Chapter Fifty-Four

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It's time for some romancing *eyebrow wiggle* ;)

Eventually, Silvanna and Daniel had managed to escape the boys, although Daniel looked somewhat reluctant. "Your friends are so cool," he said. Silvanna rolled her eyes playfully; he was worse than Peter.

"They're not," she promised. "They're all dorks. I'm the cool one."

"You are, are you?" asked Daniel, eyeing her carefully. He certainly seemed more confident than when they'd first met up that morning.

"Obviously," said Silvanna. "Otherwise you'd have asked one of them out instead." He grinned and took her hand, to her surprise. Silvanna felt a blush creeping across her face, betraying her. Stupid face. Maybe she could say it was the cold.

"I've really enjoyed today, Silvanna," he said, and he sounded like he meant it. "Thank you for coming with me."

"Well," said Silvanna, avoiding his eyes. "I've had a good time too. Thank you for inviting me."

They walked in silence for a little while longer until they reached the castle grounds once more. "We should have a go at that Runes essay together," he said as their arms swung between them. "Do you want to meet up and do it?"

"Oh, yes please," said Silvanna. "I need all the help I can get. I'm normally in the north corner of the library. The bit overlooking-"

"The front lawns," Daniel finished for her. "That's where the Ravenclaw tower is. The library there's brilliant..." She listened intently as he told her all about the Ravenclaw private library, and the eagle knocker that asked them riddles.

When they reached the point in the castle where they went their separate ways to their common rooms, he turned to her, smiling. "Thanks again," said Silvanna. She really had had a lovely day, and Daniel had been such a gentlemen.

"It was my pleasure," he said with a shrug. He placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned forward. Oh Merlin, this was it. She'd been stressing about this the whole day. What did she do? Did she lean? Did she wait? It was so complicated and-

And then his lips were on hers. They were quite soft, and Silvanna worried for a moment that hers were too chapped. It was only a simple peck, but they both pulled away, smiling. "I'll-I'll see you later," Silvanna managed to get out, feeling like an idiot.

"See you," said Daniel, still smiling, his eyes sparkling in the light from the windows.

She turned and headed towards the common room, but had only turned the corner when she bumped into someone. "Oh my God!" hissed Mary, looking ecstatic.

"Oh, piss off," said Silvanna, pushing past the pair of them and grinning.

"She's so cute," said Marlene. "Look, she's blushing and everything."

For the second time that day, Silvanna stuck her fingers up. "Did you stalk me all day?"

"Pretty much," said Marlene with a shrug.

"We still want to hear about it, though!" added Mary.


Once again, Halloween fell mid-week. This didn't stop the fourth years from their usual celebrations though, no sir. In fact, James Potter even produced a bottle of firewhiskey for them all (Marlene clapped her hands excitedly) and Sirius brought his record player downstairs.

Silvanna hadn't had a proper drink before, and it was quite an odd sensation. She felt like she was having a very, very vivid dream, and like everything was of little consequence.

She definitely hadn't had anywhere near as much as the others. She wasn't sure about the boys, but she was certain Mary, Marlene, and Lily had just about as little experience as she did with it. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to be so careful. Lily pulled her muggle cards out, and it was someone's bright idea to gamble. Silvanna very much enjoyed this, and ended up taking quite a bit of money from her friends.

Somehow, and she wasn't sure how, Marlene and Sirius ended up separated from the rest of the group. When she next looked over, Silvanna saw them engaged in a passionate embrace, lips locked onto one another's.

"Oh," said Silvanna, looking away quickly and making Lily giggle.

"Go on, Evans," said James, shifting. "Why don't we give it a go?"

"Don't be a creep, James," said Remus, before looking to Silvanna, who was sat next to him.

"Those two making you uncomfy, too?" she whispered as Lily and James engaged in an insult battle.

"Yeah," said Remus, shifting again. He took another swig of fire whiskey. "Speaking of...seen much of Daniel recently?"

"Fuck off," she said, smiling lazily and looking round. Lily had now drawn her wand, Mary was gazing emptily into the fire, and Peter was asleep on a table.

"Well, according to Marlene-the-gossip-queen," Remus said, and she giggled at the nickname, "You two had a sneaky kiss after your date. And I saw him sneaking into your corner of the library yesterday."

"Still working on your project then?" she asked, taking the bottle of firewhiskey from him and pouring some more into her mug. She frowned and added some more.

"Yup," said Remus. "We're close, I can tell."

"I can hardly wait," drawled Silvanna, grinning teasingly.

Marlene let out a quiet giggle as Sirius said something to her that everyone else pretended not to notice. Lily hexed James to make him tap dance before storming upstairs. Peter started to snore. Pinball Wizard by Elton John finished playing.

Silvanna sighed and drained her drink, Remus following suit. "Boys for me, girls for you?" he suggested, climbing to his feet and offering his hand.

"I'd rather deal with counter-curses than crying," said Silvanna, unable to help but feel like she'd come off a lot worse. She hardly wanted to help Lily through her anger.

"I've got to wake Peter up," Remus pointed out. "At least Mary's completely out of trouble."

"Alright," sighed Silvanna. "I'm not taking Marlene upstairs though. I don't want to go near that." The pair of them looked over at the bundle of two on the nearby sofa. Wet kissing sounds could clearly be heard, and Silvanna could see Marlene's bare shoulder poking out from underneath Sirius. They hastily looked away, before rounding up the rest of their friends, stumbling a little themselves.

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