Chapter Twenty-Six

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I feel like I need to clarify that I don't like cheese and pickle sandwiches. If you're still confused google branstons pickle :)

The first week of term flew by, with Silvanna falling into her familiar routine gratefully. She hit the books almost everyday, ploughing through any and all muggle literature she could get her hands on. There were some very old books that looked interesting, but it was way too advanced for her, so she decided she'd give it a miss for a couple of years.

Silvanna wasn't the only one that was hard at work this year, oh no. Marlene of all people had been heading straight from her lessons and down to the quidditch pitch to train with James and Sirius. Mary often tagged along too, or sometimes sat in the stands with Peter and Remus, that latter of which tried to drag her out the library for the first time ever.

"Come on!" he whispered, smiling as they packed away their Charms homework. "It's loads of fun! And then we all go to dinner together!"

Silvanna narrowed her eyes. "And what do you do exactly?"

"I read my book," said Remus with a shrug. "But - get this - there's fresh air. Do you know what that is?"

"Git," she muttered, peeling apart the first page of a good-looking murder mystery she'd found.

Remus sighed, seeing he wasn't getting anywhere. "Bye then," he said, setting off to go and watch the others.

On Saturday, Silvanna, as always, spent her day cooped up in the library, ignoring Remus's playful warning at breakfast about 'vitamin d deficiency'. He did, however, come up after lunch, having got bored when he'd finished his book.

That evening Mary and Marlene came in after even Lily, who was usually last in, as she spent all her time with Severus. They were pink faced and breathless from the night air, and looked thoroughly worn out. "Silvanna?" asked Marlene, sitting up from where she'd collapsed into her unmade bed as Mary occupied the bathroom.

"Mm?" Silvanna responded, disinterested and absorbed in her book. The main character had just found another body, and was trying to chase down the masked killer, who was carrying a bloody knife. Perfect for a twelve year old.

"Pretty please can I give you a makeover?"

Silvanna dropped her book on her face, scrambling up as she did and folding the corner over. "What?"

"Oh, please," Marlene begged. "I wanted to do it all last year!"

Silvanna bit her cheek in thought. "What does it involve?" she asked hesitantly. Marlene clapped her hands, grinning. "I didn't say yes!" said Silvanna quickly.

"No, no," said Marlene as Mary left the bathroom. "I'd want to do your eyebrows, and I've brought extra blush and mascara for you-"

Silvanna stopped her there. "The eyebrows sound pretty permanent," she said, raising them as she spoke.

"Well, they are," said Marlene with a shrug as she headed over to the bathroom. "It'll look nice, I promise." She shut the door behind her, making Silvanna scowl. She tried to turn back to her book as she waited, but she was too distracted. Instead she began to make conversation with Lily, who was writing a letter.

"How's Severus?" she asked.

"Like you care," Lily snapped.

"Merlin, Lily," said Silvanna, holding her hands up. "Just trying to-"

"If you must know," said Lily, turning to her, "He spent the afternoon in the hospital wing because of the hex Black put on him at lunch."

"Oh," said Silvanna. This was news to her. "What hex?"

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