So, those two have been hovering around the punch for ten minutes...I'm going to need you to cause a diversion when they move."

"Brilliant," said Silvanna as James slinked off into the shadows. Any moment now...any minute...yes, that was it, they'd moved! "OH! OH! OH MERLIN'S BEARD! ARGH, OH...oh, just a bit of fluff." She'd gained quite a bit of attention now, and several people were looking at her disdainfully. Snobby pricks. "I thought it was a spider, sorry everyone." Slowly, the chatter picked back up, and James reappeared.

"Honestly, I leave you alone for five minutes," he said with a teasing shake of the head. Everyone they spoke to from them on, they recommended to try the punch, and James informed her it was diuretic potion when they had a quiet moment. After that, all they had to do was direct people to the loos every ten seconds, until Slughorn had the bright idea of testing the punch. And, of course, he discovered the truth. "Still brilliant," he whispered. "Slow release dungbomb?"

"Don't mind if I do," said Silvanna, dropping one on the floor before they moved swiftly on. A few more chats, a few more dropped, and then the first scream came as one exploded over a witch's robes.

"Who would do that?" tutted someone nearby.

"Probably the same idiots that spiked the punch."

"I'm telling you, this school is going down the drain."

"Oh, look there's Monty's son."

A few more explosions before. "There - over there, those two. I saw them do it."

Slughorn and a man with a curling moustache appeared through the parting crowds, and Silvanna felt her face go very hot. James squeezed her arm reassuringly. "Are you sure, Barty?" asked Slughorn, fidgeting. "I'll have you know, Silvanna's one of my best students. And you know, this is Fleamont Potter's son-?"

"I do not care, I saw them," he said. Silvanna tried very hard not to giggle, and she could tell James was the same.

"Is this true, Silvanna?" asked Slughorn. She was aware of quite a lot of attention on them now.

"Ah, Professor," said James. "A true prankster would never tell."

"That is as good as a confession!" cried 'Barty'. In later years, Silvanna would learn this was Barty Crouch Senior. She would also learn that 'as good as a confession' would be a recurring theme in his life.

Slughorn looked very disheartened. "I'm sure we could discuss this after the holidays," he said gravely, while Silvanna was still trying not to laugh. "I'll ask that you return to your common room."

"We understand, Professor," said James, nodding. "Thank you for having us." All Silvanna could do was nod, scared she'd explode, before they got outside and the pair burst out laughing.

"Brilliant!" exclaimed Silvanna, dabbing at her eyes. "Absolutely brilliant."

"Wasn't it?" said James in agreement.

The highlight of Silvanna's night though, was when Lily returned, her hair splattered with stinksap, and screamed at James for a good five minutes before someone cut her off.

"Important question," said Sirius, sitting up. "Did it get Snivellus?"

"Merlin's beard, Black, you spiteful trout!"

"Is that a yes?" asked Peter hopefully.

"I'm assuming that because Lily's robes are untouched," said Silvanna. "He got in the way. Like the true, racist gentleman he is." The group burst out laughing, and Lily stormed off upstairs, Louisa going after her just out of obligation.

"I sort of wish we hadn't got kicked out just so we could've seen it," said James, tossing a cushion into the air repeatedly.

"At least you don't have to go to another one," said Remus, mainly to Silvanna. That was definitely true - Slughorn was never going to invite her back to the Slug Club again.

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