Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eighteen

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 GUYS I MOVED INTO UNI!!! I'M A REAL-LIFE ADULT!! And that's why I've been so busy I'm so so sorry :(

 While Christmas at the Lupins was as magical as Christmas at Hogwarts, Silvanna decided it was best for her to stay out the way. Remus had mumbled an apology to her on the train ride home, saying something about his dad working a lot, so whenever Mr Lupin was around during her stay she kept to her room, wanting to give the family some time together.

 She wasn't the only one having this problem. Sirius had actually written to her, voicing his complaints of being an intruder and asking her to come and visit. Silvanna very much doubted that's what the Potters thought of him, but she knew how he worried when it came to their approval. Probably in the same way he used to seek approval from his own parents.

 Eventually on Christmas Eve, Silvanna complied and wrapped up to go on a walk around the Potter's estate with Sirius. Remus looked at her funny when she crossed the living room to get to the fireplace. "Why are you going to see him?" he asked, frowning. "That wasn't part of the agreement."

 "What agreement?" asked Hope, looking up from her book.

 "Oh, nothing," said Silvanna, casting an annoyed glance at Remus. He rolled his eyes and returned to his Transfiguration revision. "I said I'd help him with Transfiguration if he helped me with Charms but now he needs help with Potions."

 "Potions?" asked Hope. "I thought James's dad was good at that?" She directed her question at Remus.

 "Yeah..." Remus began, looking to Silvanna instead.

 "Yeah," said Silvanna. "Sirius said he was busy with stuff for Dumbledore - I'm not sure." This was a complete lie of course. Maybe Fleamont Potter was busy for Dumbledore, but Silvanna certainly didn't know.

 "You'll be careful, won't you?" asked Hope as Silvanna took a handful of floo powder. "You've got your wand?"

 "Yes, Hope," said Silvanna with a warm smile. "See you later." She stepped in to the fireplace and span through, hot air rushing through her hair. She stepped out just as a pair of robes whipped around the corner in front of her. A head appeared moments later, back into the room it had clearly just left.

 "Oh," said Euphemia Potter, smiling widely as she saw Silvanna. "Hello, dear - sorry, I'm a little busy at the moment - guests coming, that malarkey - I suppose you're here for Sirius?"

 "Uh - yes," said Silvanna, startled by how lively she was. When she'd last been to the Potter's she'd sensed an environment of stillness and calm. Now it seemed like everything was buzzing, including Mrs Potter.

 While she'd pondered this, Mrs Potter had sent a silvery wisp shooting up the stairs behind her, and hurried away. Moments later there was a thundering sound on the stairs and Sirius appeared, hair perfect, wand between his teeth, and wrestling with his twisted cloak. He paused said wrestling and hastily grabbed her by the arm, steering her swiftly out the front door.

 There was a man there, with a twisted face and a wooden leg. Silvanna stared at him. Sirius stood very still. "Can we help you?" asked Silvanna.

 "Sirius Black, isn't it?" the man asked, looking Sirius up and down. Silvanna took a fraction of a step in front of him.

 "What about it?" asked Silvanna. The man turned to her instead.

 "Who are you?"

 "Silvanna," she said shortly.

 "Yes, I know you too." He paused, and looked back to Sirius who now had his cloak on and had taken his wand out his mouth. "I'm here to see Euphemia, if you don't mind."

 "Who are you?" Silvanna said, repeating his own words back to him.

 "That's Alastor Moody," Sirius whispered in her ear. Silvanna didn't know who that was, but she recognised the name. Sirius made him sound important.

 "Right," said Silvanna with a frown, looking him up and down. What did he want with Mrs Potter? And how did Sirius know him? And more importantly, how did Moody know her? "Sorry." She shuffled to the side, and Moody stepped forward and knocked on the door.

 "Let's go," Sirius hissed in her ear. They scurried down the front steps, and the pair of them glanced up and down the frosty street and into the gloom.

 "I'm not sure this is safe," said Silvanna softly as Sirius led the way. "I thought we were just walking around the gardens?"

 "I didn't want to," Sirius muttered as they began their walk, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it with his wand. Silvanna couldn't wait to be old enough to do magic outside of school. "Bored of the gardens."

 "Bored of James too?" Silvanna asked.

 "Nah, I could never get sick of Prongsie," he said with a grin. "Just remembered that you said you'd do my Transfiguration revision for me."

 "How would I do that?" scoffed Silvanna, turning to see his streetlamp-ignited face. "And anyway, it's your own fault - I told you to come to Remus's-"

 "I'm not going to Remus's," Sirius said shortly.

 "Why not?"

 "Don't feel like it."

 "Bored of him too?"


 "Then why? Have you had a fight?"

 "No, I just don't want to."

 They walked in silence for a few paces. "If you've fallen out-"

 "Did you bring lipstick?" Sirius interrupted.

 "What-?" Silvanna began, "Yes." She rifled through her pockets, trying to find it as Sirius dropped his cigarette on the solid grass and smothered it with the toe of his boot. Eventually Silvanna pulled her hand from her pocket triumphantly, presenting the small tube she'd been looking for. "What did you want it for?" she asked as Sirius took it from her and looked at the shade. Bordeaux red, courtesy of the shopping trip she'd taken in Hogsmeade.

 Sirius inspected it before bringing it to the corner of his mouth and placing a tiny smear there. "For Effie," he explained. "Can't have her getting suspicious."

 "Hope's already suspicious," Silvanna said, scuffing her foot on the ground. "I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this up."

 "We need to do something big when we get back to Hogwarts," said Sirius. "Something no one expects."

 "I'll do the sleepover but I want my own bed," Silvanna demanded.

 "You were always doing the sleepover," said Sirius with a grin. "No - something bigger. Something believable."

 "What about..." Silvanna said slowly. "What if we trick the boys?"

 "They'd see right through it," Sirius said immediately.

 "I'm not so sure," said Silvanna. "A few letters - a confession to James - I'll speak to Remus about you until it gets suspicious - then ask me out."

 "It won't work," Sirius persisted.

 It did.

 Silvanna's conversations with Remus were a hit, with him saying: "He really doesn't fancy you Silvanna, you need to be careful." Silvanna didn't go as far as pretending to be hurt by his words knowing that would be too far. And besides, they'd already convinced him. They even convinced the ever-suspicious Hope after she handed Silvanna her second letter of the day on New Year's Eve when the Potter's cancelled their dinner. And according to that letter, James was convinced. Now all it would take was everyone else.

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