Chapter Eighty-Four

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Guess what guess what guess what??

I'll tell you at the end ;)

Potions with Peter Pettigrew wasn't bad at all. Silvanna had been working with some Ravenclaw all year - one of Daniel's old friends she thought - because Lily had adopted Louisa so early on and everyone else had been paired off since day one. So gone were the days when Silvanna had spent hours of her life chasing after Remus and Peter's mistakes. But honestly, Pete was a lot of fun to work with when he wasn't so stressed out.

"Right, so no I add the doxy eggs..." he said, while Silvanna finished checking over her astronomy essay that was due the next day.

"Oh, no," she said quickly, snatching them from his grasp. "What's in your cauldron?"

"Just fairy wings," said Peter with a shrug. He wrinkled his nose up, and nodded. "Fairy wings," he said slowly. "Yeah, no doxy eggs yet."

"Merlin, Pete, it's like you're trying to kill me off," said Silvanna, shaking her head and grinning while he ground up some dragonfly thoraxes. "Do you really dislike the Slug Club that much?"

"Yeah, you arrogant tossers," he said while he sprinkled them in. "Oh, it's gone blue. The recipe says pale green by now."

"How much did you add?" asked Silvanna.

"Five, like it said," he responded, double checking.

Silvanna glanced at the remaining thoraxes. "Yeah, that's not your fault, they're quite big. Just add some water if you add too much of something. Usually it's salvageable."

"Cheers," he said, perking up a bit again.

And so it went. Although, he was very insistent that the others didn't find out. "Why don't you just tell them?" asked Silvanna. "It's only me. It's not like it's a pride thing."

"My mum says not to ask for help if I can," said Peter, looking a bit downtrodden. "Don't want the lads to think the same."

"The lads," scoffed Silvanna as they reached the Fat Lady. "When did you get so unposh?"

"Unposh?" asked Peter, doing an extremely good impression of Sirius.


Silvanna had always thought that full moons were full moons, and they would just be the way they were forever. But when she arrived in the hospital wing after Care of Magical Creatures, it was to find Remus on his feet and ready to go, while a very disapproving Madame Pomfrey hovered around him.

"Get back in bed," Silvanna scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Not you too," whined Remus. "I'm telling you I'm fine."

"You do look it," said Pomfrey, inspecting him. "But I'm not sure I believe you."

"Is it something to do with the moon?" suggested Silvanna, aware the icing on the cauldron cake was melting in her pocket. "I could take a look if you like, Remus? See if there have been any other events where it's effects are-"

"Please, don't, Silvanna," said Remus, as Madame Pomfrey went back to her office looking very dissatisfied. "I promise, it's probably because I'm becoming full-grown."

Silvanna wasn't a Slytherin. She also wasn't a liar. But she was very, very, suspicious. "Sirius had this weird bite mark this morning-"

"What?" exclaimed Remus, stopping in his tracks.

"I knew it!" she said, whirling round and waving her finger. "What did you do?"

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