Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Let's play a game of am I still drunk from last night, or invincible to hangovers :)

Silvanna was leaving the greenhouses to go the library on the second Wednesday of term, hoping to get all her homework done. She knew she'd most likely have to hop back to it after dinner as well, because she'd had some from Charms, Defence, and Herbology, but she didn't much mind, because the subjects were interesting enough. And she was good at Herbology theory because it linked so well with Potions - she was just pathetic when it came to actual plants.

Electing to take a shortcut through a side entrance that led to the Transfiguration corridor she cut herself off from the rest of the class, who were chattering away, most likely about what was for dinner. A hand caught her wrist and she jumped, before whirling round, ready to knock their lights out. Growing up in Spinner's End had certainly given her excellent reflexes.

Unfortunately, this person had excellent reflexes too. They pushed her away before she could hit them, and she pulled her wand out, a hex on the tip of her tongue. "Oh," she lowered her wand. "It's just you."

"Just me?" asked Severus. Silvanna noticed that he had also drawn his wand, but decided not to address it. "Is that what you think of me?"

"No," said Silvanna stiffly. "I just thought I was being attacked. Be thankful I hesitated."

"Thankful?" repeated Severus. He was acting so strangely. "I should be thankful to you? You abandoned me all summer!"

"Oh, stop being so dramatic," said Silvanna, raising her voice. "I stayed at my friend's house a couple of times. And where were you, might I ask, the last two Christmases and Easters?"

"You knew he was going to be harsh on me-!" Severus began.

"Because you decided not to come home!" Silvanna interrupted. "You brought this on yourself!"

Severus looked furious. "You - how dare - ?"

"Go on," taunted Silvanna. "Form a sentence."



Silvanna blocked Severus's curse, but clearly he hadn't expected her to retaliate with her own because he was hit. He shrank to the size of a cornish pixie, and Silvanna heard a quiet, angry squeaking noise. She was quite impressed with her handy work, and so turned around and moved on. He could find a professor by himself, the slimy fucker.


"Please," said Sirius Black loudly as he entered the great hall for dinner, "Please tell me it was you that shrunk Snivellus."

Silvanna felt her face grow hot with embarrassment as Mary and Marlene gasped at her. "That was you?" asked Marlene, astonished.

"How did you hear about it?" Silvanna asked the boys as they took their seats next to them.

"Everyone heard about it," said Peter, looking at Silvanna with a new awe.

"One of the prefects found him trying to haul himself up the Grand Staircase," Remus explained, a sly smile on his face. "Alice Fortescue. So obviously the whole school knows."

"I can't believe I missed it," said James, looking disappointed. "It must have been amazing."

"It was," Silvanna admitted. "And it was on the ground floor, so he had to climb all those stairs." She told them all about how he'd ambushed her, and was mad at her, but what about she didn't mention.

"And you just left him?" asked Mary, wide-eyed and grinning. Silvanna nodded.

"Serves him right," said Marlene, attacking a roast carrot. "Did you hear he made that Hufflepuff cry?"

"Oh yeah," said Peter, "Him and Mulciber. First year, wasn't it?" The others all nodded in agreement, and Silvanna felt her insides bubbling with anger. Maybe she'd hex him again next time she saw him...


The September full moon came and went, hitting a weekend much to Remus's dismay. He took her advice and stayed an extra day in the hospital wing two weeks after that, and then there were two full moons in October, which Silvanna thought was rather unfair.

Halfway through October, the first Hogsmeade weekend was announced as the one before Halloween. James took this opportunity to ask Lily out for the first time, and it didn't end very well.

"Evans!" called James on Saturday morning, where he was waiting for Marlene before Quidditch practice. "Fancy going to Hogsmeade with me?"

Silvanna was so glad she was there to see Lily's reaction. "Fuck off, Potter."

"I'm serious!" protested James. The three boys burst out laughing and Lily scowled. "Come on, it's with me. You know it'll be fun."

Lily had drawn her wand, but James didn't seem to notice. She smiled at him, and James looked hopeful. But then she calmly flicked her wand and said, "Redactum skullus."

The spell hit James and he stumbled a little, his head shrinking comically into it was no larger than a muggle tennis ball. The common room burst into laughter, and Lily used this to make her escape.

Sirius, Remus, and Peter had fallen over with laughter, and so, feeling merciful, Silvanna took it upon herself to perform the counter-curse. "Re-" she began between chokes of laughter, "Reparifors."

His head went back to normal, and he looked around, shocked. "Blimey," he said, wide-eyed. "Thanks, Silvanna." He looked to the boys again. "Merlin."

"Hate to break it to you," said Remus, patting James on the shoulder. "But Evans really doesn't like you."

James just brushed his quidditch robes down and straightened himself up. "We'll get there," he said, more to himself than anything. "I'm sure of it."


The bell rang, and Silvanna hastily stuffed her notes into her satchel, eager to get to Defence so she could grab her usual seat at the back. Hufflepuffs were tricky to compete with with things like that. "And a reminder that your animaigi essays are due on my desk on Friday!" called McGonagall. "Three feet of parchment."

Silvanna was one of the first out the room, right behind the boys, and Severus and Lily. Sirius had his wand out, with James and Peter looking on eagerly, but Silvanna tapped him on the shoulder.

He jumped, whipping round to look at her. "I thought you were bloody McGonagall," he hissed at her.

"I know," she said with a smug smile. "I just wanted this one. I found this cool hex in the library, and I wanted to get him back for ditching Lily on Friday."

"I heard about that," said Remus. "Mary and Marlene were talking about it. They were supposed to be studying or something?"

"Yeah, and then he went off with Avery and Mulciber," said Silvanna, still eyeing her brother as he made his way down the corridor.

"I wouldn't have ditched her," mumbled James. "What does she see in him?" Sirius shrugged.

"Right, here we go." She did one last sweep for professors before raising her wand. "Tentaclifors," she hissed, and a purple beam of light hit her Severus squarely in the back. At once his head transformed into a squelching purple tentacle, and Lily yet out a yelp of disgust. Sirius let out a loud laugh and Remus chuckled.

"Does something seem off about Snivellus today?" asked James loudly as they passed.

"Hmm, maybe," said Sirius, equally loudly. "He's looking a bit off-colour, don't you think?"

"Maybe he's had a haircut?" suggested Peter, cackling with laughter.

"By Merlin, Pete! You're right!" exclaimed James, making the five of them burst into a fit of wheezes. The bell went and Lily scowled at them once more before guiding Severus away, much to the amusement of the surrounding students.

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