Chapter Thirty Six

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Stan Hope Lupin for clear skin :)

Also slight TW

They weren't back in no time. In fact, this summer seemed to be dragging more than ever. It was ridiculously hot, and Silvanna wanted nothing more than to spend her hours inside, but she knew that to do so at this point was basically suicide.

Her dad had been more furious than ever that Severus hadn't come home, and after spending a good hour screaming and hitting him, Severus had been banished to his room for the most part of the first weekend back. She would've felt sorry for him, had it not been for the fact that when her dad got angry, it didn't matter who it was with, everybody suffered. But, she supposed she was still his sister, and on Monday night, she slipped a bit of parchment with some healing spells she knew under his door.

The very first week of the holidays had been a full moon, and although he would never admit it, Silvanna could tell from Remus's letters that it had been a bad one. The heat combined with the moon had made him horridly sick in the days before and after, and he'd had all the usual injuries. She wondered if that was why his house was in the middle of nowhere, so that there weren't any people around to hurt.

The second week of the holidays, Remus went to Cornwall again, and this time he sent her a picture of him waving brightly on a glorious sunny beach.

Silvanna spent these first weeks mainly moping, being shouted at, reading and re-reading textbooks, getting punched, doing her homework, and winding her brother up about beating him in Potions. The latter was her most enjoyable activity.

"Only because you mentioned moonstone in your long answer and Slughorn gave you a bonus point for it," he snapped, whirling round as they reached the field. Silvanna felt very smug, and just shrugged in response. "Heard from Loony Lupin recently?" he asked as they continued their walk.

"Don't call him that," said Silvanna. "And yes, I have."

"Is he ill or something?" asked Severus. "I mean he disappears just about once a month! Not exactly a month though..." He trailed off, eyeing her carefully. Silvanna had twitched a little at the 'once a month' part, but she didn't think he'd noticed. "And I'd wish you'd stop hanging around with those stupid marauders."

Silvanna smiled; they'd be pleased the name had caught on. "They're not that bad-" she began.

"They try and hex me every time they see me!" protested Severus, looking perplexed.

"So do you," Silvanna pointed out. "And from what I hear, you've taken to hexing first years too."

Severus opened and closed his mouth in protest. "Don't!" he managed eventually. Silvanna crossed her arms, her expression neutral. "Oh, piss off!" he exclaimed, storming to the other side of the field to where Lily was waiting, long red hair cascading down past her shoulders.

The two weeks had not been wasted though, oh no. Silvanna felt very grown up, after her mum had taken her to get fitted for a bra. It was quite exciting, she thought, and now she was just as mature as Marlene.

On the third week, Silvanna received an invite to go and see Remus. She happily accepted, choosing to tell her dad the night before, in case he reacted like he had last time. It didn't go down well.

"What, you think you can just come and go as you fucking please?" he had yelled while she cowered into the wall, hoping it might absorb her.

"That's what you said last summer!" Silvanna had protested. That had really done it, and she went to bed that night with brand new lacerations on her back.

Still, the following day she was up bright and early, and made sure to wait outside for Mr Lupin instead of inside like last time. She was very pleased to see Remus, who it seemed was shooting up like a beanstalk, and was very freckled. He embraced her tightly, causing her to yelp out in pain.

"Sorry," he mumbled, scratching his brown hair. "I forgot."

"Don't worry," said Silvanna, picking a bit of her blouse out of where he'd pressed it into a sticky wound.

"Are you alright?" Mrs Lupin asked, frowning at her. Mr Lupin paused, halfway up the stairs to his office.

"Oh, yeah," said Silvanna. Hopefully Remus would take her into the garden soon.

"Are you sure?" asked Mrs Lupin warmly, moving Remus firmly out the way and coming closer to Silvanna. "We've got some good healing pastes that we order in for Remus."

"Mum!" Remus protested, but Mrs Lupin ignored him.

Silvanna bit the inside of her cheek. "If you're sure?" she said eventually. "I don't want to be a bother."

Mrs Lupin smiled at her, and sent Remus upstairs to tidy his room while she sat Silvanna in a stool in the kitchen. Unlike Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall, Mrs Lupin had no questions about where Silvanna had got them from. She simply cleaned, dressed and bandaged them, while making light conversation about her time at Hogwarts. She was very interested in her trip to Brazil, that Remus had told her a little bit about.

When she was all done, Silvanna and Remus went outside and into the shade, talking idly about what they thought their new subjects would be like. "And we can go into Hogsmeade now," Remus added with a smile. "That'll be nice." This was far from a comforting fact to Silvanna though. In fact, she was dreading it a little bit. Surely it would only enhance the fact that she had no money at all?

At lunch time, Mrs Lupin brought them out some sandwiches and lemonade as she had the year before, but this time she hovered around after. "Would you perhaps like to stay the night, Silvanna?" she asked, smiling down at her. Silvanna opened her mouth to politely decline, but Mrs Lupin only talked more. "Lyall would be happy to write a letter to your parents, really it's no bother."

"Come on Silvanna," Remus said, a large grin on his face. "It'll be loads of fun! We can do Astronomy together and everything!" She bit the inside of her cheek. That did sound good...

"OK then," she said nodding. "Thanks, Mrs Lupin."

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