Chapter Thirty-Four

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McGonagall gathered them round as the final group arrived, aware that none of them had been to an International tournament before. "It's all elimination," she explained as though they were just in Transfiguration as normal. "Which means if you lose, you're out. The last victor is the winner, and their school gets the trophy.

"So, Ilvermorny, the Americans, are over there in the navy and cranberry." They peered over at a group of two witches and two wizards, who looked just as nervous as they felt. The group in periwinkle blue were Beauxbatons from France, and of course there were the Castelobruxo students themselves. Durmstrang from Scandinavia were in deep red robes, and Silvanna learned that her first game was against one of them. She suddenly felt very nervous - they looked like they could snap her in half.

Koldovstoretz were already dominating the room, and the individual groups kept shooting whispers at them. Mahoutokoro from Japan were in robes of light pink, except one student whose robes were gold. And finally there was Uagadou from Uganda in bright blue and yellow.

Brandon lost his first game to Ilvermorny, but Henry beat his Castelobruxo opponent, which put him into round three. In round two, McGonagall showed Silvanna to a desk with a gold plaque that had a number seven on it. "Good luck," she said, before going and standing with Henry and Brandon.

Karlsson, was a large, heavy browed boy, who looked to be about sixteen or seventeen. He gave Silvanna a small smile, which she returned, but they played in silence. Hannah was sat at the table behind them, and she could just about see the dimples on her forehead if she leaned to look over Karlsson's shoulder.

Silvanna hated having people watch her, and she spent quite a while deliberating over her moves. Being able to see Hannah offered her a fair bit of comfort though. Karlsson was very good, but whenever he took out one of her stones he seemed to expose himself, leaving him open to attack. Eventually Silvanna won, taking out two of his with one of hers. They shook hands, and she noticed that his was very clammy, before heading back to where McGonagall was stood. "Well done!" whispered the stern witch, surprise in her eyes. "That was very well done." Henry and Brandon quietly congratulated her too, and a short while later Hannah joined them, beaming at her own victory against Beauxbatons.

Eventually the final game (Castelobruxo versus Mahoutokoro) was won, and they were ushered out and into an adjoining classroom, where the desks had been laden with food. Silvanna grinned - she was starving. She helped herself to a kind of fish stew, which was very spicy, so she had several glasses of water too.

"So," said Professor McGonagall, looking down at her pamphlet. "Sallow, your next match is table three, Koldovstoretz."

Hannah grimaced. "Good luck," she said to Henry with a small smile.

"Quite," said McGonagall. "Finchley, you're also against Koldovstoretz, table six." Silvanna thought Hannah might be sick by the look of dread on her face. "And Snape, you're table eight...also against Koldovstoretz."

"Merlin's beard!" said Henry, looking aghast. "It's jinxed!"

"Must be," said Hannah. Silvanna wasn't too fussed though. If she lost, she lost. There was always next year.

"I'm sure you'll all do admirably," McGonagall scolded them. Her face fell. "Oh dear."

Before Silvanna could wonder what was wrong, a woman in smart grey robes appeared at their table, beaming down at them all. "Minerva!" she exclaimed happily, with a strong American accent of some sort. "How good to see you! And new students too."

They all smiled politely up at the woman. "Yes, we were just going for some fresh air before round three," said McGonagall, hastily standing up. The others quickly followed suit. "Poor Snape, she feels quite faint. Only thirteen...match against understand?"

"Oh yes," said the woman, grinning down at Silvanna, who shifted uncomfortably. She was not feeling faint. "You aren't Eileen Prince's kid by any chance?"

"Um, yes," said Silvanna, looking between the woman and Professor McGonagall. "Yeah, she's my mum." Why did everyone seem to know her mum?

"Oh, how fantastic!" said the woman, seeming delighted. She clapped Silvanna on the shoulder and she flinched away. "I remember when we used to meet at tournaments. Quite some years ago, let me tell you-"

But she never did get the chance to tell her, because the next moment they were ushered back inside the first room. She took her seat at table eight, next to the one she'd been at before, and feeling far more comfortable on a full stomach.

The Koldovstoretz student didn't even smile at her as he sat down. In fact, she wasn't sure if he even knew she was there. But when the bell rang out, he made his first move.

Silvanna could see why everyone had been so worried about playing against them. He was completely ruthless in his gameplay, and hardly spent any time deliberating over his moves. His confidence was quite unnerving.

Out the corner of her eye, she watched as Henry's match ended very quickly, and he went back to McGonagall, looking disappointed. Hannah joined him shortly after that, but Silvanna's game was barely halfway done.

And then, by some small miracle, he left two of his stones open to attack. Had he noticed? His face was a complete mask of calm, he looked almost like he was dead in his seat. Maybe it was a trap. She had already lost three stones. Biting the inside of her cheek, she took them out.

A whisper rippled round the room, and her opponent looked up at her, startled, before shaking his head. He took his turn, exposing yet another stone in his fluster. This time he did seem to notice, because his hands started fidgeting in his lap. Silvanna's heart leapt, but she couldn't get her hopes up yet.

She took his stone, and then another, and another, and soon she'd got rid of all seven. Beaming, they shook hands, and he mustered a small smile at her. There was a small, polite round of applause as they got up, and Silvanna noticed that there was only one game left going.

"Very well done, Snape!" whispered McGonagall, tapping her lightly in the back of her shoulder. She looked genuinely pleased for once.

"That was incredible, Silvanna!" hissed Hannah, wide-eyed and grinning. Silvanna thought her chest was going to explode with pride, and she bit the inside of her cheek, quite excited for her next game.

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