Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Eight

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I'm legit the worst at updating lol. Sorry, got COVID, had exams and then coursework. Anyways...

 Silvanna didn't dance. She never had, and didn't have any intention to. Until Evelyn suggested she take dancing lessons over the holidays, and then she agreed, because that's what she was there to do: say yes to things. So two through to half-three was spent in the ballroom, dancing with the instructor until her feet hurt. She was actually coming along quite well, she thought. She couldn't be any worse than Severus, who was also taking lessons. That thought alone was enough to get her through the holidays from hell.

 That and her letters from Marlene.

 They came every other day, and she sent her replies that same day. They spoke about all sorts: how their holiday homework was coming on, her dancing lessons, new muggle music artists Marlene had found, the absolute boredom that came with being away from Hogwarts - there were no bounds really. It was almost like she was right at Whitechapel with her. It was brilliant. And she didn't feel anywhere near as bad as she did during their 'study sessions', because who could see them? Unless someone rifled through her post, which she didn't allow because they were kept in a locked box in her trunk.

 She didn't see much of Severus. Apparently he spent a lot of time with his school friends, or Floyd or Quintin, learning about estate management or some other rubbish. Silvanna didn't mind, even though she was the eldest; why would she want this horrid place anyway? Maybe that was why Sirius didn't mind being formally disowned.

 Halfway through the holidays, Silvanna was writing the second-to-last paragraph of her Potions essay when Evelyn came barrelling, headed straight to Silvanna's wardrobe. She rolled her eyes, keeping her head low over her work. Evelyn had become very invested in Silvanna's clothes, and it felt like she was being fitted at Diagon Alley every third day, always coming out with evening robes, and dress robes, and hats, and gloves, and day robes... She didn't ,mind it all that much actually. It was a nice change, having tailored dresses instead of her second hand stuff.

 "Dinner tonight," Evelyn said as she flicked through some of the longer dresses. Sometimes, one got a sigh of approval and was laid out on the bed.

 "Yes," said Silvanna. They had dinner every night. So this one was going to be different, but why?

 "We'll have guests." Silvanna's heart almost stopped. This was it, she was sure, and so quickly. A Death Eater meeting. She knew it! And she'd have to learn all the names anyway - oh, Dumbledore was going to have a field day!

 "Oh yes?" she said, feigning disinterest.

 "Yes," said Evelyn, surveying her choices. She put back the silky blue one, leaving out the shiny purple one with embroidered rosebuds. "And - well, they haven't always liked you, not since - well, it doesn't matter. But you must be nice, and intelligent, and most importantly: regal."

 She turned to face her, frowning a little. "Regal?" she asked. "Who is it? Why don't they like me?"

 Evelyn sighed, and Silvanna noticed her features seemed heavier than usual, as though she was worrying. "The Blacks have invited themselves for dinner."


 Oh, Merlin's soggy bloomers, she was going to be sick. She was meeting Sirius's mother. Oh Merlin, she and Sirius only broke up recently! Fuck! Oh, she was going to curse her into the middle of next year - it's not like she wasn't capable of it. Shit.

 She attempted to take some deep breaths but this stupid contraption was restricting her lungs, so she resorted to crossing her arms and rapidly tapping her finger on the back of her elbow. She knew wizards were a little behind muggles but she hadn't thought they were still in the bloody dark ages. And then Evelyn whipped out a corset that had been hiding among her puffy ballgowns and all she could do was raise her eyebrows. And then bombard her with questions: "Am I supposed to breathe or-?", "How will I eat?", "Is this common? Oh, please don't make me diet-".

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