Chapter One-Hundred-and-Sixteen

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Hey hey hey! :)

The rest of the term was both odd and very quick. Firstly, Peter had newfound popularity with Dorcas and Marlene, of all people. It had started one day in Charms, during a particularly boring lecture on the Bubble Head charm. Not that the charm was boring but they'd mastered it last week, and were now doing theory. And there were few things Silvanna found more boring than Charms theory.

So, she'd been sat in the middle of the room next to Lily and Mary, and the boys were all the way at the back with Marlene and Dorcas, probably talking about Quidditch because they could get away with it. All of a sudden, as Flitwick went over Continuity Theory for the third time, a dolphin could be heard in the classroom. The initial giggles were quiet snickers, coming from the boys' corner, followed by more laughs around the room.

"Thank you, everyone," called Professor Flitwick with a smile. "Now, according to a study from Harrison Harjeeb..." And he carried on speaking about Harjeeb for the next ten minutes. And then the dolphin noise happened again. And several more times after that until it was suspicious. As the bell sounded, signalling the end of the lesson, Silvanna was eager to find out who or what it was from the other Gryffindors. "Three feet please, on the casting, effects, and theory of the Bubble Head charm for next week, folks!" Flitwick called to them, followed by loud groans of annoyance.

"That was so funny!" cried Dorcas as the group went along the corridor. Mary and Silvanna hurried to catch up, and Lily was pulled along too.

"Oh, who was doing it?" Mary asked, looking around for the answer. They watched as Peter raised his face to the ceiling and imitated a dolphin perfectly for them. It was rewarded with a ruckus of laughs.

"Well, I'm going to the library," Silvanna announced as they reached a stairway. "Anyone else?"

"I want to compare Transfiguration essays for tomorrow," Lily said.

"Yeah, I've got Potions revision to do," said Remus. "Which you two should be doing," he elbowed James.

"I'm a whizz at Potions," James said. "And Pads has his good looks to get by." He threw a pointed look at Silvanna.

"Tell me about it," she chimed in, which was rewarded with a wink from Sirius.

"I don't know why you entertain that," huffed Lily as the trio walked down to the library.

"Nor do I," Remus agreed. Silvanna scowled at him.

"I've spoken to both of you about it, and neither of you have budged," she said, lowering her voice as they entered their silent haven.

"Because we're right," hissed Remus, disappearing to find the textbook he wanted.

But the revelation of Peter's gift was not forgotten, and whenever Dorcas or Marlene happened to be around him, they demanded that he show them again, never once getting bored of exploiting it. Silvanna found it quite funny.

One thing that wasn't odd that term was their annual Halloween celebrations, which as always involved a lot of drinking, and a lot of music. The Beatles were less prominent this year, replaced by Bowie, but Silvanna was hardly complaining. Her highlight though was blindfolded spin the bottle. It involved sheepish pecks on cheeks, but also Lily got a snog she said was 'surprisingly good'. James was promptly removed from the room and Lily dismissed herself to bed. While Silvanna found it outrageously funny, no one seemed to remember playing spin the bottle in the morning, suffering from alcohol-related amnesia. She suspected Remus remembered vividly, but they weren't about to tell Lily, and especially not James, whose head would inflate without magical aid.

When December rolled around they were rewarded with a Hogsmeade visit. This meant briefly Christmas shopping, followed by spending the afternoon in the Three Broomsticks. Lily and Mary were somewhere, meeting Marlene later after her date with Dorcas, so it meant she was squashed between Remus and Sirius. One to keep up appearances, and one so she could have an intellectually stimulating conversation. It seemed like they were plotting something, and she was being deliberately kept out the loop.

The following Wednesday, Silvanna was paired up with Sirius in Potions, because Slughorn had taken to assigning pairs, much to her dismay. Fortunately, Sirius wasn't that bad and Slughorn had more sense than to pair up, say, Severus and herself. They were brewing a Muscle-Up potion, one of the cheese-based ones they could choose from that week, but also taking the opportunity to discuss their ongoing prank against her brother.

"Oops, he's looking," Sirius warned, before reaching under the desk. Silvanna forced out a giggle. "So, this is all well and good, but the rumours are starting again."

"Oh, I heard," she said, stirring their potion slightly before it curdled. "Mary was talking to Marlene at dinner the other day."

"So, I have a couple of suggestions," he began.

"They need to be more fine," she said, indicating the spinach roots he was slicing.

"Nothing can be as fine as me," he said, reaching out and tapping her nose. She took the opportunity to laugh loudly again, and briefly lean into him.

"How's everything over here?" asked Slughorn, wandering over.

"Very good, Professor," said Silvanna, and Sirius busied himself in slicing. "We went with the Muscle-Up potion, which seems to curdle a lot so we just keep stirring it."

"That might be because your heat is a little high," Slughorn suggested.

"But any lower and it won't activate the dragon's blood," she retorted.

"Quite right," said Slughorn, a small smile on his face. "Good work, both of you."

"I'd have got points if you hadn't been messing about," she hissed.

"Anyway," Sirius said forcefully. "You're coming with us to the Potter's over Christmas-"

"I've actually been invited to the Lupins," Silvanna said. "But thank you for the invitation."

"Alright," said Sirius. "But we're going to tell everyone you stayed over."

"Ohh," said Silvanna.

"Oh indeed," he said. "And then you're going to have a sleepover in our dorm in January."

"Fuck that," said Silvanna.

"We'll win you over," Sirius shrugged. "You can have Moony's bed-"

He was cut off when Dumbledore appeared at the door. "Good afternoon, Horace," he said jovially, peering round. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to take some of your students. I require a word with Misters Potter, Lupin, and Black."

"No problem," said Slughorn. "Boys, if you could move your cauldron to Silvanna's worktop," he instructed, and James and Remus obeyed. All Silvanna could see was a gloopy mess. "There we are, Silvanna I'm sure you can deactivate it?"

She could if she knew what it was supposed to be. "No problem, sir."

"See you later, stinky," Sirius whispered, pecking her on the cheek before he sauntered off with the others.

"A foot of parchment for each of the potions you didn't attempt!" Professor Slughorn called after them.

Silvanna vaguely wondered what they'd done, before getting to work on the two potions. After a few minutes, there was a bang across the room, a flurry of smoke, and a cry from Slughorn of, "Oh dear, Mr Snape!"

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