Chapter Eight

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Dumbledick: Hires a werewolf to teach a subject he's well-versed in
Wizarding World: What the ever loving fuck do you think you're playing at?

Slughorn: Invites a vampire to his Christmas party
Wizarding World: Chile...anyway, so

Two weeks into her first term at Hogwarts, Silvanna Snape discovered she was terrible at flying. Really quite abysmal. Fortunately for her, she wasn't the only one. Although it wasn't a standard she liked to compare herself to, she was a far sight better than Pettigrew, who trembled as soon as his feet left the ground, causing his broom to fly in a million different directions. Lily too, had never flown on a broomstick before, and was equally terrible. That cooled Silvanna's nerves a little, knowing Lily was good at everything else.

To her surprise, Lupin was actually quite average at flying, and could probably pass as
good if he ever put the effort in. But it didn't seem like something he particularly enjoyed, especially from the looks of his face when he landed.

Of course, Black and Potter were trying to outdo each other, but Marlene and a Ravenclaw girl called Dorcas Meadowes were hot on their tail, and having just as much fun. Mary had elected to hang back at Lupin's level, also perfectly happy to be called average and leave it at that.

She happily listened to Marlene and Mary talk about flying technique, while Lily complained it made her feel a bit sick. Silvanna rolled her eyes. "Merlin, Lily, we're going to dinner."

"Right," said Marlene, a hint of bitterness in her voice, "And?"

"Don't really want to talk about being sick?" suggested Silvanna.

"Good point," said Mary, nodding in agreement.

"But now I feel sick," complained Marlene, but her teasing grin gave her away.

"Oh, shove off, McKinnon," said Silvanna, also grinning as she barged her shoulder into her dormmate's.

That evening she came back from the library, having returned Peter Pan (she'd re-read a few bits) and eager to discuss it with Lupin as they sometimes did. But he wasn't there. She bit her lip and shrugged, deciding she didn't really care and reluctantly sitting with Marlene and Mary, who were scribbling away, hoping to finish their Defence homework before tomorrow.

"Silvanna?" asked Mary, her voice deliberately sweetened. "What did you put for number five?"

"I'm not doing your homework for you, you can sod off," she said with a smile, crossing her legs on the armchair she was sat on.

"Oh, come on," said Marlene, a smile playing on her face. "It's Mary's birthday this weekend! And it's the only one we haven't done."

Silvanna sighed. She'd found herself spending more time with real people instead of books, especially when the books insisted on poisoning her minds with ideals of love and friendship. She found herself wishing for a heart, just like the tin man. So, when the library had closed, and Lupin was galavanting with his friends, Silvanna turned to hers. Often to find them doing last minute homework. "What's the question?"

Mary grinned and Marlene began to read. "Is the spell, 'stupefy' considered a jinx, hex or curse?"

"A jinx is a bit of fun," she said, "A hex is intended to hurt, and a curse is to maim, kill, or seriously injure."

"So a hex?" volunteered Mary. Silvanna nodded and they wrote it down quickly.

"Right, and number six says-" Marlene began, earning a face full of cushion.

"Don't even think about it," said Silvanna with a grin.


The next day, Lupin wasn't at breakfast, but this wasn't unusual. He and the other three were usually late, and often skipped entirely because they'd overslept. Although, Lupin didn't normally have the same disorganised appearance, and Silvanna suspected he was only late because he waited for his friends.

She grew suspicious when Potter, Black, and Pettigrew each burst into Transfiguration ten minutes late, losing ten points from Gryffindor.  Lily was clearly mad at this, but Silvanna didn't much care. She only scowled when Pettigrew went to sit next to her. "If you think you can copy off me because you couldn't pull your fat arse out of bed on time, you've got another thing coming," she hissed. He swallowed, nodded, and found another desk next to some poor Hufflepuff.

Marlene giggled from in front of her and turned round. "Told him," she whispered, and Silvanna grinned.

"That's quite enough talking," called McGonagall, before turning back to the chalkboard.

Because Silvanna was so amazing, she carefully placed herself in front of Potter and Black in History of Magic, instead of her usual corner seat that Marlene and Mary had taken a liking to as well. This didn't go unnoticed. "What?" hissed Black, as Binns began his recap.

"Where's Lupin?" she asked.

"Who's the nosy one now, Beaky?" asked Potter. Understanding it was all in good fun, she grinned.

"I'm only asking so I can take him my notes," said Silvanna. "You know, so he can catch up."

"What's wrong with our notes?" asked Pettigrew from where he sat one desk over.

"You've not been listening to the lesson while we've been having this conversation," she retorted. "I, however, have been making notes of dates to look up in the textbook later."

"Fair enough," said Black with a shrug, leaning back in his seat.

"We dunno," said Potter. "He didn't wake us up this morning like he normally does."

"He's not your alarm clock," said Silvanna, rolling her eyes.

"Didn't come to bed last night either," Pettigrew pointed out. "Remember, because we couldn't plan-"

"Shut it, Pete!" hissed Sirius, throwing a crumpled piece of parchment at his friend. It missed.

"I don't even want to know," said Silvanna, turning back round. She whipped round once more, making Potter jump. "If you see him, tell him I've got his notes." Black nodded and, satisfied, Silvanna jotted down some key dates.

"Now, you'll remember from earlier in the year-" Binns began, and Silvanna bit her lip, frowning. She didn't need reminding about earlier in the year.  She hastily gathered her things and darted over to her usual desk behind Mary and Marlene, who were playing hangman inside the cover of Mary's textbook. She peered over.

"Acronmantula," she whispered, making both of them jump.

"Merlin!" exclaimed Marlene.

"Settle down!" called Binns, before turning back to his lesson as though there had been no interruption.

Marlene peered at the page. "Oh yeah," she whispered.

"Come on, that was easy," whispered Silvanna, quickly jotting something else down.

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