Chapter Forty

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James Potter would have said 'rah, where's my baccy' and you cannot convince me otherwise :)

Hogsmeade was starkly underwhelming. The sweet shop looked nice enough, and smelled like the air itself was thick with sugar. The bookshop looked fantastic, and Silvanna could've spent hours in there just admiring the pretty covers and smelling the paper. But unfortunately Mary and Marlene pulled her out to go and look in Spintwitches Sporting Needs.

She elected to leave her two friends and head back up to the castle early. She'd done all her homework, but she'd also finished her latest book yesterday, and needed to find another. That could easily eat away half an hour if she wanted it too...

Two other people that had had the same idea as Silvanna were Lily and Severus, walking just ahead of her. Ugh, what was she doing with him? He was rapidly growing into being an awful person, and Lily was about the nicest she knew when she wasn't busy scowling. Honestly, they were just bad for each other. Lily made Severus possessive and angry, and Severus made Lily defend his actions all the time, going against her own morals. Would Lily hex first years? No. So why was she defending someone who did? It didn't make any sense to Silvanna.

Deciding to have some fun nonetheless, she pulled her wand from her cloak. After about the twelfth sneezing jinx, Lily began to realise something was wrong, and rubbed his back comfortingly. Silvanna fired again, hitting just below her hand. It only took eight more for Lily to whirl round in anger, spotting Silvanna with her wand out just behind them. Silvanna grinned.

"Was that you in History all last year, too?" Lily demanded, fury in her eyes.

"Not just me," said Silvanna. "Although I did teach it to the others. It was a game of ours, you see," Silvanna added over her shoulder to Severus, who was scowling.

"Why are you so horrid?" Lily said, raising her voice. "You take pleasure in tormenting him!"

"Surely not as much pleasure as you get from tormenting First Years though, Sev?" asked Silvanna, remaining perfectly calm.

"I don't attack first years," he said lowly.

Silvanna let out a loud laugh. "You fucking liar."



"Stop it!"

"OI!" It was two of the prefects from Gryffindor, apparently strolling back up to the castle together. Frank Longbottom and Alice Fortescue, Silvanna thought they were called. "What on Earth do you think you're doing?" Frank demanded, continuing over to Severus, who had stuffed his wand in his pocket. "Have you got any idea what the counter-curse was? I didn't think so! What house are you in? Right, I'm taking you straight to Slughorn. Duelling in Hogsmeade, who do you think you are...?" Silvanna couldn't wait to tell the others about the look on Severus's face later.

"Are you alright?" asked Alice gently as they made their way up the path after Frank and Severus. Lily hovered somewhere in between, clearly wondering what to do.

"Um, yeah, I think so," said Silvanna, pocketing her wand too.

"That was a good shield spell you had," Alice continued. "What did you say your name was?"

"Silvanna," she said. "Silvanna Snape."

"Oh, the twins," said Alice, nodding her head. "Well, I'll make sure to tell McGonagall about your quick thinking. I'm sure she'll be pleased to hear it." Silvanna smiled gratefully, feeling immensely pleased with herself.


The boys were among the last to return from Hogsmeade, and plonked themselves in the table at dinner, pink-cheeked, hyper, and buzzing with excitement.

"Snivellus got banned from Hogsmeade," said Sirius almost as soon as his bum had touched the bench. Silvanna wondered if he was bouncing off the walls because of the news or because of all the sugar he'd undoubtedly consumed that day.

"Yeah," said Silvanna with a shrug. "Who do you think did it?"

"Did what?" asked Peter.

"You never..." said Remus, eyes growing wide with shock.

"What?" asked James quickly. "What's she done?"

"I don't believe it," said Remus. "How? Did you plan it? Why didn't you tell us, we could've watched!"

"Somebody's going to have to fill us in," said Marlene, looking just as blank as the other boys.

"If I'm translating correctly," said Mary, "Silvanna got Severus banned from Hogsmeade."

Sirius let out a dramatic gasp, clutching at his chest. Silvanna explained about the sneezing jinxes, and how he'd retaliated just as two prefects walked around the corner.

"Impeccable," said James, performing a chef's kiss.

"But..." said Peter slowly. "That means that now we can't use the sneezing jinx on him. Or he'll know it was us."

"Oh, Peter," said Silvanna, shaking her head and smiling. "We can still play the game, but instead of him being annoyed, he'll be bubbling with rage. And every time he sneezes and it's not one of us, he'll automatically think it is."

"Bloody genius," said Sirius, banging his hands on the table and earning a sharp glare from a prefect. He winked at her and she turned away, scowling.


The second full moon of October left Remus in the worst state Silvanna had ever seen him in, but he perked up considerably after she scolded him for leaving her to babysit Sirius alone in Arithmancy. "I don't even know why he took it," she grumbled. "Why couldn't he have just done Divination?"

"He's not so bad," said Remus with a shrug.

"He never shuts up," said Silvanna, stuffing the duplicated History notes out of sight as Madame Pomfrey swept past. "Reckon she'll let you out for astronomy?"

Remus let out what was obviously a painful chuckle. "Not a chance."

Halloween, as usual, was brilliant, and after Silvanna had stuffed her face at the feast, the third years all gathered round the fire in the common room, laughing and chatting and eating sweets. Silvanna quite liked it, because not only was it their chance to relax and ignore all the homework she'd already done, but also they were all there together. Even Lily.

James still hadn't become demoralised by her shrinking his head, which Remus patronisingly explained was a metaphor for his humongous ego. But, even after Lily had hexed James to grow antlers, the mood was still light, as they played a game to see how much they could balance on said antlers. Silvanna made sure to perform the counter-curse before they went to bed.

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