Chapter One-Hundred-and-Three

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Snape's Worst memory, and thus my favourite :)

It wasn't the same with Remus as it had been before. Silvanna supposed it never would be. It was a shame, she thought. James had taken it in his stride, and thus, so had Peter. The girls were back to normal. From the outside, Remus and Silvanna's relationship was the exact same as it had been before. From the inside it was awkward, and tense, and they just didn't click anymore. They did all the exact same things, i.e. studying in the library and berating the others with sarcasm, but something was still off.

The rest of the exams went okay, even Herbology. Astronomy went the best, as Silvanna knew it would. She was pretty much in bliss for an hour as she plotted the stars. It was a little chilly, but she'd wrapped up for it.

Defence came last, with the practical in the morning and the theory in the afternoon. She didn't enjoy that quite as much.

"Can you believe werewolves came up?" she asked Lily afterwards as they headed outside. It was a blissful day, and the sun was out with the birds twittering. Marlene and Mary were up ahead with Dorcas Meadowes, trying to find a good spot by the lake. No more exams. Just peace. "I mean, that's a NEWT level topic."

"Bet you found it easy though," said Lily with a smile. "You definitely revised it."

"Well, yes," said Silvanna. "But that's not the point-"

"Oh, stop with your whining," said Louisa as she came up behind them. They'd reached the lake edge by now, and the three others looked up at them. "You have finished and now you are free! And I have been so bored without you! We have so much to do! And I have only two weeks before I go back to France."

"What do you want to do then?" said Mary, as Silvanna sat on the edge of the rock and peered into the lake. Maybe she could dip her toes in, have a little splash...

"Looks like Potter and Black already have the right idea," said Dorcas. Everyone followed her gaze to see them in the centre of a crowd, wands drawn and laughing.

"What d'you think they're doing?" asked Mary.

"Dunno," said Marlene with a shrug. She leaned onto Dorcas's shoulder, and Silvanna felt the sudden urge to look away. "Looks like fun though."

"Wash your mouth out!" came James's voice floating down with them.

"Oh shit," said Dorcas, "It's Sna-"

But Lily was already tearing up the grassy bank towards the group. "Shit - Lily, no - just leave it-!" Silvanna scrambled after her, bookbag discarded, but Lily was managing to get up the slope quite a bit faster than her. Merlin, Silvanna was already out of breath.

"Leave him alone!" Lily ordered, prefect voice turned on. Silvanna came up behind her to see her brother on the floor, soap bubbles pouring from his mouth. She let out a little snort only to be elbowed in the ribs painfully by Lily.

"Shouldn't you have used it in his hair at least?" suggested Silvanna to Sirius, who was nearest to her. "Be doing us all a favour really..." She trailed off to bouts of laughter from the onlookers. Lily glared at her. "Sorry," she mouthed, holding her hands up. She wasn't really. She just didn't want Lily's wrath inflicted on her.

"He never did anything to you," said Lily. "So leave him alone."

"Go out with me and I will," said James, smiling cockily. Arrogant git. As if he thought he'd ever have a chance with Lily Evans when he behaved like he was twelve. "Go on, go out with me, and I'll never lay a wand on old Snivelly ever again."

"I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid," Lily retorted.

"Bad luck, Prongs," said Sirius with a grin. "Oi!"

It seemed Severus had found his wand. This caught even Silvanna unawares, but James was quick enough. He launched Severus into the air by his ankle, making him drop his wand on the floor once more. His robes dropped down, revealing a pair of grey-white underwear. Silvanna snorted with laughter.

"PUT HIM DOWN!" cried Lily, brining her wand out too.

"Alright, Lily, take a chill pill," said Silvanna, placing her hand on her elbow. "It's just a a laugh, that's all-"

"It's horrible," said Lily. "And if you find that funny then you're the problem."

"It's only because it's him," Sirius said reasonably. Silvanna nodded in agreement.

Lily ignored him. "Put him down," she repeated. James rolled his eyes.

"Only for you, Evans," he said with a wink. Severus dropped in a pile on the floor.

Silvanna sighed. "Dunno why you'd help him-" she began.

"I don't need help from Mudbloods like her," spat her brother. Silvanna didn't know how to react. According to Lily's reports, he'd never say that word, especially to Lily.

"Fine then," said Lily coldly. "I won't bother next time." And she turned and walked away.

"Oi, wait!" said James, looking furiously between Lily and Severus. "Apologise to Evans!" Lily held up her middle finger over her shoulder. Silvanna smirked, before remembering the matter at hand.

"What the fuck, Severus?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "You joining the Death Eaters next?" He didn't answer, pulling himself off the floor. The crowd was almost fully dispersed by now. Sirius and James were still watching him, wondering if they'd had their fun yet. "Answer then."

"Don't tell me what to do," said Severus.

"Well I wouldn't if I thought you were capable of thinking by yourself," snapped Silvanna. "You're as bad as Mulciber and Avery these days. And you deserve to be treated this way, you know that? Especially with the way you treat your so-called friends. You know, that's probably why mum died. Because she married a muggle, and people like you are to fragile to understand-"

"Don't you dare bring mum into this-!" he began, looking furious.

"Why not?" said Silvanna. "Can't handle the fact that it was your lot that killed her? Face up to it, Beaky - one day, you'll be doing to some poor kid what mum's murderer did to us. You're a coward, and you're a prick."

"That's enough, Silvanna," a gentle voice said from behind her. She turned to see Remus and Sirius stood there. The former reached out and put a hand on the back of her shoulder. Silvanna only now realised she was crying. "Let's sit down."

"Yeah, cheer up," said Sirius kindly. "We've finished exams."

"And you two can stay the fuck away from her!" said Severus. He aggressively took Remus's hand from her shoulder and threw it away.

Silvanna punched him. Hard. In the cheek.

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