Chapter One-Hundred-and-Fifty

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Good Morning! :)

She told Marlene the next time she saw her that the boys knew, apprehensively crossing her arms as she did. She knew that this would mean Marlene broke up with her, and she couldn't help but wish they'd lasted longer than a few weeks. But instead, Marlene pulled her hands away from her and wrapped her arms around her waist, brushing her lips against her cheek. Silvanna shivered.

"So what if they know?"

"They'll judge you."

"You think people don't judge me every day? You think people wouldn't judge me for being with you just because you're a girl?"


"I want to be with you Silvanna."

She began to kiss her, but she pulled away. Marlene frowned. "I don't want any trouble for you."

She smirked. "I love trouble." She kissed her again, but Silvanna's mind was still whirring. When she pulled away again, Marlene stepped back.

"Tell them you're trying to get close to me for Dumbledore," she said.


"Tell them Dumbledore asked you to get close to me." It'd even help solidfy the illusion she wasn't a spy, because it would show Dumbledore was suspicious of her. She was so clever.

"They won't believe it."

"People will believe anything if they want to," she reassured. "Now come here and kiss me."


As NEWTs approached, Silvanna found herself extremely busy, wrapped up with job applications, studying, and sneaking off to see Marlene. She didn't have to sneak around quite so much, just make sure nobody saw her. Especially any Slytherins.

She'd applied to a couple of jobs, but the one she liked in particular was a role of Gringotts: an entry-level Explorative Alchemist. It required strong NEWTs, so she'd need to revise hard, but Professor McGonagall had given her a lovely recommendation to go with it, so that would certainly help.

She didn't pay any attention to Quidditch, except when Marlene to her about it, so when she arrived in the common room on Saturday night to see a raging party, it surprised her, until she realised they must have won.

Smiling, she headed towards the steps to their dorm, when there was a torrent of screaming and cheering. Near the centre of the room, stood on a table so that all could see, James and Lily were snogging. Around their legs were the heads of the other seventh years, bobbing and high-fiving, and their laughter drifted over, drowning out all the music. That was the only sound she cared about hearing.

They broke apart, smiling sheepishly, and she pushed her tears away before hurrying up the stairs. She thought about getting ready for bed early, but pushed the window for a moment, leaning out.

Gryffindor tower was a lot taller than she'd thought.

What would happen if she just jumped? Could Dumbledore persuade Sirius to take her place? They could probably knit some story about a greiving ex-boyfriend going back to his family? The Blacks might buy that.

Her flight would probably kick in though. Or maybe it wouldn't-

"Silvanna?" She wiped her tears away again, before facing Marlene with a forced smile. "Are you alright? I saw you crying."

"Fine." Her voice cracked. "Just NEWT stress."

Marlene smiled and made her way to lean out the window, draping her arm over her shoulders. "Tell me about the stars."

"The stars?"

"I didn't pay attenetion to astronomy, you know that."

Sighing, she turned her attention upwards. "Well that one - that's Uranus."

"I said the stars!"

"Alright! That's the Virgo constellation there - and it's brightest star, just at the bottom? That's called Spica. It's actually two stars but they're so close together that you can't tell-" She turned to Marlene, who was staring at her. "Do you see? Just there."

"You're beautiful."

"So are you."

Marlene kissed her, but pulled apart, breathing deeply. "However, you can't distract me from your tears. What are they really about?"

"I want to tell you." She could feel them forming in her eyes again, and Marlene cupped her face with her hand. "But I can't."

"You can tell me anything."

"I don't want to put you in danger."

"I love danger," she breathed, her lips inches from her neck. How was she so good at making Silvanna shiver?

She swallowed. "I'm a spy for Dumbledore."

Marlene stepped back. "Really?"

She nodded. "He's using my position with the Princes to monitor the social circles - seeing if we can spot Death Eaters if they're absent from balls or dinners - that sort of thing."

"That's so sexy."

Silvanna blinked. "Not really. It can be really boring."

Marlene wasn't listening. She dived forward and began kissing Silvanna's neck, deeply. "You're like James Bond."

"I must be dreaming," she quoted with a smile.

Marlene let out a sort of groan, pushing herself against her and kissing her lips. Silvanna kissed her back, but they pulled away quickly.

"Marlene?" Lily's voice drifted up the stairwell. "Did you come up here? Sirius says he wants to talk to you for some reason."

"On my way," she called cheerily. She left Silvanna with a final peck on the lips.


They didn't address the secret she'd shared at all, leaving time for other things when their meet-ups were so stretched. Revision was constantly on everyone's minds, especially when people began to hear back from jobs. She recieved a couple of rejections, but one letter stood out in particular; Gringotts wanted to interview her in the first week of June!

Buzzing with excitement, she headed off to Transfiguration, her spirits lifted. How brilliant would it be to spend her days doing alchemy, and her nights reporting for Dumbledore? She supposed she ought to write to Evelyn, although they knew she was applying for jobs.

Her thoughts were cut off as she approached the classroom, only to see a crowd gathered around the entrance, Professor McGonagall at the centre.

The boys were yet to successfully prank McGonagall, the disasters of their first attempts still not forgotten. But today it seemed they'd filled the classroom with colourful balloons again. She laughed, remembering the effort they'd put in last time only for McGonagall to vanish them.

Again, she barely blinked before vanishing them and walking into the classroom. There was a wave of giggles, probably at the boys, and everyone followed her in.

As soon as Silvanna took her seat, she saw why everyone was laughing, and let out her own loud laugh. The balloons had not vanished, but had instead shrunk and reapppeared on her head, styled throughout her hair in little clips.

"Does something amuse you, Miss Snape?"

She glanced at the boys, and caught Remus rolling his eyes at Sirius, who had his usual glare on. She turned coolly back to McGonagall.

"No Professor."

They looked astounded, but she caught what Sirius and Remus said to Peter: "She's just scared we'll spill her secrets."

She did note James stayed behind to correct their prank; having McGonagall like that wasn't particularly fair after all.

For the first time ever, she admired James Potter's maturity.

Silvanna Snape {Marauders}Where stories live. Discover now