Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twenty

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 The first week back at school was so chaotic that Silvanna sometimes had to remind herself she was in a relationship, which was odd because she and Sirius had grown used to each other's company by now. The Transfiguration exam wasn't until Thursday morning, giving everybody plenty of time to get some practice in. Silvanna had taken to dragging Sirius to the library with her, Lily, and Remus, which meant James had to come too, and therefore Peter. Unfortunately, James seemed to think he was immune to failing so spent his time distracting everyone, spurred on by Peter.

 On Tuesday evening, Marlene joined their group too, tactfully placing herself between Peter and Lily, and opposite Silvanna and Sirius. Silvanna had deliberately cosied into Sirius's side, where she was perfectly placed not only to correct him, but also reinforce their relationship status. "How's it going?" she asked the group, who hummed in response, and elbowing Lily who was glaring at the far end of the table where James was using his wand to fold parchment into flowers. They looked suspiciously like lilies.

 The revision group was going well enough though, and Silvanna knew Sirius would at least pass. He was a very good wizard when he applied himself, and for a long time transfiguration had been one of his strengths.

 As the library closed and the Gryffindors headed to the common room to carry on their studies, Marlene caught Silvanna's arm, pulling her away from where Sirius and the boys were making each other levitate through the halls. "Oh, I've missed you, Silvanna," she said, grinning and resting her head on Silvanna's shoulder. Lily and Remus veered off to the left, waving goodbye as they began their prefect patrols.

 "Yeah, yeah," Silvanna dismissed, smiling, "How's things with Dorcas?"

 "They're doing good, yeah," said Marlene. "Look. This NEWTs thing is a little bit harder than I thought, and you did such a good job with Peter-"

 "Are you talking about me tutoring him in Potions?" Silvanna asked, watching up ahead as Sirius dropped him on his arse. She laughed a little with Marlene.

 "Yes," said Marlene. "I know I only want to do quidditch after school - and that takes up so much time - but I still want to do well. And I can't have David out-doing me, can I?"

"He's only in second year!" Silvanna exclaimed with a laugh. "But I know what you mean," she added, thinking of Severus. What would she do to trump him in their NEWTs? Oh, how brilliant it would feel! "You can join our study group if you want? Lily and Remus definitely won't mind, and we can work together on stuff."

 "Oh, thanks, Silvanna!" said Marlene, squeezing her arm as they stepped through the portrait hole. "I really appreciate it."

 The night was spent with more Transfiguration, followed by stifled yawns as the younger years slowly traipsed up to bed. Sirius and Silvanna were well into their nightly snogging session before Lily and Remus returned, each slumping into the squashy armchairs by the fire. "Bloody third years," Silvanna thought she heard Lily mutter to herself over her shoulder.

 "Are you sure about this?" asked Sirius quietly into her ear, referring to their concocted plan. Silvanna hummed in response.

 "Oh pissing hell, will you two get a bloody room," scolded James. "Just because your longing moans are quiet doesn't mean we can't hear them!"

 The two broke away, grinning, as Sirius thumped James on the arm and Silvanna turned her attention to Lily and Remus, wiping around her mouth with her thumb. Both of them issued identical eye rolls - deliberately obvious so she saw them - making Silvanna smile wider. "How was patrol?"

 "Fine," they muttered, Lily staring at her notes and Remus flicking bits of parchment at Peter with his wand. "Confiscated a fanged frisbee," Remus added, digging into his pocket. "D'you want it Prongs?"

 Without looking up, Lily aimed her wand and blasted it to smithereens. Remus yelped and pulled his hand away, before sucking the tip of his burned finger and scowling at Lily. "You know we're supposed to hand those into McGonagall, Remus."

 Here was the opportunity, and Sirius and Silvanna seized it. They snuck upstairs as Marlene exclaimed, "Bloody hell, Lils!" and Mary began to giggle her pants off. They wouldn't be completely unnoticed, but that was the whole point, wasn't it?

 Sirius clutched her hand as he led her up the winding stairs to the dorm she'd only been in a couple of times before. It was as untidy as ever, but relatively clean, and it now smelt like cigarettes. Speaking of, Sirius had flipped the window open and already had one between his lips. "Best get your pants on the floor," he said with a wink.

 "I'll be keeping them where they are, thank you very much," she snapped, undoing her tie. "And I don't want the boys to see them, do I?"

 "Fair point," he said with a shrug. "Got to preserve some of your dignity, even if you are dating an utter scoundrel."

 Silvanna smiled to herself. "Got some spare pyjamas?"

 "In my trunk." Obediently, she rifled through the trunk at the end of his bed, eventually pulling out an old Weird Sisters t-shirt and some muggle sports bottoms. They'd do, although she couldn't think where he might've got them from. She headed into the bathroom and swirled some mouthwash around her mouth, before washing her face and promising herself she'd brush her teeth extra hard in the morning. Sirius joined her to brush his teeth, and before she knew it they were pulling the curtains around his bed and charming them shut.

 She conjured a pillow and placed it firmly between them. Sirius raised his eyebrows at her in the wandlight. "And if you move it, or reach over, or whatever, I'll make sure that Mr and Mrs Potter know about it."

 "Alright, Snape, chill out," said Sirius, leaning onto the pillows and rolling over to face away from her. "And don't flatter yourself quite so much." She kicked him. He kicked her back, probably more gently. "How come it doesn't work both ways, huh?"

 "Shut up," she muttered, before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.

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