Chapter Sixty-Six

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Guys I came out to my mum! She's a little bit shooketh, but she took it really well! Have a lovely day :)

Silvanna knew that the last day of term meant two whole months at home, potentially without seeing her friends. And she felt horrid about it, she really did. But this summer would be different, or at least she hoped. For one thing, Lily had warmed up to her a little more, but Silvanna couldn't help but think once Avery and Mulciber were out the way, Severus would be back to haunting his ginger obsession.

But she also had the definitive promise of not only meeting her grandparents, but also spending time away from home, so that was a major bonus. And then there was the fact that she'd be seeing Jim again - she'd actually quite missed him. And their house was on the Floo network now, so she could see Remus whenever she wanted. Provided she had permission from Mr and Mrs Lupin, of course.

Silvanna couldn't help but think that this unusual cheeriness - which was not reflected by Sirius or Severus - was down to their exam results. She was sure she'd done abysmally. She'd been certain. But so, it seemed, had everyone else, and her hard work had paid off after all.

She'd earned her top spot back in Astronomy and in Transfiguration, which she was particularly pleased with. Joint top in Potions with Lily, who was more than happy to share the spotlight. She'd done well in History and Defence, and her marks in Runes and Arithmancy were pretty good. Room for improvement in Creatures and Herbology, but no one was perfect.

But as the train rolled away from Hogsmeade station, Silvanna couldn't help but worry. Not about going home - she'd find ways to cope - but the notable absences of James Potter and Sirius Black.

"Should we not have a look for them?" said Silvanna tentatively. Remus shrugged nonchalantly and delved deeper into his book, and Peter only briefly looked up from his chocolate frog cards.

"I'd just leave them be," he said with a shrug.

"But - they're literally not here," said Silvanna as the train picked up speed. "And we're leav-"

The two boys cut her off, barrelling through the compartment doors. "Right, Snape, out," said Sirius, jerking his thumb in the direction of the door. Silvanna folded her arms and raised her eyebrows.

"We mean it," said James. "Emergency Marauders meeting."

"Boys only," added Peter.

That sent Silvanna over the edge. "I think you'll find I was the one who saved the compartment, so if you want your meeting so badly you can have it outside like first years." The three of them looked at Remus, who folded his book away with a tired smile.

"How important is it?" he asked James.

"Extremely," said Sirius.

"Please, Silvanna?" asked James. "We'll let you have your boyfriend back afterwards, for good."

"Yeah, you can have your saddo library club back together after this," said Sirius, eyes glinting. Silvanna looked to Remus, who just shrugged.

"Fine," said Silvanna, grabbing her book and going to wait outside. "Five minutes."

She didn't even have to wait that long, and she didn't much mind, it was more the principle of it that bothered her. If they didn't want her company, why sit with her? But she was back inside in a jiffy, and all too soon, the train had trundled into King's Cross station for the summer.


Silvanna wasted no time in leaving the house almost as soon as she'd got there. After being shouted at by their dad ("I'll snap that owl's fucking neck if you even think about using it, you ungrateful freaks."), she scurried out the front door and headed straight to Crowpot Village Shop.

It wasn't open as such, and the sky was quickly darkening, but Silvanna unfolded her most recent letter from Jim anyway.

I want to see you as soon as you get back, but the shop'll be closed up by then. If you go round the back and use the tree to climb onto the storeroom roof, that back window's mine. See you soon!

Love, Jim x

Following his instructions, she went around the back and saw a small elm tree, but the branches didn't look too spindly. She smiled to herself as she climbed up and onto the flat shop roof, thinking about what Madame Pomfrey would say if she saw her actually climbing trees for once.

Peering through the window, she saw a large room, about the same size as her own, but it was painted a pale blue and had posters tacked to every wall surface. A hum of music came from inside, and there was a large pile of crumpled clothes towering on a chair nearby. Next to that was a lamp, which bathed the room in a dim glow, and on the same table was a spinning vinyl, blaring the Beatles.

Jim was inside, alone, and his door was closed, jackets and jumpers hanging in a lump off the hooks on the back. He was frowning down at some letter or something. Silvanna tapped lightly on the glass and he jumped, looking up, before grinning at her and hurrying over. He pressed a finger to his lips before opening the window. "Hi!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her. Silvanna jumped a little, but returned the embrace. "How was school?"

"You know how it was," scoffed Silvanna, "I wrote to you all the time."

"Yeah, well, polite to ask, innit?" he said with a careless shrug, still leaning out the window. "You coming in?"

Silvanna bit her lip. "Should I?" she said, frowning. "Only, your mum-"

"What she doesn't know can't hurt her," said Jim, stepping back and gesturing inside. "They're upstairs anyway. Can't hear a thing."

"Alright then," said Silvanna, sitting on the windowsill and sliding her way inside. Jim left the window open a crack to let some fresh air in. "Didn't know you liked the Beatles?"

"What?" asked Jim, tidying away his papers. "Oh, yeah. They're alright, I guess. My Dad's a fan." Silvanna nodded, still looking around. "Well sit down, then," he said cheerily, crossing his arms.

Silvanna rolled her eyes and looked around, before sitting back on the windowsill. "How's rugby?"

"Oh, yeah, good," said Jim. "I've signed onto a team for the next season."

"That's great!" said Silvanna, grinning at him.

"Nah, it's not, we're rubbish," said Jim with a. shrug. "Still. Getting my O-level results soon, but I'll have done rubbish. I'll probably hang around here, work at the shop."

"All the more time to see me then," joked Silvanna. "Do you know if I'm alright to have my job back for the holidays?"

"Oh, Mum can't wait," said Jim. "She hasn't stopped nattering on about you the last month. She'll be glad you're back."

"Oh, that's great," said Silvanna warmly. In truth she was quite looking forward to being back at the shop. With weekends at her grandparents, she'd hardly see her dad at all.

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