Chapter One-Hundred-and-Forty-Nine

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Talking had not been on the agenda behind the swan alcove after Quidditch practice. Nor was it before dinner, or on Saturday afternoon, or for most of the following week. In fact, they han't spoken about Silvanna's confusion at all, because with every kiss, every graze of her hands, every single meeting, she became less and less confused. She fancied Marlene McKinnon., She was attracted to her. She wondered how long she had been without even realising it...

Instead, they talked about themselves, Quidditch, the books Silvanna was reading, all the drama. James and Lily were dating now, and it was completely perplexing how Silvanna hadn't noticed it, but she supposed she was terrible at seeing things she didn't pay attention to. She couldn't believe it, but was extrememly happy when she found out. And Mary was still writing to the Cattermole bloke who graduated last year, and he always came to Hogsmeade during the Hogwarts trips, and everyone thought it was all so romantic.

But each and every time they met up, she became more and more comfortable. When she was with Marlene the whole world disappeared, the Princes, the Blacks, the war - everything. It was utter bliss.

When she'd been with Daniel, or Jim, and they'd gone a little further it had been pleasureable...eventually. But Marlene had this way of doing things that made her feel as though she were in heaven, like she was levitating as high as the clouds. And once or twice she had to make sure she didin't actually levitate. She trusted Marlene, but she didn't think she was ready for her to know that. Not if it might jeoprodise how things were.

They kept it a complete secret, just between themselves, although Marlene was convinced the boys knew.

"They're just winding you up, pretending they know something," Silvanna reassured her one drizzly afternoon. But her mind couldn't help wandering to the map. What if they did know? Would they start to hate Marlene too? She couldn't put her friend through that. But a relationship built on such secrets? That didn't make her comfortable either.

Of course all this was put aside behind the swan tapestry. Because those were the times they were beautiful, not liars.


When February rolled around, the common room became scattered with the leaftlets that appeared every year, the ones that they'd poked through in their fifth year before tossing them aside. It was time to start applying for jobs. Although, the other Gryffindors didn't seem as excited as they'd been before. Whenever she passed them in the common room or the Great Hall, they were hunched together, whispering over articles in the Daily Prophet.

Her interview was on Thursday, so after lunch, instead of heading to her free period, she made her way to Professor McGonagall's office. It was exactly the same as all the other times she'd been there, but Dumbledore hadn't made an appearance today. She couldn't tell if she was relieved or not; it would've been nice to talk openly with him without being watched.

"Hello Snape, have a seat." She obliged, declining the biscuit. "So then - have any careers in particular cuaght your eye? I know that your grades in Alchemy are exceptional, perhaps something along those lines?"

"I think we ought to take other factors into account," she said carefully. "The war won't be ending anytime soon."

McGonagall didn't look surprised. "I guessed as much. I took the liberty to speak to Professor Slughorn about young ladies of your background and he thinks it's perfectly suitable for you to work before marriage - although he also said you might be inclined to sacrifice your career later on."

"So the Princes would think it normal for me to get a job?"

"I would say so, yes."

"I do like Alchemy. Where might I use that?"

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