Chapter Fifty-Seven

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After two weeks of the castle sitting completely still, the hundreds of students returned, and it buzzed with magic and chatter as usual. The boys holed themselves up in the library with their books, Lily could be found either glued to Severus's side or laughing with Mary and Marlene, and Silvanna buried herself in her schoolbooks and wider reading.

In the evenings, on the music corridor, the stillness of the castle was found once more, and Silvanna again found herself leaning against a windowpane, Daniel's body pressed against hers, their lips intertwined, as moonlight streamed through. Sometimes the moon was so bright it was a wonder why they even had daytime. Daniel said it was romantic. Silvanna wondered if that affected any of the key Astronomic principles.

Silvanna's birthday passed, proving to be one of her best. James tried to persuade everyone to crack open some firewhiskey again, but Silvanna assured him that was the very last thing she wanted. Remus bought her a book about a mystery around some lost treasure. Daniel also bought her a book, this time about Charms theory. And from home, chocolate. As soon as she opened the latter, Remus looked at her and then quickly looked away.

Silvanna grinned. "Would you like some, Remus?" she teased, waving it in front of his face.

"No," he mumbled, picking up his coffee, only to find it empty.

"Are you sure?" asked James. "'Cause you look like you do."

"You can have some if you want," said Silvanna, watching carefully for his reaction. His head snapped back to her, only to narrow his eyes with a small smile when he saw the mischief on her face. "Eat your heart out," she said, throwing the bar across the table.

"I only want one square," he said, "Get me through Charms." He popped a piece in his mouth and smiled a little. "Maybe two." He broke off another square and handed it back to her.

Peter shook his head in disbelief. "Even I can't eat chocolate that early in the morning."

"Yeah," said Sirius, "But Moony's superhuman."

"Sit on it," said Remus with a grin, climbing to his feet as the bell went for Charms.


Silvanna stepped through the portrait hole, her vision polluted by the scene of Marlene and Sirius all over each other on the nearest sofa. James and Peter were sat at the coffee table near them, and it was a full moon, so obviously Remus wasn't present. They waved her over and she sat with her back to the lovebirds, trying to ignore the sounds floating from their direction.

"Loving the good representation of our house," she drawled as she sat down, pulling out parchment to write to Jim, and nodding to the pair of them.

James and Peter chuckled. "We need some help with Charms," said James, frowning and pointing at a book in front of him.

Silvanna was surprised. "Wow," she said. "Homework's not due until Monday. I was expecting you to leave it until at least tomorrow."

The sound of Marlene and Sirius breaking apart rang through their ears, and Peter and James looked up expectantly. Silvanna turned around reluctantly. "You're back early," said Marlene, glancing at the clock. "What about Daniel?"

"Oh, he's started revising," said Silvanna. "Actually, he's been funny since Christmas..." She trailed off.

"Talk about it later?" Marlene offered with a kind smile. She adjusted herself on Sirius's lap.

"OK," said Silvanna with a shrug. She wasn't that bothered. It was more the principle of it. Marlene turned back to Sirius, and they engaged once more. Silvanna hastily looked away. Why did it still make her so uncomfortable after all the time they'd been together?

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